
Samsung to start mass production of 5-inch 1080p AMOLED display this month


Samsung is ramping up production on the 4.99-inch Super AMOLED display that is rumored to be the centerpiece of the upcoming Galaxy S4. The display, which will be Samsung’s first Full HD AMOLED, has been in the news since late last year, making a brief appearance at CES. Now reports say it will reach mass production status by the end of this month.

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Word from the front lines back in November claimed that hangups in the manufacturing process had forced a delay in producing the screen en masse. With displays reaching Samsung’s smartphone assembly lines in early March, the company will cutting it close to the GS4’s rumored early April availability.

The display in question will sport a pixel density of about 440ppi. In the future, Samsung is exploring options to create comparable pixel densities or higher in a smaller overall size.

[via SammyHub]

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  1. Well… That about confirms it.

  2. *throws $$$$* :)

    1. Make it rain!

    2. Throws even MOAR money at SAMMY!!!!


  3. s4 better not have the same screen as the s3

    1. LED is the future, but it does need refining

      1. No way.
        Amoled will rule the high end smartphones.
        Even Apple wanted the amoled screens for it’s 4 but Samsung couln’t produce enough because it needed the production for its own Galaxy S ;)

        1. Source?

        2. Samsung preferring its not so popular phones (at the time) over world most popular phone that would buy millions of screen for? sir are you drunk?

          1. http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/25/htc-running-low-on-amoled-stock-will-add-slcd-to-the-mix-for-so/

            Samsung couldn’t keep up with demand back then, so I think it’s reasonable that they could have to deny such a massive order.

    2. 1080p vs 720p, so clearly different.

    3. I’m glad they are finally addressing the screens. The S3 and the Note 2’s screens are a epic fail. I just hope they finally figured out how to create a stable blue subpixel. I would love a amoled screen if it could reproduce accurate colors especially whites. It’s just sad that they are the Android leader, they manufacture their own hardware and both HTC and LG have better screens. If the screen is as good as the One X and the Nexus 4(but with amoled technology vs LCD) and it has that Octacore processor it will be a really nice phone. Please Sammy… get rid of the heinous home button, give us premium materials and lose that bezel. I don’t care if I am not due for an upgrade, I will buy one.

      1. You kidding? The Note 2s screen is fantastic, imo.

        1. When you consider that one of the factors involved in a dispays clarity is pixel density then no I am not kidding. You can make a comparison to these other phones… New GS4 440ppi, Droid DNA 440ppi, iPhone 5 326ppi, Nexus 4 320ppi, GS3 306ppi, Note 2 267ppi, Original Droid released in 2009 266ppi. Not that ppi is everything but if the note 2 had more ppi it would be a lot clearer than it is.

          1. Sure, i would say that’s the one thing that would make it a lot better but, to me, it’s still one of the best, for now!

          2. As long as you are enjoying it that is all thay matters

  4. “smaller overall size”? Good! Enough with these monster smartphones, 4.3-4.5 inches is just enough!

    1. I kind of agree with you. I think that the general public would prefer that 4.3-4.5 inch screen but with a small bezel. However we do see lots of people (older people in particular) switching to things like the Galaxy Note 2 so they dont feel the need to buy a separate tablet.

  5. Pentile?

    1. better not be

    2. I heard rumors of some new subpixel matrix with hexagons and triangles, no joke. Even if it is as bad a pentile, I wouldn’t mind 720p on a GS3 at 4.8 inches is fine and I don’t see anything. 1080p at 5″ even if it is pentile will be more than any naked human eye can distinguish.

  6. Geee, I wonder what it could be for?

    1. The Galaxy Player. LoL!!

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