
TweetDeck for Android retiring May 7th – do you still use it? [POLL]


Many spelled the end for TweetDeck when Twitter acquired the premier social networking client for $40 million in 2011. The application hasn’t completely died just yet, but its mobile apps have been pretty much abandoned. The only significant work we’ve seen out of TweetDeck since the deal went down were new developments for the web/Chrome app, as well as new native apps for both Windows and Mac.

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With that, we can’t say we’re too surprised by today’s news that TweetDeck will be retiring its mobile apps — including TweetDeck for Android — as well as its Adobe AIR app. Specifically, the company notes that the app will not only be pulled from their respective app stores on May 7th, but they will also cease to function. One of the biggest reasons TweetDeck has to shut these apps down so soon is because the app still relies on version 1.0 of Twitter’s APIs, something Twitter will also be laying to rest in early May starting with “blackout” tests on May 5th.

No plans have been announced for new versions of TweetDeck for mobile and AIR, but we don’t expect anything more. Twitter owns the company now, and the latest changes to its API have been designed to push users away from third-party clients to the official Twitter experiences. There’s no reason for Twitter to play the favoritism game with TweetDeck in that regard, so the sunset will be permanent.

Desktop and web are still important targets for the company and its survival, so it won’t be straying from those offerings anytime soon. It’s worthy to note that it will be stripping its apps of Facebook functionality, though, so Twitter’s competitive side is shining as brightly as ever in these latest moves.

Like the situation looming with Google Reader being shut down, some folks will be scrambling to find replacement apps to do their bidding so let’s take this opportunity to help each other and try some out. We hear HootSuite for Android brings a very nice set of social networking tools regardless of which network you’re using, so give it a try and see if it’ll suffice. Feel free to suggest more in the comments section below. Oh, and don’t forget to drop a vote in the poll — we’re curious to see just how many of you even use TweetDeck anymore.

[polldaddy poll=7053441]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Tweetcaster has worked great for me.

  2. Doesnt support G+

  3. Yes its the Best for Android phone & the Only one that has facebook & twitter in the same time line, with others they have one column for twitter then swipe to the left/right for the facebook posts. I will so so miss tweetdeck.

    Is there another app that has Twitter & facebook & maybe G+ in “1” column so I dont miss anything??

    1. PLUME, check it out.

  4. I’m actually using Paul O’Brien’s TweakDeck. That was one of the worst sales I’ve seen. Twitter killed TweetDeck from day 1. They think their app is something special, but I continually try to use it to find that it’s still pure crap.

    1. I wonder if TweakDeck will be shut off at the same time.

        1. Thank you. Tweet Lanes is the best alternative I’ve found.

  5. I’m still looking for a good client that can handle an individual column for each of my lists. I have categorized lists I read easily with Tweetdeck, and nothing works as well. Right now, I’m trying Plume and it’s the best I’ve found so far, but it doesn’t pre-fetch and cache all my columns like Tweetdeck does. Hootsuite doesn’t update my columns in the background either.

  6. Twitter has always been terrible and ever since they started a crusade against apps that make it less terrible I’ve given up on them. G+ has it’s share of flaws, but overall its far superior.

  7. I ditched it awhile ago in preparation for the big shutdown. It was a great app with even greater potential that has been squandered. I’ve moved on to Scope (, which can combine Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, and Tumblr into one feed. It’s ad supported, but they also have paid monthly and yearly subscriptions.

  8. I never used TweetDeck, but have used Adobe Air.

  9. I must admit, now with the latest facebook and twitter oficial apps releases I don’t use it too much… only from time to time.. but for windows desktop, Tweetdeck is everything!!! There is no match for it… to bad :(

  10. PLUME FTW. Tweetdeck is DEAD

  11. should have the choice “never used it”

    1. “What’s a twatter” is right for you (and me)

  12. I used to use TweetDeck (and then later on, TweakDeck), but ditched both in favor of Falcon Pro a while ago when I heard TweetDeck development was dead. The fact it’s being shut down is something I’ve known was coming for about a year – the devs specifically stated they were focused on the web version only, shortly after being acquired, though the reasoning behind it (API retirement) is a new twist to an old classic. I figured Twitter would just pull it, and the .apk would live on via direct downloads, never to see another update again. Oh well. Life moves forward…

  13. I switched from tweekdeck to scope personally

  14. Official app all the way. Does what I need.

  15. I use Falcon Pro and Slices. Both support lists which is my primary view for Twitter(albeit vertically not the convenient horizontal swipe of my beloved Tweetdeck)

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