
Deal: Amazon also has the Nexus 6 for $150 off


Nexus 6 unboxed

Yesterday we were treated to a great deal on the Nexus 6 if you bought it directly from the Google Store. It was a $150 price deduction, which effectively made the device $500 and $550 for the 32GB and 64GB variants, respectively.

That same deal is now up on Amazon’s store front. This is great for those who might want to use Amazon store credit or have the luxury of getting cheap overnight shipping thanks to Amazon Prime. Be sure to head right here for the deal if you aren’t particularly fond of the Google Store.


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. These can be used with Project Fi, right? The part that makes me hesitate is the line:

    “Unlocked cell phones are compatible with GSM
    carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile as well as with GSM SIM cards (e.g.
    H20, Straight Talk, and select prepaid carriers). Unlocked cell phones
    will not work with CDMA Carriers like Sprint, Verizon, Boost or Virgin.”

    Since Project Fi uses TMobile and Sprint, that makes me hesitate, but I’m guessing that’s just generic wording from Amazon on all unlocked phones since I can’t find a different Nexus 6 that would be used for Project Fi

    1. Typically, unlocking refers to the SIM which isn’t used by CDMA (Sprint & Verizon use the SIM for LTE only). Access to CDMA networks is handled by the phone’s software which is why people tend not to migrate CDMA phones from one carrier to another as the new company would have to be willing and able to flash the phone with their software (MetroPCS would do this prior to the T-Mobile acquisition).

      In the case of Project Fi, connectivity to Sprint will be handled by the app that you’ll install and presumably ROM settings Google has already implemented.

      1. I just want to make sure I’m understanding you correctly since I’m thinking about dropping $1000 for 2 of these…yes, these specific phones linked on Amazon will work with Project Fi, correct?

        1. yes. There is only 1 Nexus 6 for all 4 US Carriers. This one will work for Project Fi.

    2. Considering that the Nexus 6 can be used on all US carriers (GSM or CDMA), I would say that the description is incorrect.

      1. Thanks!

  2. the site specifically says it can’t be used at Sprint. Same with Best Buy. Since there is only one variant, is there a way to buy one at Amazon or BB then activate with Sprint?

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