
Is Nokia teasing a new Android phone?


nokia x2 teaser

It would be natural for anyone to believe the Nokia X family is Nokia’s first and last line of Android products, what with them being fully and officially owned by Microsoft, and all. But there’s a possibility that they could be continuing their modest trek into Android territory with a follow-up device.

The company has started teasing an announcement that they’ll be making in about three and a half days. They published a post on their “Nokia Conversations” blog titled “Green with Envy,” and reminded us that “summer brings out our inner glow.” The graphic they used for all this certainly does have a lot of green in it, as well.

One would think all that green would mean they’re hyping up an announcement of some sort of follow-up to the Nokia X, as it was that same hue they used leading up to the announcement of the original line. And with rumors of a Nokia X2 swirling about, there’s reason to believe their Android days are not yet over.

The latest Nokia X2 rumors say to expect the following:

  • Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (likely with heavy customization
  • dual-core Snapdragon 200 MSM8x10 processor
  • 1GB of RAM

Sounds like another unimpressive outing, though we suppose this smartphone isn’t meant for techies like us. The original Nokia X family was designed to help people graduate from feature phones to smartphones by offering the device at a very inexpensive price point.

The Nokia X2 could turn out to be a very good value depending on its price, but we’ll have to see it in the flesh before we make any crass assumptions. Be sure to circle back Tuesday to see what they have on tap.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. That would put it on par with the Lumia 520/521 and the Moto E. Unless it has a killer hook at a low price point, I don’t see the benefit of the Nokia X lineup versus the Lumia 52x lineup from MS’s point of view. It is a compelling phone at a low price though (going off the first X) given that it has a Windows Phone-like UI but with far more apps (including a mostly functional Instagram).
    A good idea for Nokia pre-MS buyout, but I don’t think MS can be too happy about a phone that cuts into Windows Phone Sales while offering a more robust app store…made by one of their own internal divisions.

    1. lumia 520/521 use krait processor (cortex a15) its perfomance is equivalent to quadcore snapdragon 400. moto e and nokia x2 use slow chip cortex a7 snapdragon 200. still lumia 520 is best in low end category but there are people who prefer android over wp thats why this phone exist

      1. Thanks for the correction. I had a brain fart and forgot that the Lumia uses Krait. Keep in mind, however, that Krait does not use the Cortex A15 MPCore, despite using the same instruction set and many other architectural similarities.

  2. Okay, that’s fine, make a low-mid range phone. How about giving us Android users another option w/ a good flagship? Nokia is considered the manufacturer that makes the best cameras in their devices. Put a Carl Zeiss lense on an Android w/1080p, 2-3 GB of RAM, a 2600 mAh battery, etc along with some customizable software.

    1. Yes this, and not a huge screen (4.7 to 5 inch max)..

      1. Don’t know about that because everyone wants big screens lately.

  3. Flag ship specs, untouched android (basically GPE), just try and keep up with the demand.

  4. I think Nokia might try some weird stuff, like a small T9 phone with Android and LTE on board. I’d buy that.

  5. Could be something X-Box connected. Xbox is a green logo.

  6. microsoft has ruined Nokia.

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