
Today’s big OnePlus One update brings SwiftKey, MaxxAudio and 30+ changes


OnePlus One DSC06070

A new upgrade is headed out to the OnePlus One this morning. Before you get excited: no, it ain’t Lollipop. But this maintenance upgrade brings a mound of changes and fixes that go toward tightening up the current KitKat experience.

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The biggest highlights include the addition of SwiftKey as part of a new partnership, as well as MaxxAudio integration to improve the music playing experience.

The camera also receives three different focus options for video: auto, continuous and infinity. For those not knowledgeable in the area of cameras, here’s what they do:

  • Auto focus: lets you focus before the recording begins
  • Continuous focus: allows the video to automatically refocus during recording
  • Infinity focus: makes everything in the background just as clear as everything in the foreground without any focusing changes.

Most people will typically stick to using those first two options, though it’s always nice to get more in order to allow fine tuning.

On top of all that, over 30 different changes were listed in the company’s changelog, and many more unknown changes are likely to have been made under the hood. You’ll be looking for version 05Q, and it will be rolling out over the air.

We’re expecting CyanogenMod 12S — the Lollipop update everyone desires — to be available quite soon, but for now this bug fixer should help you manage as we wait for the big one. Get on WiFi and head to the settings menu to check for the download.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’ll take it!

    1. …and apparently wearing a sweater!

      1. tech savvy albino werewolf maybe? lol

        1. Vampire?

  2. Let’s go

  3. No update yet. I want that keyboard upgrade cuz it’s been sucking recently.

    Edit: just got it, 2/10 @9pm. SwiftKey works pretty well, letterbox within the Camera is pretty good.

  4. i dnt get update ///

  5. No update for me yet…

  6. Can the update happen over wi-fi without a Sim card?

  7. Update is awesome

  8. this update has made audio max problematic. sound is not that good in certain type of music

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