
You can officially buy the HTC One M9 in the US starting tonight


HTC One M9 DSC08389

After initially launching in Taiwan last week, we learned of HTC’s plans to make available their new flagship — the HTC One M9 — on April 10th here in the states, coincidentally the same day the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge hit the market. While it’s true, April 10th is the day the One M9 will be available in carrier stores, you can actually pick up the phone a lot earlier than that if you’re willing to pay full price.

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HTC announced today that they will begin selling the HTC One M9 directly from their site this Friday, March 27th. Sales will officially go live tonight at midnight 12:01 ET time but if paying $650 is too much right now, you’ll also have the option to finance the phone interest free for 12 months from HTC.

The HTC One M9 comes with HTC’s new “UH OH” Protection guarantee which allows you to replace the phone within 12 months after purchase date should any damage befall the device, or even if you decide to switch carriers down the road. If you don’t get a replacement during this time, you’ll receive a $100-off coupon for next year’s HTC One M10 just for being so careful.

For everyone else waiting around for carrier availability, you can pick up the HTC One M9 as scheduled on April 10th at T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T, or Verizon, and at retailers like Costco, Target, Amazon and Best Buy. HTC says carrier versions will also be available on their site if you’re looking to go that route, as well as new accessories for the M9 like their 2nd-gen HTC Dot View case or IP68 water resistant HTC Active Pro case. Head to HTC.com for more details.

If you’re still on the fence, you can check out our “Everything you need to know about the HTC One M9” post here, or a handful of reviews we compiled from around the net (international model) right here. As always, you can join the HTC One M9 discussion over on AndroidForums.com.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. SO tempting… but I must see the S6 Edge in person first. Then I will decide.

    1. I’m really tempted too man. Just picked up the note 4 though to replace my defective nexus 6.

    2. It’s definitely impressive. Especially the way it feels in the hand. A little difficult to grip because of the small metal rim, but it’s just so cool.

    3. Yes, I’d love to see it in person as well. I’m just sad I won’t be able to actually hold it since it’ll have that security thing.

  2. Chris which 2 would you buy or think about buying?

    1. Between Galaxy S6 and One M9? It’s tough to say…

      Galaxy S6 definitely feels new and fresh, so they have that going for them. Please wireless charging, fingerprint scanner which I find super helpful.

      Not liking what I’m reading about the One M9’s performance and how the screen is a downgrade from the One M8. One M9 is kind of a wild card right now, would have to play with it more for myself before making a call. I’m leery about it.

      Ultimately it all comes down to battery life for me, which actually pushes me towards the DROID Turbo. So for this year…. I might be passing on BOTH of these and going with that.

      1. Thanks for the tip I’m currently using the moto X 2014 and I’m satisfied.
        The nexus 6 you did a topic with the 6 best accessories and in the moto X 2014 will do? I can’t find a toughened glass screen protector and perfect fit.

      2. How’s the screen a downgrade from last years’ M8?
        Admittedly, I haven’t followed as close as last year’s M8 pre-release.

        1. The viewing angles are worse (blacks get washed out from certain angles). Also, read the colors don’t pop as much as the One M8’s display. :/

          1. Decisions,decisions.
            Not as if I have to make one today,but,the new phone habit is one I’ve miserably failed at curbing.
            With availibility beginning at midnight,I’ll probably find myself at the desktop,w/an M9 in the cart.
            If not for having previously owned the M7/M8,it’d be a no-brainer,try something new.
            But,having a NOTE 4 w/a nice TW ROM & BLINKFEED on-board,logic dictates ther’s no need for either the M9 or S6.
            The S6 EDGE would be OK,but,that smallish battery has me concerned.
            Gonna try to stay away,at least until in-store availability.
            In the meantime,I’m eyeing the ASUS ZenFone2.
            Perhaps not as feature-rich as the M9/S6,but,a nice phone,w/a good balance of features/price.

          2. Zenfone 2 looks nice, but I don’t have much faith in ASUS when it comes to updates.

          3. There’s a more than very good chance I’ll be getting the ASUS ZF2,unless they’ve changed course on estimated US Pricing (est $350-ish for 4GB RAM-64GB Storage version).
            If so,I’ll keep ya posted on such (& battery life),look in the forum (no activity to date).
            I like the form factor,the SD Card & 4GB RAM/64GB memory are icing on the cake.
            Admittedly,I wish it had QI Charging,but,as it won’t be my only phone,it’s not as much of a stumbling block.

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