
CyanogenMod hits stable release, 10.1.3 now available for a variety of Android devices



If bleeding edge, occasionally buggy Android software isn’t exactly your thing (I’m looking at you, Raveesh), CyanogenMod might have your back. The team that recently raised 7 million in funding to go full-time has now announced that they’re finally ready to move past the RC (release candidate) phase, and onto a stable release.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

CyanogenMod 10.1.3 is just that release, hitting their servers and ready to download for a handful of devices. Not only does 10.1.3 bring stability into your wild and crazy Android life, but it also introduces CM Account for remote wiping of lost devices amongst other nifty stuff. And while their once custom Android camera app Focal wont be making it into the stable release, you can still give it a download in the Google Play Store.

CM mentions that this will be the last ROM based on 4.2.x, as they begin work on 4.3 (CM 10.2), while looking ahead to Android 4.4 KitKat in the future.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Well I was excited until I saw it’s 10.1. Been running 10.2 nightlies for weeks on my verizon s4 with no problems so I see no reason to go backwards.

    1. When you Bluetooth stream music in your car, does it show the song title? That’s HUGE pep peeve of mine. I usually go out my way to make sure I have that available. I noticed on some AOSP, CM, or any stock or stock-like ROM I would or wouldn’t have that feature.

      Of course that’s a very small thing to worry about, but that’s a *big* issue to me. =.3

      First world problems.

  2. shots fired at Raveesh! lol

  3. Is this available on the GS2?

    1. why not look for yourself. Quit letting people lead you through life.

      1. That was deep..

        1. I pity the fool who thinks something deep came from a user whose username resembles the street slang name of sperm… Giz… Wow.

          1. Yes, there’s a stable 10.1.3 for SGS2 i9100

          2. Thank you sir. Have it downloaded now.

      2. I asked thinking that this was a community of friendly Android users not sourpuss douche bags like yourself. Before you go and offer me such profound and philosophical advice, why not turn a mirror on yourself and I think of how you got where you are. Did someone lead you there? My guess would be yes. If you had parents, someone lead you through life. Have any mentors or tutors? Someone who inspired you? Ever been in an internship? Before you lead you have to follow. Every success story starts out with a humble following of someone who was been there before, so to speak. So, yes I have allowed people to lead me through life. It’s made me the father, husband, and successful businessman that I am today. May be you should think twice before typing up such asinine thoughts and opinions.

        1. Schooled! lol

        2. While this resembles something insightful, at the end of the day it is in defense of blatant laziness. gfgi

          1. So let me get this straight, you think you can draw a conclusion from one simple request? So if I asked you, can you show me where the bar is, are you going to assume that I’m asking you because I want to get drunk? Or that I would like to buy a drink for myself or a friend? How do you know the reason why I’m asking? I’m sure you’ve heard of the truism, “You know what happens when you assume?” If you don’t I’d be glad to enlighten you. Your thought of me being blatantly lazy is of no consequence to me, however, I must say that it’s strange to me that a blatantly lazy individual, such as myself, can be a member of an honor society from Junior High all the way through College and graduate in the top 15% of his university. Man that’s freakin’ weird… I don’t know you Scott and I would appreciate it if you cast judgement with a little less severity.

          2. The reason for your query is completely irrelevant, and I fail to see how I’ve even remotely implied otherwise. You asked a question specific to your personal needs whose answer was readily available to anyone with one minute of time and a web browser. This happens all the time in XDA forums, people asking questions that have already been answered 50 times because they’re too lazy to use the search box.

          3. Again, I assumed this was a community of friendly Android users. Clearly I’m wrong and you are only enhancing that fact. If you have such a problem with someone asking one simple question, which I’m sure you have the answer to, that’s your burden to bare. If someone were to ask me a question, that didn’t require me to rack my brain, I would gladly give them the answer.

          4. It could also have been simply answered with a polite Yes or No, which would have take a lot less time than the multiple posts this has generated.

          5. Thank you Carl, although I admit I am responsible for have of these multiple posts. I’m glad you understand where I’m coming from. A simple yes would’ve sufficed.

          6. All that typing could have been spent on Google and you would have had your answer already.

          7. I’ve already downloaded it…

          8. But this is a fun read. Also you can’t really answer his question since there are different iterations of the GS2. He would actually have to go do the research on his own.

