
Rdio for Android gets redesign, remote control features in new upgrade


Rdio for Android has long been one of the more exciting music apps in the Google Play Store, and the barometer has been raised with a new upgrade that’s been released today. The app has hit version 2.4, and those who were clamoring for a new user interface can rest easy knowing that the upgrade brings the app’s most dramatic interface upgrade yet. The app has been given a more simple and modernistic feel that lines up with the company’s desktop and web apps.

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It all looks great, but the more functional changes made are even more exciting. The biggest new feature is a remote control mode that allows you to see if music is playing on any of your other devices. You can pause, play and skip tracks from whatever device you happen to be using, and you can even switch playback from that device to your phone in case you want to take your music on the go but don’t want to fiddle around with the app to get back to where you were.

Infinite scrolling lets you explore all the music content you can in a seamless and easy way, and a side-bar navigation can be brought up for quick access to music, settings, playlists and more.

You’ll need an Rdio Unlimited subscription if you want to access the service, but for $10 and as much music as you can sink your teeth into that is not an unattractive option to consider. Head to the Play Store for the download, and be sure to check out Rdio’s website for more information on the various subscriptions available.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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1 Comment

  1. All very nice. But Rdio _still_ refuse to state their bitrate policy. “Oh, don’t worry your pretty little heads — it’s all very complicated. But we’re sure it’s good enough for you.” Sure. Rdio is out.

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