
Mysterious new Google “Flounder” device pops up in bug reports — new Nexus tablet?



A new device by Google that seems to be in testing around the Mountain View campus, you say? How exciting! A recent Chromium bug report has tipped us off to the existence of an unknown Google device.

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The report references “google/volantis/flounder” as the device’s build fingerprint, which lets us know that its codename is Flounder. If you know how Nexus codenames work, you’d know that the Google team has been exceptionally fond of fish and other water-bound creatures in the past. One variant of the Nexus 7 was codenamed Grouper and the Nexus 5 was codenamed Hammerhead in case you didn’t know.

The bug report doesn’t really give us much more meaningful information than that, though we imagine this could be the forthcoming Nexus 7 refresh or Nexus 8 introduction that is expected to go down at Google I/O this summer. There’s still no telling what we’re in store for when it comes to that, so we’ll just have to wait until more Googlers get a lot more careless and start leaking out more information (intentionally or otherwise).

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Swarovski Samsung Galaxy S5 and Samsung Gear Fit collection literally hurts my eyes

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  1. Flounder..It’s sounds good for lunch right about now.

  2. Flounder…. Nexus program….. must have been the code name for the Nexus Q! :-P

    I’ll grab my coat and run now.

    1. That was tungsten actually.

      1. I’ll wait for the joke to sink in.

        1. Yes yes I got the joke. I was just making an attempt to mess it up.

          1. A winner is you :p

          2. You username is so full of win! (Unless you drink milk. Then it probably isn’t.)

  3. HTC Nexus, I see you.

    1. I will sell my Nexus 10 so fast if it is a good tab.

    2. Terrible code name considering the success of htc flyer. But I hope it is the htc nexus 8

    3. With Micro SD support? I will throw my wallet at the cashier if it has it!

  4. Maybe this is their rumored Chrome tablet. Hmm..

  5. Nexus 6?? Yeah I’m just gonna call it now, nexus 6.

  6. Im gonna go ahead and say its the nexus 6, yeah nexus 6.

  7. I used to enjoy the launch of new nexus devices but then I went to Verizon.

    1. Not dissimilar to taking an arrow to the knee.

    2. You can’t WiFi tether to your phone on verizon? I have a 7GB/month@$70 plan* on docomo in Japan. WiFi tethering is where 90% of my data goes. As long as my phone is basically functional, it really frees me from caring about what cellco is offering what tablets.

      * There are slightly cheaper options here, including an MVNO or two, but none of them have worked out for me yet.

  8. Flounder? O CMon thats not the name for a new device..

  9. Nexus 10 = Mantaray

    1. Moto Xoom wifi only = Wingray
      Moto Xoom 3G/4G = Stingray

      Both were 10″ tablets… GG Samsung for using same naming “format” on N10.

      1. What’s GG? I’m old.

        1. Heh – probably not age related, no worries :p It’s more a gamer thing – generally means ‘good game’ (sometimes sarcastically) or ‘Good Guy’

          Also: age is not a valid reason to not game :p

  10. This is new?! I have a Nexus 7. When I went to reinstall the AOSP, it had a device name of “flo” or :founder”. The bootloader has to match the device name.

  11. I would love to buy another Nexus tablet. I sure hope that Google doesn’t kill off the Nexus brand. It’s so great for both consumers and OEMs.

  12. 4 years from now when this device gets released, this article will be a classic lol.

  13. I want a new N10. Since I returned my New Padfone Infinity and bought a Nexus 5, I am on a hunt for a good 10″ tablet. But none of the existing tablets seems to fit my needs.
    I’m counting on you Google I/O!

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