
OnePlus gives you another opportunity to buy a OnePlus One without an invite


oneplus one offer

Looks like OnePlus is giving folks another opportunity to buy their first flagship handset — the OnePlus One — for the holidays without needing to track down an invite. As easy as an invite is to acquire these days (you can practically ask on reddit or the OnePlus forums), it’s nice to not have to deal with any of that at all.

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In odd fashion, OnePlus didn’t make a formal announcement for the promotion so details are a bit scarce right now. The page does note that this opportunity won’t last forever and that orders will make their ways to your doorstep before Santa is scheduled to land on your rooftop, but that’s about all we know at this time. Otherwise, it’s the same $300 ($350 if you want 64GB) OnePlus One that many have raved over since its debut. Head to OnePlus to order one right now.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. POS phone. Get lost with that Cyanogen garbage. Trying to make a sorry ass phone exclusive. Crawl in a hole and die. There many more phones out there way better than this. Y’all are acting like this is the worlds 8th wonder.

    1. Bitter much? CM is a great piece of software that has been willingly installed on millions of devices. Yes, there are better phones, but there is currently no better value out there. I have the OPO and it does have its quirks, but so has every other phone I’ve used.

      1. Exactly. I really hope he at least tried the phone. If he didn’t then I feel sorry if he has kids. What a horrible attitude to have.

    2. There is a reason why Cyanogen Mod is so popular among Android users who root their phones. It is a great ROM backed by an amazing development team that believes in allowing the user to have control over their device. Not to mention the back of the phone is ultra fine sandstone, great grip and a satisfying texture.

    3. Whoa, did one of these phones try to kill you at some point in your life?!

      1. It boned his imaginary girlfriend.

    4. So let me guess, you bought the phone, tried it out for a couple weeks and didn’t like it? Or are you one of those people that get mad because you can’t buy something and then just say it’s crap? Which one is it?

    5. “Y’all are acting like this is the worlds 8th wonder.”

      And you’re acting like people need to “crawl in a hole and die” over an invite system and Cyanogenmod.

    6. You know… noyoudon’t.

  2. Well, whoop-de-fucking-doo.

  3. I love the OnePlus One. Great value for price. Yes there has been problems but you normally don’t have to wait longer than a month for an update that fixes them. Haters of this phone have an extra $300 to buy an equivalent flagship phone. Good for them.

    1. Or People could just buy a nexus 5 . i Loved That Phone

      1. 1+1 seems better than N5, especially since N5 should have had a 100dollar price drop by now.

  4. I really wanted this phone when it first came out but they really lost me with the invite system…..I hope they dont do this with the OnePlus Two when it comes out. I’ll be in the market for a phone again and will buy it as long as I can go and at least pre-order the damn thing like I did with my Nexus 6.

  5. Why are you still giving them free advertising? The phone’s been out for basically a year and yet they keep having these limited availability periods to get you people to bite and give them more free press, which you keep doing without fail.

  6. Their excuse for the invite system was inventory management, if you haven’t figured out your supply vs demand in a year, either it will never happen or you have wrong people managing your inventory. For me it’s too late for the invite system but if they can fix that issue by the time they have a new product I will consider them again until then please go away.

  7. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddd too late i wanted this phone really bad , but as early as a few weeks a month ago i still couldn’t but one so i bought a Note Edge …Love it & a Nexus 6 even better i’ll wager to bet they lost at least 20,000 unit’s that could have been sol where it not for there invite system , and don’t get started on the whole well they didn’t have the supply to met the demand argument there are better way’s to get out a limited supply phone then what they did , like how about just waiting to release the phone until you have adequate supply …………Midway threw Humpday PeeP’s……………

    1. Yep. Six months ago, I’d have jumped on this. It’s pointless now. It’s no longer the best phone out there and the 1+2 will be out in a couple months.

  8. It doesn’t support T-Mobile’s LTE bands though, huh?

    1. It does

    2. It wont support band 12, but if LTE is already in your area its probably on band 4 which the OPO supports already:)

    3. Tmboile LTE is fine. The garbaghe manufacturing though, yeah, that’s a problem.

  9. This is still going on with the oneplus phone? It was getting old a long time ago.

  10. This is how I imagine everyone here complaining about the Oneplus. Either complaining about not having one yet they probably haven’t tried or Crying about what a piece of crap it is and they haven’t owned one.

  11. Really thought the camera should have OIS….

  12. The successor of OnePlus One, rumored to be called the OnePlus Two should be out in Quarter 2-3 in 2015 ! http://www.giztimes.com/oneplus-two-price-launch-date-specs-news

    1. What horribly written article.

  13. WOw this site is full of haters if you dont like One Plus’s Tactocs then don’t buy the fucking phone!! They have explained that they way they keep their price low is strict supply and component inventory control. They don’t have a whole warehouse of Snapdragon 801’s to put in each phone. I’m using two One Plus One’s now as my daily drivers one for work and the other my personal and its the BEST android phone i’ve ever had. I’ve owned 20-30 different android models over the years including the original nexus 1. Cyanogen after the 44R update is bug free and there is not stupid carrier bloat and logos and whenever a problem is discovered a update is dispatched rather quickly to fix it, try that with your Verizon Galaxy Note. SIdenote the build quality of the phone is second to none its feels solid and has a heft that noticeably missing from Samsung. I’ve dropped it on the screen twice and it just has one minor scuff on the screen. The metal ring around the phone is actually Metal not cheap peeling plastic like past samsungs. Just ordered the Bamboo back from China cant wait to change it.

    1. I am glad they had two Snapdragon 801s for your phones.

  14. Whatever you do, do NOT buy this phone unless you have 300 bucks to waste. You may get lucky. Maybe. And get a decent phone but if you don’t you are fuc*ed. Support does not exist. I’ve put in a total of 10 warranty claims on a single phone. I’ve got zero replies. Zero. You get what you pay for folks. And that’s garbage.

    1. Deleted.

  15. That company is a JOKE.

  16. Who cares, when are the making a Two?

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