
HTC One available starting Q2, including T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T


The HTC One is just a few minutes old, and we already know which carriers around the globe will be carrying it. Here in the United States, where it’s never a sure bet that everyone will get a certain phone, T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T have all been confirmed as major carrier partners (with Cincinnati Bell being the odd regional carrier). That notably leaves Verizon out, so you Big Red fans will have to wait and see if HTC is cooking up something special for them.

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Those in Canada will be able to get it through Rogers, Bell, TELUS and Virgin Mobile. As for Europe, the Middle East and Asia, you can pretty much expect this to hit every major carrier you can imagine, and even if you can’t find it through your favorite companies you’ll be able to purchase one unlocked before too long. Find the full list straight ahead.

Global Availability
The new HTC One will be available globally through more than 185 mobile operators and major retailers in more than 80 regions and countries beginning in March. For more information and to pre-register for the new HTC One, visit www.htc.com.

Europe, Middle East and Africa: 1&1 Germany, A1 Telekom Austria, AB Poland, Allo Ukraine, AMC (Cosmote) Albania, Avea Turkey, Beeline Kazakhstan, Belcompany Netherlands, BH Telecom Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bite Latvia, Bite Lithuania, Bouygues Telecom France, Carphone Warehouse UK, Cell C RSA, Citrus Ukraine, Cosmote Greece, Cosmote Romania & Global Bulgaria, Cyta, DT Mobile(TS) Latvia, Du UAE, Dustin Sweden, Eagle Mobile Albania, EE UK, Elisa Estonia, Elisa Finland, El-Giganten Denmark, El-Giganten Sweden, Elkjöb Norway, EMT (TS) Estonia, E-Plus Germany, ERC Ukraine, Euroset Russia, Gigantii Finland, Go Malta, H3G Austria, H3G Denmark, H3G Italy, H3G Sweden, H3G UK, HT Eronet Bosnia & Herzegovina, K-Cell Kazakhstan, KPN Belgium, KPN Netherlands, Life Belarus, LuxGSM Luxembourg, Megafon Russia, Melita Malta, Meteor Ireland, Mobilezone Switzerland, Mobilochka Ukraine, Mobily KSA, MSH Belgium, MSH Germany, M-Tel Montenegro, M-Tel Bosnia & Herzegovina, MTI Ukraine, MTN Cyprus, MTS Belarus, MTS Russia, Netcom Norway, (Telefónica) O2 Czech, (Telefónica) O2 Germany, (Telefónica) O2 Ireland, (Telefónica) O2 UK, Omnitel Lithuania, One Macedonia, Optimus Portugal, Orange France, Orange Maldova, Orange Poland, Orange Romania, Orange Slovakia, Orange Spain, Orange Switzerland, Partner Communications Israel, PhoneHouse France, PhoneHouse Germany, PhoneHouse Netherlands, PhoneHouse Sweden, Phones4U UK, Play Poland, Plus Communication Albania, Polkomtel Poland, Proximus Belgium, SFR France, SiMobil Slovenia, STC KSA, Sunrise Switzerland, Svyaznoy Russia, Swisscom Switzerland, TDC Denmark, Tele2 Croatia, Tele 2 Estonia, Tele2 Latvia, Tele2 Lithuania, Tele2 Russia, Telia Denmark, Telia Sweden, Telekom Slovenija, Telenet Belgium, Telenor Denmark, Telenor Norway, Telenor Sweden, Telenor Hungary, Telenor Serbia, Telkom Serbia, TIM Italy, TMN Portugal, T-Mobile Austria, T-Mobile Croatia, T-Mobile Czech Republic, T-Mobile Germany, T-Mobile Hungary, T-Mobile Macedonia, T-Mobile Montenegro, T-Mobile Netherlands, T-Mobile Poland, T-Mobile Slovakia, Turkcell Turkey, Tus Mobil Slovenia, Velcom (TAG) Belarus, VIP Operator Macedonia, VIP Mobile Serbia, Vipnet Croatia, Vivacom Bulgaria, Vodacom RSA, Vodafone Albania, Vodafone Czech Republic, Vodafone Egypt, Vodafone Germany, Vodafone Greece, Vodafone Hungary, Vodafone Ireland, Vodafone Italy, Vodafone Malta, Vodafone Netherlands, Vodafone Portugal, Vodafone Romania, Vodafone Spain, Vodafone Turkey, Vodafone UK, Wind Greece, Wind Italy, Yoigo Spain, Yug Contract Ukraine, Zain KSA.

