
Nexus 6 (X) specs allegely confirmed in new report, could look like a stretched out Moto X (2014) [RUMOR]


Nexus 6 X Shamu leak

This is not a leaked press render, merely a mockup

Rumors of a 6-inch Motorola-made Nexus 6 are nothing new, but today they’re being corroborated by the folks at 9to5Google who have obtained, what they claim are leaked specs of the upcoming Google phablet, codenamed “Shamu.”

Having gotten a glimpse at a 6-inch Motorola phablet for ourselves (we weren’t able to confirm if it was indeed a Nexus or simply an upcoming Motorola branded phablet), we too can attest the above mockup is accurate. The prototype device we saw — which had a silver frame and silver back cover — actually had what appeared to be a black sticker covering the usual location of Motorola’s “M’ dimple logo, although it was more square-ish in shape and likely not the final design.

As we saw in earlier reports, the phone is said to carry an incredibly large 5.92-inch display and going by appearances, looks much like a stretched out Moto X with a similar front facing speaker design. But aside from the same 13MP/2MP cameras, apparently that’s where similarities end.

Inside, sources are saying the phone will equip a 2560×1440 resolution display, Snapdragon 805 processor, 3GB of RAM, and ample 3,200mAh battery. When coupled with Android L, that makes for one lust worthy new smartphone. Of course, we’ll keep our eyes peeled for more leaks and with rumors pointing to a release a little more than a month away, expect more information to come out of the woodwork.

Now that a 6-inch Motorola Nexus is looking more likely, we’ll continue crossing our fingers this wont replace the Nexus 5, but merely be offered along side a refreshed model. Even without, an unlocked Moto X (2014) Pure Edition could be close enough to a refreshed Nexus for us in everything but pricing.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Will it bend? Moto X (2014) vs HTC One M8 vs iPhone 6 and more [VIDEO]

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  1. There goes my excitement for the Nexus X then.

  2. “2560×144 resolution” uh… how stretched out is this phone? :P
    Edit: You fixed the typo. Thanks :)

  3. Please don’t let this be the next Nexus phone… A 6″ screen size is just too big!

  4. The Moto X doesn’t have wireless charging sadly. Also really wish the X had OIS. Disappointed that this new Nexus will have the same camera as the Moto X. I may be the only one to say this but I love the camera on my Nexus 5.

  5. I hope this is one of those rumors that don’t end up being true. I’m still holding on to the N4 waiting for the right phone to upgrade to, and if this only comes in 5.92 it certainly won’t be the phone for me. I just want a 4.7″ – 5″ phone with a decent display, camera, 32gb+ storage, and battery life. Is that so much to ask?!

  6. Would like to see an I-R Blaster & WI-FI Calling (w/o using HANGOUTS) in the next iteration of ANDROID/NEXUS.

    1. Yeah, I have really grown attached to my Tmo wifi calling since I work underground all the time and only have wifi.

  7. Who wants a 6″ phone? I dont see how that’s not too big for anyone, unless you are 7 feet tall. Maybe there will be a nexus 5 refresh based on the moto x as well with a 5.2″ screen

    1. I do.

      If you take out the space for the physical buttons on my note 3, you get a larger display than 6″

    2. Lots of people, most of whom are well under “7 feet tall.”

    3. I’m 5’10” and can easily reach any point of my Note 3’s screen with one hand.

  8. Come on I don’t want nexus which more than 5″ what is google actually thinking o_0

  9. That is freaken huge!!! If it is true. I’ve been waiting to see the Nexus 5 drop in price,.but what if there will be a nexus 5 2014 and a Nexus X? That would be cool

  10. at this point i don’t care anymore, just give me a better than decent battery and stock android, and we should be on good terms

  11. I’m throwing money at my monitor and nothing’s happening!!!

    THANK YOU for this report. Was about to pull the trigger on a Note 4 pre order but I’m glad I waited.

  12. I want this…. If it is true!

  13. This is relevant to my interests.

  14. Come to papa.

  15. TOO. BIG. Please keep the phone size the same.

    1. Then just get the phone you like.

      1. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be mean.

        1. Ya but people like Steve and myself love Nexus devices. Pretty much the only phone you want to own, so when you hear the new possible Nexus is borderline ridiculously huge.. it sucks!