          9. No matter how you try to defend this, the behavior was lazy… I’m sorry you take this classification of a single behavior as a sweeping generalization of your entire being, your arrival at this logic fallacy was not my intention.

          10. Well seeing as how you can only pass judgement upon what you see in this forum, it is only natural that I would assume your conclusions of me can only be drawn from what is shown here. You know nothing about me besides what you’ve seen thus far. What other facts of me do you have to counter? If I have indeed arrived at a logical fallacy then please, by all means, provide me with enough substantial evidence to prove that you don’t presume me to be a lethargic, XDA user who can’t take one minute out of his day to research something that is readily available on the Internet. The truth is you can’t. So I have every right to feel that you have made a “…sweeping generalization of…” my “…entire being.”

          11. You can rest assured that I have not made any sweeping generalizations concerning your integrity as a human being based on a relatively insignificant moment of laziness.

          12. If it was such a trivial moment of laziness, why did you feel the need to voice your opinion? Clearly it was of enough significance to disturb you.

          13. Must something disturb someone for them to type a few words into a textbox? …and is this you saying it was not a trivial moment, or are you just trolling now?

          14. That’s precisely what I’m saying. I by no means, consider myself lazy, therefore I consider your conclusion of my “insignificant moment” quite important. Had I known that asking one question would lead you to characterize me as lazy, I would’ve never inquired within this forum.

        3. I asked thinking that this was a community of friendly Android users not sourpuss like yourself. Before you go and offer me such profound and philosophical advice, why not turn a mirror on yourself and I think of how you got where you are. Did someone lead you there? My guess would be yes. If you had parents, someone lead you through life. Have any mentors or tutors? Someone who inspired you? Ever been in an internship? Before you lead you have to follow. Every success story starts out with a humble following of someone who was been there before, so to speak. So, yes I have allowed people to lead me through life. It’s made me the father, husband, and successful businessman that I am today. May be you should think twice before typing up such asinine thoughts and opinions.

      3. You’re a douche bag!

        1. Perhaps I went to far with that one…

    2. I had it on my E4GT (GS2)

  4. Do not go backwards if you have installed higher releases you will brick the device, it happened on my SGS 1500

    1. well,my nothing happened to my i9300 when i went from 10.2 to 10.1

  5. It’s been a long time since I used a Cyanogen Mod rom. I’ve been using Paranoid Android. I do appreciate the work they do though. PA likely wouldn’t exist in it’s present form if it weren’t for Cyanogen.

    1. Thats a nice rom. I’ve been rocking probam recently it’s all of the 4.3 rom into 1 it’s pretty stable. :)

  6. CyanogenMod has been one of the most unstable roms I’ve used. Last night while driving to a place I haven’t been before and while using Waze my phone completely shut off and refused to come back on. This is all while driving on the highway, I pulled over pulled the battery and she came back on. This morning I ODINed back to stock TW ( Galaxy s3 ) and I don’t plan on going back. So for the “stable” label I’m not sure, seems like beta ware to me.

    1. They lost their way as soon as the number of supported devices exploded. The last CM rom I used was on my N1, everything of theirs I’ve tried since has been unusable. The best roms available for most phones nowadays are the ones based on the manufacturer roms with the bloat stripped.

    2. I’ve been using CM on my VZW S3 for about a month now and haven’t had a single bit of trouble. It’s been great: faster performance, battery lasts longer, and I’m on 4.2 instead of 4.1.2, which is where I’d be if VZW had their way.
      I stick with only the stable releases, I don’t go for any of the nightlies or even the RCs.

  7. John, do you have a wife or gf? If so, I feel bad for them! You’re probably one of those guys that make us do everything for you huh? Remove your tampon, hide the mangina and use Google… It’s quite useful.

    1. I do have a wife whom I love dearly. What is her involvement in this? I actually do more for her than she does for me because that’s the way I like things to be in our marriage. She’s a stay at home mom so I do all I can to help her out when I’m with her. Idle words of no consequence; loose lips sink ships.

  8. There’s an old saying, “Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

    1. Mark Twain was a wise men but I prefer Proverbs 26:5

      “Be sure to answer the foolish arguments of fools,
      or they will become wise in their own estimation.”

  9. Is there an available download for LG Motion 4G? if so please send me a link

  10. Been on 4.3 for…. A while or so and it’s entirely stable. Granted that’s only for about an hour a day, when I’m not using it, but still….

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