Download: Android 5.1 factory image for the Nexus Player



We talk a lot about Android 5.1 for phones and tablets, but what about Google’s first Android TV product? Looks like the Nexus Player is finally set to get it as the company has posted the factory image over at their website.

We aren’t sure if there are any big changes specific to TV, but we’ll certainly be looking to load this up onto our unit and check. In the meantime you can grab the factory image and flash the file through fastboot if you aren’t interested in waiting for a network OTA process.

You’ll be on version LMY47D and it figures to cost you little more than 442MB of bandwidth. Grab it from Google’s site right here to load it up and give it a go.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. another device before I get my OTA for my N6 booooo

    1. Hey…tmobile LG G3…at least you might have 5.0 already… :(

  2. Still waiting for the Nexus 7 2013 update.

    1. Barry consider yourself Lucky because the update for the 2012 Nexus 7 was a disaster.

      1. Was it? My 2012 Nexus 7 is working better than it has in at least a year. But still not so well. The memory is jacked.

  3. I read that they added a reboot option. Yeah!

    Although it would have been nice to not need the reboot option, but unfortunately a lockup is common on this device every few days.

    1. Nope

      1. What do you mean “nope?” I’ve just received 5.1 update and I now see the Restart option under Settings / About

        1. Really? Under “Settings”>”About”, I have “System updates”, “Status”, “Legal information”, “Model number”, “Android version”, “Kernal version” and “Build number”.

          1. You must not have the 5.1 update and you are still on 5.0 then.
            Under About I now have:
            System Update
            Device Name
            Legal information
            Serial number

          2. Sorry, old post. I only ran the 5.1 factory image Saturday. Sunday I put Zulu99’s “Lollirock 1.6 rc” on & I’ve been testing it since. It’s full Lollipop 5.1, not stripped like Android TV version.

            For more info follow this link:

            For download:

    2. Never had it lock yet, but I’ve only had mine for a couple of weeks.

  4. So any news on what’s news?

    1. What’s new?

  5. Mine got the update yesterday, and it works just fine. Now I’m just waiting on the Sling TV app…

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