
NSFW: Watch these people strap on a Samsung Gear VR to watch virtual reality porn for the first time [VIDEO]


Samsung Gear VR porn NSFW 1

WARNING: NSFW content ahead. Those easily offended, turn back now or watch this video about bunnies instead

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When they announced the Samsung Gear VR last summer, we’re gonna go out on a limb and say pornography was probably the last thing Samsung guessed people would be using their virtual reality headset for (fun fact: porn is essentially illegal in South Korea). But if history has taught us anything, give any new technology enough time and someone will eventually throw some good ‘ol porn on it. Even Google Glass. Back in 2010, Steve Jobs said that if you’re looking for porn, Android is the best place for you and your insatiable desires. Maybe he wasn’t completely off base.

Arguments have been made that for new content platform to succeed, it’s gotta have the adult entertainment industry behind it (some have attributed the success of the VCR to this). While we’ll save that debate for a later time, we suppose the 3D world of virtual reality was only the next logical place for porn to find its way to, especially given the popularity of what the kids call point-of-view, or “POV porn.”

In his Samsung Gear VR review, our own Kevin Krause admitted that while gaming was pretty neat bonus when it came to virtual reality content, it’s the full 360-degree movies that really created that really created that “WOW” moment. We think Samsung felt the same way, launching their own Samsung Milk VR app for the headset that keeps the (G-rated) virtual reality videos flowing, and the headset strapped to its user.

While not as readily available as regular 2D porn, some adult production companies have wasted no time in delivering up a piping hot plate of XXX VR content for the few headset owners out there (the Gear VR only became available for sale last month and only officially supports the Galaxy Note 4).

Pioneering this brave new world is a group of ready and willing Complex Media employees who’s firsthand experiences were filmed and recently uploaded to YouTube for all to see. While most find the experience jarring or “uncomfortable” (possibly as a result of avoiding sounding like a pervert in front of coworkers), the women enthusiastically recommended it, one saying it would “change the game” and feared it would “eliminate the need for human interaction altogether.” Sounds… intense.

The video is actually quite hilarious and pushes the boundaries of what YouTube will allow on their site. Needless to say it is very NSFW but probably no more than your favorite R-rated movie (most of the nudity and such has been censored). That being said, proceed at your own risk.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Chavez…you f**kin rock !!!

    Best Phandroid article EVER !!

    1. Chavez you brilliant bastard. Cheers for this.

  2. Was I the only one that couldn’t hear audio from their smartphone? Good vid nonetheless

    1. Audio worked fine on my Note 4.

  3. I imagine the perspective must be kept realistic to provide proper effect. Otherwise one could feel like a mouse looking at gigantic vagina in the skies. #penileboneftw

    1. Giantess fetish! Nice!

    2. It is very realistic, you feel as if they were standing right in front of you. I heard, from a friend, who is not me.


      1. How would they even film that? Do things look distorted at the sides or is it like real life?

        1. It was filmed with a 3D 180° camera, so it’s not completly 360° around you but with this kind of videos you don’t need the action behind you.

          There are other videos (not xxx) which are 2D and 3D 360° but it’s more difficult to do 360° well without stitching mistakes especially when it’s in 3D. These 3D 180° xxx videos are very well made tho. I heard.

          1. Some people like the action to be behind them. Let’s not judge.

          2. But where is the camera if it is POV? Is it in front of his face? How do they get it so it doesn’t look like it’s in zoom?

          3. It seems to be above their heads either pointed downwards, straight ahead or upwards depending if they are standing, sittiing or lying down, i pressume.

  4. Make this for Japanese Mature Tentacle Porn

  5. I just found a new hobby

  6. “ihih, like, never?!?”, ” ew, gross” /rolls eyes

  7. I wanna see, well not the gurl POV!

    1. Luckily there are door locks.

      “What were you doing? The door was locked AGAIN”
      “Me? oh i was just playing a horror game again and dident want get spooked by someone”

      1. yea someone could walk in and u wouldnt even know it.

  8. Man I can only imagine the spike in awkward moments because of people getting busted by their parents or spouse whilst pleasuring themselves to this and not being aware when someone walks in on them LOL.

    1. Luckily there are door locks..

      “What were you doing? The door was locked AGAIN”
      “Me? oh i was just playing a horror game again and dident want get spooked by someone”

  9. So I watched the video about bunnies. Is it safe now?

  10. So…..ummm…when and where do I buy one? you know…for research purposes.

  11. Bravo Chavez… May a flock of vagina find your crotch by days end.

    1. Lmaoo

  12. “No! Now I’m the girl?!” Scared for life

  13. Forget the VR headsets, they just need to go the Demolition Man route

    1. This is exactly what came to mind when I read this..but I don’t know how to post YouTube videos…: /

      1. Hahaha…There are a few things that remind me of current tech, that were shown off in that movie too, like the Nest products and how eventually there’ll be voice integration for setting them. Also the lighting equipment. Crazy to think how long ago this movie was made, but actually see certain “futuristic” things come to life.

  14. It has always been said, if the porn industry adopts a new technology it is sure to surge into the mainstream.

    1. That’s a sad comment on our sex crazed society.

  15. TouchGiz anyone?

    1. TouchJizz you mean :)

  16. OMG! it’s happening! lol

  17. Seriously, you don’t have anything more appropriate to do stories on?

  18. Porn drove VCR sales, CD and DVD sales,and is responsible for a huge amount of internet data. Some people may not like it, but clearly many people do.

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