Seems like after the reveal of any major Android release, users start getting restless, wondering if the devices they recently paid a small fortune for (or plan on purchasing) will see an update to the latest firmware. As one of the biggest Android updates since Ice Cream Sandwich, Android L is no different. And while the next version of Android is still in an early preview state, manufacturers like HTC didn’t waste any time in letting their customers know an update to Android L for their flagship line would indeed be coming.
In an attempt at nipping customer questions/complaints/concerns surrounding Android L in the bud, newcomer OnePlus is now letting members of their forum know that, they too would be updating their flagship OnePlus One to Android L, committing to a release within 3 months of a final build (none of this preview stuff). With full time software development being handled by the folks at Cyanogen Inc., this really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.
Still no word from the Cyanogen Inc regarding the news, which is a little odd considering they’re the ones technically responsible for getting out new versions of Android to the OnePlus One via their own modified version of the stock Android experience. We also couldn’t help but notice how very un-CyanogenMod-like the announcement was considering during Cyanogen’s pre-inc status, the team was well known around the dev community for avoid requests for ETAs. Guess things change.
Update: Cyanogen Inc. has confirmed to us that they too have committed to the launch timing (of course), and it wasn’t just OnePlus blowing smoke.
How about being committed to selling the phone first. I’m happy for the 150 people who will receive the update lol
I was thinking the same thing. They can’t get the phone out, I won’t hold my breath for timely updates.
I wish there was a way to block all OnePlus stories from appearing in feedly.
Pretty easy to do when you only have to commit to updating 700 phones.
Building and testing a major firmware update isn’t any easier or harder whether you’ve sold 700 phones or 7 million phones. Obviously there’s a difference is bandwidth required, but that’s the easier part.
It was sarcasm. That’s all.
Ah, I guess my sarcasm detector wasn’t working yesterday. ;)
Memes aren’t funny.
Best comeback ive seen in awhile
Then you need to get out more.
Wow, you really are a child.
Or ya know, you are because you can’t take a bloody joke.
You are probably getting into an online argument with a teenager, you know.
I swear most of the people that come to this site are teenagers.
Yes God forbid teenagers and those young kids these days enjoy a good article or two about that tech stuff that only adults and old people must understand
i never said that. The immaturity shows though.
You have no idea how old I am so why are you automatically judging? You were the one who felt compelled to make a smartass comment about a meme that I put up which clearly everyone enjoyed according to the votes, everyone but you. So I felt the need to embarrass you again with a meme proving once again… Memes are still pretty funny. If you don’t like them don’t go on any chat boards on any websites because they are all over. And yes I am 26, own a home, have a wife, have children, and have a full time IT job. That way you have an idea of who you are trying to pass off as a teenager.
Lol thanks for revealing to the world your whole life. News flash, nobody cares. And no memes aren’t funny, you must have missed the big wave of them when they first came around over 5-6 years ago. I bet you watch shows like The Big Bang Theory too.
I’m sorry I hurt your feelings with a meme.. I do have some good news though, my meme got me a oneplus one that will arrive today.
Oh look I can post pictures too xD xD
There you go not a bad start, let the spirit of the pictures flow through you…
– posted with my brand spankin new
OnePlus One
The OnePlus One isn’t really that great. Too over hyped.
Said the guy looking and posting on a Oneplus One artice…
There’s a difference between reading and caring. I just want to be up to date.
Do you want my invite? I received another one today. I haven’t given it to anyone and will not be using it myself.
I would love that
Email sent. Let me know if it works please.
Dude you freaking rock, I am forever in debt to you, and take back all that stuff I said about you.
Enjoy the phone :)
Just realized my 100th Disqus comment got me a OnePlus Invite, must be fate
Hey so return the favor plz you know the struggle
I purchased mine tonight, but according to the website you don’t get invites to give out for a little bit after and only according to how many they have in Stock. I will remember you when I receive one, but just know that when I send you an invite you have 24 hours to use it and purchase the phone otherwise the invite gets sent back to me.