          1. In the same boat as you. LOVE the Nexus line and have been stuck to it for years, but anything over 5.2″ is just too big. If the Nexus 6/X is 5.9″, I will have to grudgingly look elsewhere…

  16. I swear to God, Sprint, if you don’t get this one… well, you’ll be dead to me Sprint. I’ll never speak to you again.

    1. Might as well get some lillies on order,SPRINT’s been on artificial life support for awhile……..

      1. Yet they’re still ahead of T-Mobile……

    2. Well, they got the last one and the one in the Play store works with it. Hopefully they keep the trend.

  17. specs seem cool, but if 5.5 inches (Oneplus One) is borderline too big for me then I am going to have to pass on this and just get the Moto X Gen 2 or something I don’t know. Such a shame, but I am a veteran when it comes to Nexus season so I am not down in the dumps yet. I am just not liking what I’ve been hearing..

  18. Can’t wait for this phone. Love it.

  19. If the Nexus really goes to a retarded 5.9″ then the Nexus program is dead. I might as well just abandon Android after all these years and get an iPhone 6.

    1. I am as disappointed as you are, but don’t give up hope! It’s just rumor season.. wait a second…brb…


    2. Don’t get bent out of shape. I see what I did there…

    3. Why not wait till Google announces a refreshed Nexus 5 as well before jumping to conclusions.

  20. “Allegely confirmed,” huh? That’s the second typo in a tech article that I’ve seen in the last five minutes! (The other was talking about “athestic features” in phones! LOL! The tech industry apparently needs better editors)

  21. Where’s the back’s LED flash? Or are those four shiny spots the quad flash patent we saw over a year ago? O.o

    1. Probably in the ring around the camera, just like the new Moto X.

  22. I’m hoping the screen size is not true. I don’t think the Moto X design is bad, but I rather have a different design. Moto X looks better in person so maybe it could grow on me. I don’t want a screen bigger than my Note 3. If it is even as big as a Note 3 it makes me wonder if L has some secrets we don’t know. I don’t want stock on such a big screen and not have unique features to take advantage of.

  23. Where’s the back’s LED flash? Or are those four shiny spots the quad flash patent we saw over a year ago? O.o

  24. LG G Pro 2 was my favorite phone and the size was awesome. I may have to take a second look at Motorola if this is true.

    1. Which network did you use it on & was it 100% compatible?

      1. tmobile as a second phone. Mostly used as a tablet on wifi since it only worked on 2g. The G3 seems tiny in comparison and I would love a high end 6 inch phone. No need for a 7 inch tablet when a 6 inch phone will do it all.

        1. THX.
          I was considering getting it,as it was on top of my list wish for 2014,but,as I’m also on T-MOBILE,I’ll pass on the 2G.
          My OPPO N1 is 3G only,works on both T-Mobile & AT&T.
          I can live w/3G on either network,however,if I wanted 2G speeds,I’d stayed w/SPRINT ;-)………………….

          1. I agree. Just pointing out how great a 6 inch device can be if it has the right specs

      2. The other thing is, not many outside a small loyal group buy nexus phones, so why not try something bigger to get attention. Just make it high end all the way and that includes battery and display.

        1. I dont know why Google hasnt promoted Nexus to consumers. Aside from the camera, n5 is a good phone & great value M. More people are paying full price, going prepaid, contract free or installment plans. Maim reason I got one was price to gp with a 45$ prepaid plan.. Saved boatload of cash. If I wasn’t trying to educate myself by reading blogs, I’d never even heard of it.

  25. just in from an 8 day road trip and this, too cool.

    hope verizon gets it.

    1. Since Verizon won’t be allowed to load all their bloatware and paste 50 logos on it, you won’t see them get it.

      1. Which is why I’d imagine they’ll get the Moto S instead. Same phone without being a Nexus.

        1. It’ll likely be something with the Droid moniker on it.

      2. Except Verizon will still have some bloat on there and it doesn’t matter if its a Nexus that 4G LTE Logo will be on the phone!

  26. A 6″ screen is a no go for me.

    1. Same… My pants are already quite full thank you. If you have a purse or a briefcase, it doesnt matter, but if you’re wearing jeans or shorts, its an issue

  27. People bigger is better embrace the trend or get a smaller device. i sure hope this rumor is true!!!

  28. I went from a Note 2 to a Nexus 5 (with a brief stop at a Nexus 4 since the 5 was yet to be released) and while I like the Nexus 5 quite a bit, I sorely miss that screen real estate and am admittedly tempted by the Touchwiz-tinged siren song of the Note 4. I understand why some people wouldn’t want a device this large, and even I’m a bit iffy about a 6″ screen, but I’d like something big and maybe Google can offer it in two different sizes to please both crowds.

