Where and how to buy Google Glass on its last day of availability



If you woke up wanting to buy Google Glass and you have a spare $1,500 burning a hole in your wallet then you’ll want to get a move on ordering them: today is the very last day to snag a pair. If you haven’t heard, Google has ended the Google Glass Explorers’ Program as the project has graduated from Google X Labs and will be further developed for an eventual retail launch.

So how do you get one? You can head right here and click the “Become an Explorer” button. From there, you’ll be directed to Google Play to select which frames and shades you want, enter your shipping information and then plop down the stack of cash needed to buy one of these things. You’re essentially becoming Levar Burton:

Can’t set it up any better than that, folks.

But what is there to expect from Glass now that Google is shutting the Explorers’ program down? Probably not much. There will be no more platform updates according to an interview by Glass Almanac, though Google will still review and accept new apps made by any developers still coding for Google Glass.

There’s also no word on what will happen for Glass Explorers once the retail version hits. Whether they’ll get hooked up with a free pair or be offered a cheaper price tag remains to be seen, and it’s a question we hope Google won’t take their time on answering. After all, $1,500 is a lot of money and it’d be a shame if they don’t get anything for helping shape the platform into what it’ll eventually become.

Alas, we won’t know until we know, and all you can do is hope Google will be generous enough to hook Explorers up. Let us know if you’ll be looking to snag one of these before it’s too late.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Honestly, unless you have a serious business class need for buying Glass today, you’re just wasting your money. A cheaper consumer version will most likely launch this later this year.

    1. It already exists, it’s called a smartphone.

      ps – one could buy the Explorer Edition off ebay for $800 or less right now.

    2. I agree buy a reading glass from wallgreens for $9.99 and tape your phone walla you have Google glass.

      1. buy a reading glass from wallgreens for $9.99 and tape your gorilla walla you have Gorilla glass

    3. “will most likely launch later this year”.

      A few years down the line more like.

  2. A friend bough a pair. At first I couldn’t see the need for it but thought, its a cool idea. Put them on. Within two hours fell in love with it and than the battery died. That left a sour taste in my mouth. Its good if they would just increase battery and drop the price.

  3. When are they finishing the acquisition of Meta & their “SpaceGlasses”???

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