
Chromecast update brings Material Design, guest mode and more


Chromecast Featured ready to cast

Chromecast users have been treated to a new update which adds a couple of cool new features. The first standout is that the Chromecast app for phones and tablets has undergone a Material Design makeover. Nothing terribly groundbreaking there — you’re likely spending more time casting than looking at the actual app — but it’s nice to have something pretty to look at every time you  do venture into the app.

Alongside that, Google has also hooked folks up with an improved guest mode, allowing folks to hop onto your Chromecast and cast content without having to go through the hassle of jumping onto your WiFi network.

Finally, Google has delivered their experimental screen casting feature to many more folks. The feature was only available to a very few select people prior to the update, but should be accessible by a significant amount more now. Google still warns that the feature isn’t ready for prime time and that it may not perform as well as you might expect it to, so keep that in mind before you go cursing their name. The download is sitting in the Google Play Store so trot over there and grab it as soon as you can.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I wish the trollouts for ota’s and new apps would be better indicated on Android. Maybe show what number in line you are, so you can see rate of progression and have a clue when things will happen.

    1. That would mean there’s an algorithm to which devices gets the updates first. It was rumored that it’s based on the serial number of the device, with the first serial numbers getting it first. So if they knew your serial number, I guess they can tell you. Then would you consider that fair? So I bought my device late so I get the update late? Nah!! =.P
      It’s probably better if it remain a secret. LoL!!

      1. I feel like they don’t do it the same for every app/its kind of random. Plus it changes if they hit a bug. They may base it on a huge variety of factors, software version/Api level, hardware components they want to test, time zone used to be what Motorla used. I think mostly it’s just about defusing risk easing demand on their servers. That and I really don’t care if I’m first unless I’m having a massive bug I want fixed.

    2. I just bought my chromecast 2 days ago, just updated the chromecast app and I have the cast screen option. Pretty excited to try this out this weekend with NHL gamecenter and see how it works out.

  2. if it creates an ad-hoc connection between the phone/laptop and the chromecast, maybe we can finally use it in hotels, since we don’t no longer need to be connected to their wifi (almost impossible on the chromecast, since you often have to accept a disclaimer)

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