I appreciate it when you do
If you’re a member @ AndroidForums,keep an eye out for invites in the OnePlus One forum ;-)
If you get an invite I would really appreciate one
Lucky duck, this Derek is a saint
Hey Derek If you come across anymore let me know please I’m in need of a new phone.
If I get more I’ll post them on So far I’ve given out 5 invites ;) Fingers crossed for more!
Fingers crossed and hoping and praying
I heart Derek. In a non-homo/kind of home way
All kidding aside… do you get an invite I signed up for there newsletter a while ago but don’t know anyone who purchased a one plus one so consequently I don’t have an invite. … I’m actually becoming impatient to be honest….I wanted to buy one but at this point it has been months since they released it….yet it isn’t available to the general public yet …sigh…if anyone had an invite they could share my email is [email protected] thanks.
Will also keep you in mind when I start getting invites to give out
And I appreciate that and will be in your debt as well! Thank you and have a good night :)
I will make sure to order it the minute I get the invite from you if I do lol. Its ridiculously difficult to get a opo….but I’m guessing worth the wait…if I get one I might not even bother w the sgn4. Thanks again man :)
I have been looking for invites since day one… Love to get one !
I would love to partake in receiving an invite for a Oneplus One :D. If anyone gets an invite, I would gladly appreciate it :)
Wish I had a invite, Hope they get the phone fully out, or more avaible soon, kinda regretting my s5 purchase.
The best way to get rid of these assholes is to not buy their shit when it comes out.
one plus one is vaporware. Who in God’s green earth came up with the idea of an invite to buy a telephone? And furthermore let the stupid promotion last 3+ months? I wanted one so bad I couldn’t stand it, but now I really couldn’t care if I get one or not because I’m willing to spend more money to get a phone. One+one you guys are a major fail. You have the audacity to announce you’re gonna run android L soon but no one even owns your phones so who cares what it’s running? I think you guys are a bunch of narcissists that are completely blowing it. An invitation being thrown out there for a couple weeks would have been fun, but three plus months? Epic fail! Respectfully Christopher Harper [email protected] I leave you my email address in case you have some sort of realistic or optimistic reason for making so many stupid choices that may make some sense. Not likely but I thought I give you the opportunity. And I have to say a 16 gigabyte phone in today’s world you can just throw that in the trash. No SD slot, no phone for me. 64 gigabyte phone is a little better but we still need an SD slot. Come on, how hard can that be? Another major fail. But, it’ll be running Android L woopty Doo!! You should just go ahead and put it the Smithsonian now. The great phone that went nowhere.
First, One+ needs to get their darn phones on the market!!
If it weren’t for the price I would have completely given up on the OPO. Ruining my Z1 while under contract really sucked.
I’m glad their production is finally ramping up but having been an active member of their forums for so long with no invite is entirely frustrating. Knowing my luck I’ll get an invite for a 16GB which I would NEVER buy. /sigh crosses fingers. Some day.
I am in Super need of an invite
Google needs to do a better job of creating a way that would allow manufactures faster updated within a month. Underlying framework or something
It’s not the manufacturers to blame, blame your carrier for the slow roll out of updates.
And the Nexus phones get them immediately? They need to have a google play edition and get the updates out 3 weeks after final build.
cool beans,
take your time and make sure google has all the kinks ironed out.
looking forward to having it on my ONE.
They should have said Android L would be released a day after final build. That way people could expect the actual release to come in 3 months. OnePlus announcing 3 months means it could be 5 – 6 months.
I’m totally stoked to hear this, just because, I’m assuming the generic cyanogenmod for the rest of us (like my N5) should follow soon after (hopefully!). Also, this makes me super happy after JUST this morning reading the “The L is for Later” post made by cyanogenmod, stating how they are not building against L until it gets a full stable release by Google. I was just left feeling like I’d have to wait a long while, but I’m glad they’re staying competitive with the likes of HTC and Samsung (if not better).