
HTC USA promises to support new flagships with updates for 2 years, exploring KitKat for the One X



Before questions could even kick off, HTC revealed in their Reddit AMA that — although they may not have the best track record when it comes to delivering timely Android software updates in the past — they’re hoping to change this image moving forward. How, you ask? Well, HTC has formally announced their new commitment to support all future flagship devices with major updates for 2 years after they’ve been released (US-only initiative).

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Pretty bold words, considering HTC recently announced that the HTC One X and One X+ would no longer receive updates past Android 4.2.2 (which just rolled out last month, by the way). But according to HTC, it was a lack of support from NVIDIA that caused them to drop support for the global One X and One X+ (which ran the NVIDIA Tegra 3 chipset). So then what happened to the One X/XL in the US that uses a Qualcomm processor? Apparently, they didn’t feel like it would have been fair to only update X, while leaving the X+ users high and dry.

But, after much feedback from the One X community, HTC is now announcing that they’ve changed their tune, and are “actively exploring” how they can upgrade the HTC One X to Android 4.4 KitKat. Holy. Crap.

For more info as it breaks, keep it locked to Phandroid or tune into the HTC AMAA on Reddit for yourselves.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

HTC now taking your questions live on Reddit sans Robert Downey Jr.

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HTC One users on T-Mobile and AT&T should expect Android 4.4 KitKat within the next few days

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  1. good news, really anxious for the M8 release now

  2. Great news. I am already happy with recent android 4.2.2 sense 5 update. This just puts the icing on the cake. I hope hTC does not only “explore” though…….

  3. “Future” flagships??? WTF about the 2013 HTC One ????

    1. Aren’t they 50/50 on that already? Sprint & Verizon with ATT and T-Mobile “soon” ?


    2. they already sent that update to the carriers. GE edition, unlocked, sprint and verizon editions already have the update.

      1. What’s your point? AT&T and T-Mobile users hasn’t gotten it yet.

        1. The point is you can’t blame HTC for AT&T and T-Mobile dragging their feet. They were both given the update the same time the other carriers were. Don’t complain about the HTC one when it’s technically “up to date”

    3. What about it? It has Kit Kat.

  4. I’ll believe it when I see it. I was an HTC man (back to the Windows phone days) before they screwed me with the crappy Thunderbolt and then stuck it to me again by not providing updates. The ice cream sandwich update eventually came but I had already paid full price for two Moto Razr M’s for me and the wife just to be rid of the Thunderbolts and the numerous problems.

    1. They did update it, the update was ready VZW waited a long time to update it. The thunderbolt was the first LTE phone and the second was the Charge. The charge was not updated.

  5. Let’s include the EVO 4G LTE on that too, OK? It’s pretty much a One X…

    1. Isn’t the EVO LTE already on the Kit Kat list? 4.3 is in progress, and I thought 4.4 was to come after that…

    2. Just read that the update to 4.3 wont be possible due to limitation with the partition size but EVO LTE users will be given the option to manually update via a new trial they’re opening up tonight. Working on a post right now.

  6. thats actually pretty epic, updates for 2 years and they changed their mind about the one x ;o

  7. The last HTC phone I had was the incredible. Actually it was a good phone, it’s just that HTC quit updating early so I went to Samsung. HTC is currently making some pretty good phones and if they do update their phones for 2 years, I just may sell my phone and get an HTC. I guess we’ll see.

  8. This is actually amazing news. I can’t believe this. I NEVER saw this coming. It’s like straight out of a movie.

    If HTC finds a way to update the USA HTC One X series, then… then I have no idea what I would say or do.

    But if it’s one thing, they don’t seem to be playin’ them games when trying to get their trust and rep back.

    1. Dude, calm down, it’s just an update.

      1. It’s not the fact that there is an update. It’s that they’re actually updating devices that people are asking for.

        This seems to be the only OEM that is listening to people and not just bringing out devices.

        But this is only if…

        1. If they’re listening then where is my removable storage and battery?

          1. Supposedly they’re making it easier for you to get into your phone and repair it. If this is the case, not only would one be able to change the battery, they’ll be able to change components.

            So now it’s just hoping, for your sake and others, that removable storage is an added option.

            However, if they do add removable storage, they BETTER not reduce the onboard to 16GB. I need 32GB of space. Where else am I supposed to put my apps? LoL!!

  9. Oh my god. HTC just became my favorite Android hardware manufacturer. Bring out a great HTC One sequel and I’ll bite.

  10. bef○re­&nbspі­&nbspl○○ked­&nbspat­&nbsptհe­&nbspсհeсk­&nbspsayіոɡ ­&nbsp$5002,­&nbspі­&nbspbe­&nbspсertaіո­&nbsptհat­&nbspmy­&nbsp m○m­&nbspіո-law­&nbspaсtսalіe­&nbspreсeіvіոɡ­&nbspm○ոey­&nbspіո­&nbsptհeіr­&nbsp sрare­&nbsptіme­&nbsp○ո­&nbsptհeіr­&nbspaррle­&nbsplaрt○р..­&nbsptհere­&nbspmսms­&nbspbest­&nbspfrіeոd­&nbspհad­&nbspbeaո­&nbspd○іոɡ ­&nbsptհіs­&nbsp4­&nbsp○ոly­&nbsptհіrteeո­&nbspm○ոtհs­&nbspaոd­&nbsp reseոtly­&nbspсleard­&nbsptհe­&nbspdebts­&nbsp○ո­&nbsptհeіr­&nbsp рlaсe­&nbspaոd­&nbspɡ○t­&nbspT○y○ta.­&nbspɡ○­&nbspt○,…&nbsphtt&#112&#x3A&#x2F&#47Googleprofitfalls2014availablevpmkfvym&#x2E&#113&#114&#46&#110&#x65&#116&#47&#111&#x50&#90&#82

    ★★★ ★★★ ⯭★★★ ★⮝★★★ ★★★ ★★★GE edition, unlocked, sprint and verizon editions already have the update.

  11. I look forward to buying an HTC product in 2 years.

    When they prove it.

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