
2014 Motorola Smartwatch will focus on style, battery life



The wearable tech space is heating up and lately it’s been all about the wrist. Devices such as the Pebble Steel, Fitbit, Nike Fuelband, and Jawbone UP are selling like hotcakes. Android manufacturers want in on the action too: the newly announced Samsung Gear Fit looks amazing, they’ve also announced the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo, and it won’t be long until we see the LG Lifeband Touch.

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Don’t forget about Motorola. I know: forgetting insinuates that at one point you had a Motorola Smartwatch in your memory. Dare I remind you of the Motorola MOTO ACTV that we reviewed back in 2011?

Okay, perhaps it’s better that you forgot. The MOTO ACTV wasn’t exactly a home run, but let’s just say it was a few years before its time. Motorola is rethinking their smartwatch strategy and a tweet by Senior VP of Product Management, Rick Osterloh, is promising a brand new Motorola watch in 2014 with a focus on style and battery life.

I think we’d all agree that style and battery life are two of the most important features for consumers. I’d wager a bet that price, feature set, and thickness (or lack thereof) round out the Top 5. Let’s hope Moto can manage them all.

Rumors have swirled that a Google Smartwatch will debut at Google IO 2014, potentially made by LG. Considering LG made both the Nexus 4 and the Nexus 5, and Google recently sold Motorola to Lenovo, we wouldn’t find this news surprising. But then again, Google continues to excite and surprise us with their Nexus selections, and might surprise us further by killing off the Nexus bloodline completely.

One thing is for sure: if you’ve been wanting a Motorola smartwatch, you can officially start saving your money.

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Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. By the lack of comments I’m guessing no one cares ;)

    1. 0/10

  2. “Android manufacturers want in on the action too: the newly announced Samsung Gear Fit looks amazing,”

    A reminder that the Samsung gear is not an android smartwatch. It neither runs on android or works with android phones. It works only with Samsung phones; which are barely android themselves.

    1. This is a fair point, but I mostly meant to suggest the Top Android Manufacturers all have their eye on Smartwatches as a revenue source (aside from their Android initiatives).

    2. In all seriousness, from the view point of the common person (ie..not an enthusiast like any of us reading here) Samsung IS Android. Sure there are other brands, but when people think of Android these days they think of Samsung first.

  3. I’d replace thickness with compatibility in that top 5.

  4. Motorola will only succeed if Apple Acquires it

    1. Lenovo already acquired Motorola Mobility.. Let’s see what they can accomplish.

  5. A Battery that lasts at least a year like my current watch, and water resistant to 100 feet… that would be fantastic… and if its stylish, that’s definitely a plus.

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