Asia-Pacific: China Mobile Hong Kong Company Ltd., ChungHwa Telecom, 3HK, CSL, Fareastone, M1, Mobifone, Optus, PCCW mobile, Reliance Communications, Singapore Telecommunications Ltd., SmarTone, StarHub, Taiwan Mobile, Telecom New Zealand, Telstra, Vodafone Australia, Vodafone New Zealand.

China: China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom

North America: AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Cincinnati Bell and Best Buy in the United States and in Canada with Rogers Communications, Bell Mobility, TELUS and Virgin Mobile Canada.

Latin America: Claro Argentina (América Movil), Telecom Personal Argentina, Entel Chile, Iusacell México, Telcel México (América Movil), Claro Perú (América Movil), Claro Puerto Rico (América Movil), Movistar Venezuela (Telefonica)

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Hands-on: HTC One with accessories [VIDEO]

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Ubuntu Touch for tablets officially announced, preview code for Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 coming Thursday [VIDEO]

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  1. If Verizon gets it, it’ll no doubt be carrying the Droid moniker, loaded down with useless Verizon apps, and be nearly impossible to root.

    1. And that is why they will NEVER get it.

      1. Well, it’s more likely why they don’t want it. HTC may not let them ruin this one.

    2. That’s why Verizon is the worst carrier for android enthusiasts. It’s ironic that they are the only carrier that sells a nexus device.

      1. They don’t carry the current Nexus device, Nexus 4. Google decided it be only GSM carrier due to Verizon taking too long to update their Galaxy Nexus. Verizon haven’t update the Gnex to 4.2 and it been a year already since the Verizion Gnex still on ICS. Don’t blame on Google, blame it on Verizon for not getting their stuff together

  2. Once again, VZ customers get the shaft.

    1. Verizon customers get the shaft once a month, when their bill arrives….

      1. Hahaha!! you are right, hahahahahha.

    2. O please, you guys get alot of phones better then others, you got the DNA, RAZR, bionic, droid x, increadible, alot of phones have come to VZ that others didn’t get

      1. Which are basically the same as phones on other carriers, with new branding and cosmetics…

  3. Verizon probably didn’t get it because they wanted their own branded Droid device from HTC… I think HTC is looking towards the same vision as Samsung; to have the same device on every carrier. But if Verizon doesn’t wanna play ball, then I would say screw Verizon.

    1. Same happened with the S2 remember everyone got a S2, except Verizon.

      1. Exactly, and I bet they regretted that decision… Same will be of the new One series

  4. Oh big red will get it. It’ll be the Dna two and be impossible to root. Impossible.

    1. At least it will be red anodized aluminum….

  5. Verizon’s version will probably be the next Droid Incredible in April

  6. I am glad to see it is not on Verizon. HTC this is how you stay alive. Kowtowing to verizon will only lead to your demise. The minute someone else offers to load more bloatware, or sell it for a dime cheaper Verizon would gladly stab you in the back. Verizon needs to learn it is a dumb pipe nothing more

  7. Verizon has their version, its called the DNA. The specs are pretty much the same except for the storage and sense 5 which we will get soon

    1. And the camera

      1. And the new Snapdragon 600

  8. Well honestly it is probably not enough different from the Droid DNA for Verizon to carry it… a slightly smaller screen, a better camera, faster CPU, and more internal RAM, plus the new Sense. If it was available I’d probably get it.. but I went with Razr HD Maxx because the DNA is just too big for me and I’m not going to wait 6+ months to see if Verizon *might* get it

  9. I still like the look of the DNA better.

  10. Don’t care if Verizon doesn’t get it, since I’m probably leaving Verizon when my GS3 contract is up, looking to go T-Mobile. Tired of Verizon’s crap.

  11. the make or break for me will be quality control. I feel like that has been HTC’s issue for a while along with battery life. depending on reviews, I’ll gladly give this phone a try. Those front speakers, screen, and camera all looks very promising.

  12. Sucks, VZW would likely have HTC fill it with uninstallable bloatware anyways. Boo, VZW and its non removable bloatware. Oh and lock the bootloader.

  13. That case looks pretty sexy.

  14. This phone looks amazing can’t wait to try it out.

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