  29. So for people complaining about the 6″ screen, you should pull up a video comparison between the Huawei Ascend Mate 7 vs. Note 3/Note 4. Huawei has the highest screen to bezel ratio out there and it’s all screen. It’s not that much bigger than the Note 3 or 4; 5’7 vs. 6″. But they did a great engineering job on it; the differnce is negligible for all of the screen real estate you get.

    1. You make a good point, except the Note 3 and 4 are also huge…

      1. LMAO exactly…..

  30. In other news: spoke to Kevin (I think, I’ve been drinking) at the Sony Store in Costa Mesa, CA…He said the Sony Xperia Z3 compact will be available in the coming weeks…

  31. If it is true then I’m going with the z3. To big of a phone right there plus Im not a big fan of how the back of the new moto x looks with that big camera ring so I won’t like it on the nexus. 3200mAh battery for a near 6inch phone running that high res won’t do to good In battery life I believe. Unless that 805 somehow conserves more power

  32. I bet there will be two nexii phones this year like Apple did.

    1. Is that really the plural form?

  33. I think it will be this big and I don’t think that is a bad thing. If you want a smaller version get the Moto X, it is pretty much Vanilla Android, gets super timely updates (just about as fast as the Nexuses) and even has some features the Nexus doesn’t have. My worry is what the price point is going to be.

    To me the selling point of the Nexus has always been great specs for a low enough price I could buy it and not worry about a contract. The Moto X saw a big price jump on this model, I hope the same thing doesn’t happen with the Nexus.

  34. I hope they end up going with the Snapdragon 808 or 810 (highly doubt it though) would be nice to have a 64bit cpu this time around running Android L

    1. Isn’t the nvida processor coming out I’m the nexus 9 64bit capable? Why not use it on the nexus 6

    2. Snap 810 is like a year away. 808 maybe but still doubtful. The first devices were going to see with the 808 are going to be the Galaxy S6, HTC One M(9?) Then the Moto X 3gen, LG G4, xperia Z4.

  35. Considering I’ve adjusted well from my N5 to OPO with 1 hand use, I’ll be able to manage Shamu just fine. I’d say I have average size hands so all you need to do is make some adjustments in use.
    Start strengthening those pinkies to support the bottom!
    Also, top and bottom bezels look small, so that’s good.

    Now what do I do with that soon to be obsolete tablet I own…

    1. Which Oppo phone did you get? The Find 7?

      1. I’m assuming he meant OnePlus One

      2. OPO= Oneplus One. It’s pretty much the same as the flagship Oppo phone, minute differences.

  36. I’m actually kinda disappointed with this news.. I was very badly hoping for Google to let HTC make the next Nexus.. Sure they’re making the new tablet.. but I really wanted them to make the next smartphone too.. Either HTC or give Sony a shot..

    1. Used to be an HTC fan too, but now I don’t even consider them in my top 3. In no specific order, LG, Apple and Samsung are king. It’s not for lack of design, htc has had some strong designs. But they always seem to have something wrong with them. Moto is the logical choice for the next Nexus I think, considering its an American company.

  37. Hard choice between this and the Note 4…I think I will still get the Note 4 but would love to see a side by side comparison.

    1. I know this won’t be popular on this forum. But I consider myself to be a die hard android fan. In fact I built my business on the back of Android. I just jumped from the Note 3 to the 6 Plus. I was planning on going Note 4 as well, and I likely will buy it to try it out. But this new iOS 8 is no joke, it does a lot of things better than kitkat. I wish the hardware was better, would like to see qi charging, higher mp front camera, removable battery sd card. But a week in Im starting to not care as much about those features. Ultimately I’m not loyal to any platform, I’ll buy any one of them if I think it’s a good fit for me, if you are looking at Note 4 Id at least demo the 6 Plus is all I’m saying. It pains me to say it, but the software is better than Android right now. It does things very logical in fewer button presses. And let’s not forget you can bend it to whatever shape you want! ;)

      1. I will have to play around with it on my iPad. I looked at the plus when my friend was ordering his in the AT&T store. Initial impression…not impressed, I still think Android is way more customizable and still lets you do things that I need that you cant get even with jailbreaking.

