
Spotify offering 3 month premium subscriptions for less than $1


spotify 3 months

It’s time to get your mom off of those old downloaded MP3 tracks and upgrade to a music streaming service this holiday season. Spotify is giving you good reason to ditch the cumbersome ways of 10 years ago and into the now as they’re offering a lofty 3-month subscription for just $1. That’s not just $1 per month, either — $1 overall. That’s not too shabby if you’re still on the fence about streaming music.

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Of course, we regard Spotify pretty highly around here, with it being one of our top alternate choices for music subscriptions if Google Play Music isn’t your thing. They command one of the biggest libraries of music with over 22 million tracks, and they know their stuff when it comes to building key playlist and music curation for their mobile apps. No reason not to try this out unless you really can’t find a few quarters inside your couch so give it a try over at their website.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Now if only they could keep this price for the remainder of the year…

    1. They will..for the reminder of this year

  2. Does google pay phandroid for anything? You cant possibly think google music is even in the same league as Spotify? Its ok to dog google when something else is better. They aren’t perfect. I imagine this is a marketing trick. Give spotify your credit card to pay the 1 dollar, then they auto start your full price subscription on the 4th month without having to authorize it. This is easier for them to get you in their system vs the old way of them just giving all new users 1 month free without a credit card.

    No such thing as a free lunch :)

    1. If you’re that paranoid try and use a prepaid credit card for the $1, use the remainder amount on whatever you want, and then cancel service like you normally would.

      1. thats the whole point is its a pain to cancel. I would imagine they would try to charge the pre paid card, it would decline, and your account would not be active. Still, setting up a prepaid card takes time , thus, its not free. The fact they charge a dollar is just to get ppl excited into thinking they are getting a bargain and have to act fast. They know if they said “3 months free” then made you enter your credit card when u create account people would be turned off as many know “free” means not free, and if that didnt turn them off when they are asked for cc info for a “free 3 months” they would realize its a scam. I love spotify, just sneaky marketing. Hey if it was my business I’de think its a great idea!

        1. yes its a market trick but there’s nothing sneaky about it though. its a well known fact that getting consumers to make that first step is the hardest thing and these things are very common strategy. Its the same reason why most retailers are willing to put up with generous refund policy. Once you make the commitment you’re less likely to turn around and thats what they want you to do. If you’re already subbed you’re statistically less likely to unsub. It is most likely not their intention to sneak a 4th month payment.

  3. This is a pretty great deal. I’ve heard enough Pandora with ads, my personal collection on Google Play Music, and Amazon Prime collection to last me. Plus I can probably listen to Christmas music for the next month.

  4. How convenient, my Google play subscription ran out today. I was planning to switch anyway for the student pricing.

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