Android Wallpaper: A trip to the city


city wallpaper

See past editions of Android Wallpaper

Welcome back to another edition of Android Wallpaper. The last few weeks have been Holiday-inspired, but now we’re getting back to normal. Cities can be loud, crowded, and generally unpleasant. They can also be majestic, beautiful, warm, and inviting. We’re hoping you side with the latter.

We have 6 HD wallpapers with different views of cities, and you don’t even need a taxi to find them. To get one of these wallpapers on your phone, tablet, or even PC, simply tap or click on the image to see it at full resolution. Let us know which one is your favorite, and be sure to share a screenshot if you use one of these wallpapers!

Push new Android Wallpaper to your Android device with our Pushbullet channel.

city wallpaper (6)

city wallpaper (5)

city wallpaper (4)

city wallpaper (3)

city wallpaper (2)

city wallpaper (1)

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. Smog and crowds. No thanks :P

  2. I prefer county landscapes.

    1. County prisons?

      1. Autocorrect…. I meant “Country ” *facepalm*

  3. They don’t seem to be HD.

  4. Why did my comment get deleted Phandroid?!??

  5. Anyone else have issues with these wallpapers freezing their phone and gallary up.

  6. In this previous wallpaper article:

    I cannot comment there because the comments are closed.

    The first wallpaper is a link. Good.

    The second two are not links. Just low resolution pictures.

    The correct links for those can be deduced by comparing the link from the first one to the links to the low-res image of the second and third ones. The correct two links for the high res version of the second two images is:

    (hint: just change the word ‘blue’ to ‘green’ or ‘pink’)

    Just for completeness, the first image link (which already works) is this:

    Hope someone finds that helpful.

    This year, in order to ensure that I do not break my new year’s resolution, I will make only one new year’s resolution.
    My new year’s resolution is only this: that I will not make any new year’s resolutions.
    Oh, wait. Nevermind.

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