      2. I’d like to try the 6 Plus, but I’d rather keep wearing tight pants.

      3. Tomato/Tomoto…. Its all about preference. Not saying your wrong because its all opinion based but I could easily say iOS takes more (if only slightly) effort to do simply things like back out of applications or go to a previous screen of an app. Whole android has a dedicated back button conveniently placed next to the other two buttons, iOS has none and therefore developers put it on the screen where they want. Of course you get used to it but hey its just my opinion.

      4. “It does a lot of things better than kitkat”

        Do you mind naming say, the top 5 things it does better than kitkat? I’m curious…

  38. Yuck! Nexus in a Moto X body. That’s just ugly!

    1. The nexus usually is the same phone as the flagship in a different body. Nexus 4 was lg Optimus g, nexus 5 was lg g2. Likely will see the nexus be a Moto x in a different body. The body of the Moto x is it’s big selling point, I’m sure people would love to be able to order a custom body nexus 6 so they can put a black case over it ;)

      1. except that the n5 didn’t take the same great battery life as lg g2

        1. Really didn’t take much from the G2 at all in my opinion. Took nothing at all far as looks.

  39. Here is my mockup based on Nexus 5

    1. Oh my, this should make it to the front page of this site.

    2. Can you add in one that’s 5.5″? I have a OnePlus One, and personally, I couldn’t see my self going larger. 6″ seems ridiculous.

      1. Thats what she said.

    3. Holy F*#@! Sticking with my N5 if that’s the case.

  40. Bigger isn’t better guys – the 2014 Moto X is already losing sales because it’s too big, the Nexus 5 is the absolute limit and I would be ordering a Moto X if I felt I could use it one handed.

    1. It’s only a , 4.7 inche screen, how can that be to big. The Nexus 6 is 5.2 which is reasonable

      1. The 2013 Moto X is 4.7, the new 2014 I believe is 5.2. Smart choice in my opinion. I have average size man hands and I find 4.7″ to be too small to type on with two thumbs in portrait mode. Yes you can do it, but not nearly as well as a 5.2 to 5.7″ phone will allow. I don’t understand the one hand thing, why would you want to use one hand when you have two? Do you type on a computer with one hand too? I mean when you’re not watching youpr0n of course, haha. They do have a one handed mode for larger phones where it scales down the keyboard and moves it to the right or left.

        I’ve heard this claim made before that people aren’t buying the new Moto because it’s too big. I would argue that people are buying it because it’s bigger. I’m sure both answers are correct. To me, bigger is better. Mobile phones are still very small compared to the cordless phones we used in the 90s. One thing I like about the larger size is the pocket factor. A 4.7 phone I have a hard time noticing in my pocket, I’m always checking to see if I have my phone. With my Note 3 and 6 Plus I can easily tell if it’s in my pocket or not, and it fits just fine!

        1. You’re weird…. Majority of the time people would like to use their phone with one hand. Has nothing to do with having two hands lol. It makes it more comfortable and easier to hold. Me personally I think 5.5 is the biggest (right now) that I’d go. I’ve used my friends note 3 and its just a bit to wide for my liking. But things change with time because I remember when I first held the HTC HD2 and I thought wtf is this phone so big. Now its a baby

          1. I remember that. I had that phone too. People were all like, “Who’d want a phone that big?” Now look at where we are.

        2. The Epic 4G Touch was the perfect size. I was able to use that phone with one hand. You can’t type on a computer with one hand, but you can on a phone because of swiping. Gestures and all allows the phone to be used with one hand.

          When I think about it, I talk about myself, but the answer is being lazy. I don’t want to take out my second hand. That’s way too much work. That’s what I’m thinking when I use one hand. And I don’t care. I’m a lazy mofo and want to use one hand.

          My M8 just be like, “Nope!! You goin’ use that second hand.” LoL!!

    2. Citation needed.

    3. bigger isnt better, but bigger isnt worse either. Plenty of bigger phones outsell smaller ones.

  41. Too big my limit is Note 3 in terms of size, if they can fit a 6 inch display into the body of a Note 3, I’m game.

  42. this thing has been “alledgedly confirmed” for months.

    when will it be actually confirmed?

