
Samsung’s idea for a dual-OS smartphone laptop dock includes using your phone as a track pad


samsung laptop dock patent 1

Samsung is thinking about making a laptop dock where a smartphone can double as the processing power for a full blown computing experience. That much was revealed in their latest patent, and even in a few that they were granted in the past.

The idea of laptop docks are nothing new — Motorola was doing this as early on with the original Motorola Atrix — but Samsung does stake claim to some interesting implementation details. The biggest is that the docking mechanism would allow you to use your phone as a trackpad for using a mouse, or as some sort of secondary display showing additional information.

samsung laptop dock patent 2

Samsung’s patent specifies a scenario where Android would run on the smartphone device, while the laptop would run Windows while the phone is docked. That said, Samsung is only using those two operating systems as a mere example of a situation where one might use dual booting so that shouldn’t be taken as a solid hint of future plans.

samsung laptop dock patent 3

In fact, the entirety of the patent shouldn’t be taken as hint of any plans. We’ve seen time and again that patents don’t always translate into actual products, so we’ll just have to wait and see if Samsung likes this idea enough to make something tangible out of it.

[via Patently Mobile]

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. I often miss my Bionic and lapdock. Whoever does this next gets my money for the foreseeable future.

  2. I would love this. I want a decent laptop, and a superb desktop. My vision for a perfect setup is nigh.

    1. I just want the phone to be my CPU. Then I want a BT keyboard and monitor(s) and use that as my desktop too. Better yet, my watch has enough computing power to do everything and I can have a phone/tablet/full monitor device that displays and is my UI.

      1. My perfect setup would be some decent laptop, preferably something like this dock. Runs Windows which will allow me to play some PC games while on the go.

        At home, have some overpowered desktop. Near my peripherals would be a wireless charging pad. Or better yet, my tablet would be docked here. I would use this tablet for quick glances on the internet while playing said PC game.

        I’m trying to get this set up with my meager laptop. LoL!! I just need a nice docking station for the Nexus 7 (2013).

        Gah!! I just made myself sad for not having the perfect setup.

        1. Yeah, our VP of Legal has a Surface Pro, that he docks at his desk. He has two monitors, plus the Surface. Does his work on the monitors and uses the Surface for instant messaging. It’s quite the cool setup.

  3. I am surprised that docking our phone into larger screens hasn’t hit yet. Moto, Asus tried it, failed.. keep trying, i have unlimited data on VZW and don’t want to pay for another device’s data, dock it, larger screen, done :)

  4. How can they be granted a patent for this… Didn’t Asus try this? So Asus didn’t have a patent?

    1. I think Asus patented putting a phone into a tablet and that was single boot OS.

      1. Yeah I am betting ASUS has the patent for docking a Phone into a tablet and the tablet into a keyboard. Wait if I remember correctly they licensed that patent from someone else. Hence why they were unable to do the keyboard dock after the first revision.

        1. that makes more sense… if they “licensed” this from “someone else”, was the someone Samsung?

          1. It was noit a well known company that ASUS licensed it from I just can not not remember who owns the patent tho.

            I want to say there is a reason they are no longer showing the 3 in 1 device like they did with the first device and it was due to them not holding that particualy patent.

    2. I’m assuming the laptop dock is actually a standalone laptop with an area to dock your phone.

      Once your phone is docked, you’ll be able to use the phone as a secondary display, or touchpad, from what it sounds.

      This is why they’re able to patent this. Asus’ device just extends the phone to a larger screen. The phone is no longer usable while in this state.

      1. True. Even their ridiculous Padfone V or whatever it was (the Windows tablet, laptop, Android laptop tablet phone thing) was not a “use phone at the same time” device.

        1. would you really want to use the phone while you are using the “laptop”. I’m just curious to see what the uses might be. I can totally see the use of phone as a touch pad. outside of that, maybe use it for stats, notifications, multi tasking.. not sure.

          I cannot believe Asus or as a matter of fact no one else patented this. I personally think this should have all been wrapped under the original patent. Same concept with added functionality.

          1. I’m not so sure, either. I was a big fan of the PadFone X’s implementation, tbh.

          2. Bluetooth headset for taking calls while you use the Laptop and charge the phone? Only real reason I can think of for docking the dang thing.;

          3. but shouldn’t that be native support? Ability to make calls and take calls, given that the cellular radio is enabled.

            In theory, it’s just an extension of your screen.

        2. You are thinking of the ASUS Transformer Book V

  5. Razer has a similar type display as a secondary display in their laptops.

  6. Samsung went full crazy. Never go full crazy. Ideas like this is why Samsung is kinda nutty in my book. They throw dozens of ideas out there while only a few make money or even end up being something that actually takes off. The rest just waste people’s talents, time, money and hard work.

    1. How is this crazy? I would love one.

  7. This seems basically a laptop version of Samsung’s already released “Galaxy Smart Media Dock” peripheral (which I own and use). I wouldn’t be happy to just use windows in laptop mode, due to the increase in price, and lack of functions for the android part of it. There wouldn’t be any point, as it’s just a pc, with limited connections to a phone.

    What is needed is for android to become either the only option (as with the Smart Media Dock), or one of two possible options (with Windows the other one).

    If that’s so, then I’d love one. It would keep me interested in the Samsung brand (providing the note 5 has removable battery and external sd support)

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