
You can now order the Galaxy Note 4 developer edition for Verizon



Just a quick heads-up that the developer edition of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is now available over at Samsung’s website. This device comes with an unlockable bootloader, though the catch is that it will only work on Verizon –AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile customers will need to look to the development community for some after-market bootloader love.

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Other than the key to unlocked shackles, everything about the developer edition Galaxy Note 4 is identical to the normal version you can buy from Verizon. That includes a 5.7-inch 2560 x 1440 display, 3GB of RAM, a quad-core Snapdragon 805 chipset clocked at 2.7GHz, a 16 megapixel camera with optical image stabilization and more.

Need info on the phone itself? Our Galaxy Note 4 review should get you going. Now all that’s left for you to decide is whether the cost of smartphone freedom is worth $700 without a contract. Head to Samsung’s site to order one if you’re interested.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. No thank you. Will save a few hundred dollars and follow a developer’s instructions to unlock it.

  2. Any idea if this Note 4 will have full S-Pen functionality? Presumably there will be NO Samsung apps… so I am not sure what would happen with the S-Pen, would it be used with Evernote instead on this device? Anyhone?

    1. why would it be missing the s-pen software? its a develper edition not a google play edition. its the same just woth unlocked bootloader

      1. Oh dear, TouchLag and all… no thanks, I am getting my THIRD note4 next week to TRY get one that has smooth scrolling.

        1. Ouch

  3. Not a chance with the idiot Samsung engineers putting the speaker on the back.

  4. “…the catch is that it will only work on Verizon –AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile customers will need to look to the development community for some after-market bootloader love.”
    Aren’t all Verizon LTE phones carrier unlocked these days, though? I’ve used a number of Verizon phones on T-Mobile with no problems.

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