    1. In october when google releases it.

      1. LOL!

      2. That’s been “alledged” too.

  43. Perhaps there will be two or even three sizes? (Fingers crossed)
    That size works out well for people who are 6 foot 8 inches tall but only weigh 110 lbs. It’ll fit in their jeans pocket perfectly.

  44. While I would be happy for it to be, I’m not so sure this is really going to be the Nexus phone this year unless there are two at two sizes as some rumours purport.

    1. Agree. A Moto X (2014) Google Edition would round things out.

  45. Why are people upset about the size? If you want the smaller size get the smaller Moto X.

    1. Because some of us want the latest and greatest BUT don’t want to give up an entire pocket to carry it or want to use 2 hands to use it. Oh, and the specs on the “new” X are not that impressive for a flagship phone. But these are more so.

      1. Shouldn’t there be an option for those that want a larger phone and those that want a smaller phone? What if Google wants this option to be for people that want larger phones?

    2. Because we expect the next Nexus to be cheaper. And supported by Google with fast updates.

    3. The Moto X isn’t a Nexus, however close it might be. I suspect is the Nexus 6 really is a phablet, they will also release a refreshed Nexus 5. I can’t imagine a phablet being the sole Nexus on the market.

    4. Because, quite simply, bigger isn’t always better! For example, the Hummer.

  46. Those specs sound so good. But when It comes out, the spec sheet will be more like:
    Snapdragon 400 SOC
    512 MB of RAM
    2 MP/1 MP Cameras
    1,000 mAh battery.
    Idk why Google continuously gets our hopes up with the Nexus to only be let down miserably when it debuts.

    1. Definitely not a SD 400. The Nexus 5 is already using the SD 800.
      Troll better?
      And how is Nexus 5 a let down, even now they will replace a free one if you shatter the display (my friend just got his new replacement for free).

      1. 1. It was a joke. Obviously it’s not going to use the same processor as a LG G-Watch.
        2. Notice in the last line I stated Google gets “OUR” hopes up, denoting that I myself is included in the group that would be potentially waiting for the Nexus 6.
        3. Learn to understand context clues and how to draw a proper inference before you go around slinging Net-Insults at people before you have a complete understanding of what they are posting.
        Stupid Much?

        1. Then you obviously suck at making jokes and easily get offended, lmao.

          1. Nope, no offense taken on my end. Really stupid people just irritate me enormously. It’s a flaw of mine. Shoot me.

          2. “Idk why Google continuously gets our hopes up with the Nexus to only be let down miserably when it debuts.”

            I can’t find anything funny for this line or if you are actually thinking Nexus 6 is worth waiting for, lol… excuse my poor context acknowledgement.

          3. Joke was the wrong word to use. It was sarcasm. Jokes are intended to be funny. Sarcasm is not. Regardless of what he thought it was, it was sarcasm and regardless of what you say, you were too stupid to recognize that he wasn’t being serious. So ease up.

      2. ^ This guy completely missed the sarcasm. Just ignore him.

  47. I really hope it’s more like 5.5″…

  48. Oh I may be go with LG G3, I like IR blaster feature. In my country no MOTO official distributer& retailler. But I will miss the massive custom ROMs on XDAdev.

  49. 2560×1440 is useless. Plus 1920×1080 is more practical as it allows 1:1 clone into a TV.

    1. Plus it stands to reason that it would be a battery hog; pushing light through tiny holes means you need more light which = more battery use

  50. If scaling of photo is decent, the height will be ~6.23″ (iPhone 6+ is 6.22″). After carrying a Note 2 (5.95″ height) around in my pocket for 2 years, I think .~6″ is the max height for me… dang.

  51. Why would Motorola put an 805 in the Nexus when they only put a 801 in their own brand new flagship phone?

    1. If this article is correct and the new Nexus has a 2560×1440, it would need an 805. While the 801 can handle that resolution, it struggles to do it. The new Moto X, of the other hand, has a 1080p display, which the 801 handles just fine. Putting an 805 in the Moto X would add more cost than the small performance improvement it would bring.

      1. That’s actually a really good point, thanks!

  52. Oh my… Them front facing speakers will be lovely with ViperAudio Mod. Mmmmmhmmmm!!

    HTC better step their game up.

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