
[Update: Ubuntu tablet?] Could HTC also be bringing a tablet to New York City? [PICS]


[Update]: And now Canonical is getting in on the fun. The company, which makes open-source Linux-based Ubuntu, has a countdown that curiously ends right at the same time HTC’s event starts, and the caption is “tick, tock, tablet time!” I don’t want to say the connection is obvious, but there it is.

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HTC is posting teasers to its social networking accounts more frequently than we can check, and the latest is the most interesting of them all. The company posted a photo of a bunch of devices covered up by cloths on a table. We assume some or all of these are the HTC One, but looking a little closer it’s possible the device on the lower left could be a bit bigger than the others.

The shape of the cloth suggests this could be a tablet of some sort. It certainly seems big enough, though there’s a strong possibility that this is simply two phones sitting side by side. We find it hard to imagine HTC would be preparing a tablet without us knowing about it considering how much the HTC One has been leaked.

The Taiwanese company could just be throwing us off, but it’s something to think about. HTC has been rather playful when it comes to this particular launch. Some of the teasers have been as obvious as life itself and as generic as the sun, while others have been tough to comprehend. The most notable teaser has been an image of a heart wired to a motherboard — it was the creepiest piece of marketing we’ve ever seen, actually. It did its job, though, because it got our attention and HTC has kept us hooked ever since.

We won’t know what to expect for sure until the tech world converges on New York City tomorrow for the festivities. Our own Chris Chavez is shivering like a blind bat without a voice as he sits in an airplane on his way over there, so we’ll be delivering you live coverage of everything HTC has to announce by this time tomorrow. Be sure to circle back tomorrow morning as things kick off around 10am Eastern.

[via Instagram]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. http://www.ubuntu.com/

    The timer counts down to the HTC event… Ubuntu Tablet by HTC?

  2. The lower left corner looks to me like two phones side by side, although it’s a little thicker than the top row. Maybe phones in cases. The bottom middle (covered by two cloths) looks more tablet-like. Guess we’ll just have to wait till tomorrow!

    1. Yeah, the lower left does look like two phones. You can see the space in-between where the cloth starts to sag a little because of the empty space.

  3. There was a leaked image of a tablet from an HTC commercial in late August of 2012 and it had the camera located on the bottom of the screen. It looked like a iMac and tbh it looked pretty cool.

  4. I would freaking LOVE an HTC tablet!

  5. Try to talk HTC into putting the 800 in this bad boy.

  6. HTC failed at a Android Tablet so now going to attempt Ubuntu. I’m sorry I’ll wait for Asus.

  7. Yeah and if they price it like they did the jetstream it will sell about as well too. Let’s just hope they have learned 2 things… First how to price a tablet. Second how to actually update they fn devices in a timely manner. Considering the tmo one s has yet to see jb I doubt number 2 will happen which is why they will not get a dime from me again.

  8. You mean that extremely glitchy OS? Worse than Android was at infancy? Oh….

    1. Android also had their humble beginnings.. give it time, Ubuntu will be a good competitor, that is, if development continues.

      1. We just have to wait and see. Android got lucky, and succeeded. Not all OS’es can succeed the way Android did.

  9. Hmm wonder if it will be arm or x86 based I wouldn’t mind seeding a decent AMD APU tablet running ubuntu since Unity would work perfectly fine with a touch screen.

  10. It’s so cold here :c

    1. 34? That’s pretty warm!

  11. Well this seems interesting. Very thankful I have tomorrow off so I can keep track of the coverage!

  12. I hope not. Ubooty tablets are a waste of resources. They’ll make less of a dent in the market than Blackberry or HP did.

  13. “as generic as the sun”?!

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