Sprint Samsung Galaxy S4 now receiving JDQ39.L720VPUAMF9 update, brings much needed apps-to-SD support



If you’re currently rocking a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S4 and running a little low on internal storage, good news. Looks like Sprint is first out of the gate with the MF9 update, currently rolling out to S4 users over their network. Weighing in at 375MB, the over-the-air update adds the ability for Sprint S4 to make use of the SD to store applications, keeping the cramped 16GB of internal memory free for media, or other things.

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  • From 7/8/13 – 7/21/13, software update JDQ39.L720VPUAMF9 pushes to all existing Galaxy S 4 customers.
  • Customers must wait for the Google Over The Air (GOTA) servers push the software update to their phone for installation.


  • Voice – HD Voice enhancements.
  • Audio – Audio clipping when using headphones at higher levels has been addressed.
  • Application Storage – Enables market application installation onto the SD card.
  • Wallpaper modifications – One wallpaper was removed and 2 new wallpapers were added..
  • Messaging Known Issue – Unfortunately Messaging has Stopped error has been resolved.

What you need to do:

  • To help customer update their software, refer to: From CST Search tab > Select Maker drop-down menu – Samsung > Select Device drop-down menu -Samsung Galaxy S 4 (SPH-L720)
  • Under Device Specific Software Update to JDQ39.L720VPUAMF9 – Samsung Galaxy S 4

Download: JDQ39.L720VPUAMF9

There’s a good chance your Galaxy S4 has already prompted you for the update, but if it hasn’t you still have your options. Either “pull” the update by manually checking for a software update in your device’s settings application, or manually download straight from Google’s servers via the direct link above. As so often is the case, rooted users will wanna stay away from this and wait for their favorite devs to root and cook it up into a flashable ROM.

[via XDA 1, 2]

Thanks, Taylor!

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Taylor Swift ports Android 4.3 “Google Play edition” to Sony Xperia Z — No, really

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  1. Yea we always get the updates first!!! Why I live sprint and there super fast lte

  2. Yea man!! Sprints always furst

    1. So nice, it had to be said twice! ;D

      1. Cheers Sprint!

    2. This is the first time I’ve seen an update pushed to a Sprint device before other carriers and I’ve been a Sprint customer for almost 15 years.

      1. As long as you don’t try and download the update OTA

      2. i think the Evo LTE and GS3 and Gnex beat out ATT/Verizon didnt they?

        1. They’ve been first for hardware a few times.

      3. really? thats odd, I been a sprint customer for 7 years and they are ALWAYS get updates before anyone else by a huge margin

        1. You must not have waited several weeks for the Palm Pre’s video recorder while Verizon Palm Pres had theirs already or Palm OS 4. Now that I think about it, maybe it was a Palm thing.

  3. Is this some developed by Samsung? Will we see it on the s3 and note 2?

    1. I cannot speak to “verifiable proof”, but my Samsung rep at the local Best Buy assured me that it will roll out eventually to both devices you mentioned.

  4. Finally I can take advantage of the SD card

  5. I’m not using an s4 but these are the changes to android that need to be made if manufacturers decide to edit android. Storage is the primary reason I decided to get the HTC One. i was tied of having to rely on apps like folder mount or directory bind to move my apps off of my 11gb of space ( lots of games) because those apps at often times crashed. Good move Samsung.

    1. Can’t understand why anybody would prefer Samsung over HTC. Or use stupid SD cards. IPhone is so simple and functional

      1. What a blatantly ignorant comment.

        1. It’s frustrating to hear the truth right?

          1. Your iShit is so bring that you want to troll on phandroid?

          2. It would be nice if you speak English

          3. *spoke english

            gotta love irony

      2. What are doing here sheep?

      3. This just in! People have different tastes. Story at 11.

      4. It’s a choice not a limitation. If you don’t want it don’t use it. So simple.

      5. I wouldn’t even be able to listen to my high quality flac files on iOS. I wouldn’t be able to send zip files through email on iOS which I regularly do nor would I be able to attach a plethora of other files in an email on iOS. I wouldn’t be able to watch flash videos on iOS and I wouldn’t be able to watch 1080p videos on iOS. I also do not have access to the file system on iOS. I would also miss my nice large 1080p screen. Just a few features that I would miss. IOS is simply too limited and lacking in practicality for me. It is simple for a reason. Lots of features are just missing. Many things that I would have to pull out my laptop for if i used iOS I just dont have to on android. Those are my reasons as to why i do not use iOS. You are a simple guy I guess and probably don’t need these features but i do.

      6. I can’t understand why an Apple fan would need to go to an android site to troll for Apple, its not like you’re going to make anybody want to switch to iOS.

      7. “Can’t understand”. ’nuff said.

      8. Exactly. The iPhone is simple, that’s why it’s beloved by simpletons.

  6. Will this work for other carriers

    1. It’ll come ota sooner or later.

  7. I wouldn’t even be able to listen to my high quality flac files on iOS. I wouldn’t be able to send zip files through email on iOS which I regularly do nor would I be able to attach a plethora of other files in an email on iOS. I wouldn’t be able to watch flash videos on iOS and I wouldn’t be able to watch 1080p videos on iOS. I also do not have access to the file system on iOS. I would also miss my nice large 1080p screen. Just a few features that I would miss. IOS is simply too limited and lacking in practicality for me. It is simple for a reason. Lots of features are just missing. Many things that I would have to pull out my laptop for if i used iOS I just dont have to on android. Those are my reasons as to why i do not use iOS. You are a simple guy I guess and probably don’t need these features but i do.

  8. Apps2SD is nothing more than a sham. In my experience nothing actually gets transferred to external SD card, rather just to the mass memory thats still part of the internal 16 GB. Would love to be proven wrong

    1. not sure about apps2sd but Gl to SD (root) does work though. Before using it I had 3 GB left of internal, went up to 7GB afterwards.

    2. That’s because you’re doing it wrong!

  9. hell yeah can’t wait for tmobile

  10. after the update can i delete the zip file off my sd card?

    1. Most likely you can…

  11. This makes me happy I made the switch to Sprint for my GS4. So far I’m extremely happy with the service compared to AT&T.

  12. I don’t get it, why isn’t this a standard feature, on phones with a sd card? These things are expensive to start, and without that feature, the sd card, is only a storage for pics and documents, that are allowed, nothing else. This should have been standard, a few years ago, from all the companies. The only thing I can think of , is that they try too hard to keep their bloatware on your phone, so you’re forced to use it, and disable that feature of moving this software( c’mon, who really needs blockbuster in their internal memory).

  13. Is there going to be an APK for this so the rest of us who dont own a S4 can enjoy it?

  14. I’ve downloaded the update from the link here but I’m having trouble getting it even started. How do I update?

  15. Too bad Sprint’s network is so slow that the update will take 3 days to download.

  16. No mention of the purple smearing text while scrolling? What about the bluetooth and wifi issues? I thought that these were supposed to be part of this fix too.

    1. They fixed the smearing

      1. Thanks for the info! I am preparing to update (rooted).

  17. is it for the i9500 or i9505 ?

  18. Still can’t seem to get my downloaded update to run.

  19. I love this phone. But there is one serious glitch that I can’t believe no one caught. When in a group text message, you can NEVER exit out. You are stuck in the message FOREVER. My dumb friends keep replying and theres no way for me to exit the convo. PLEASE FIX IT.

  20. I did the update to MF9 manually on my sprint galaxy s4 but now I cant find Samsung knox HELP!!

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