
Gingerbread most at-risk version of Android, Jelly Bean strives to be safest


According to research conducted by the security firm Kaspersky, Android 2.3 is the version of Google’s mobile operating system most targeted by malicious software. Versions of the Gingerbread software accounted for over 50 percent of blocked malware attempts in Q3 of 2012, with Android 2.3.6  totaling 28 percent alone. The number correlates directly with the prevalence of Gingerbread on Android handsets, where it still makes up a majority of the operating system’s install base.

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Overall, malware attacks were down from about 15,000 recorded attacks in Q2 to 9,100 in Q3, but those looking to exploit Android users haven’t given up. Ice Cream Sandwich users experienced the second most number of malicious attacks, accounting for about 38 percent despite an overall platform share that registered at 23.7 percent during an October report from Google.

Android has taken flack for poor security standards since its early days, but Google is looking to change that with the latest Android 4.2 Jelly Bean release. As part of the updated version of the OS the Android Team is baking in new security features to help protect users from apps containing malicious code, an extension of new protections added to the Google Play last month. Users of Android 4.2 can now opt to allow the OS to scan all installed apps for signs of dirty code.

It’s a wonder why Google didn’t implement such a feature earlier, especially back when carriers were blocking app sideloading out of concerns for customer safety. In this case, the effort should go a long way to help reduce Android’s status as the mobile OS most vulnerable to malware attacks.

[via BGR]


Kevin Krause
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  1. galaxy note 2 owner here with jelly been 4.1 is there a way to get the new security feature? or are we still dealing with fragmentation?

    1. What are you talking about? If you don’t want malware, don’t download “big booty women” apps.

      1. lol I don’t but I don’t think its just those apps, my sister download an app for her baby son for lullaby, and her phone just randomly started calling numbers, bug or corrupt.

        1. yes.. lullaby from a Chinese company, written in Chinese, with 5 downloads and no reviews. Want a lullaby on your phone, buy a song. Sometimes people deserve what happens to them. Sometimes.

          1. lol I hope she didn’t download that one.

      2. Dammit! I should have known better ;[

    2. who deals with fragmentation anymore. Today thats a misused buzzword by iWeenies

    3. re:to Butter619::::
      That’s not necessarily true anymore. There was a update to Angry Birds not too long ago that had malware embedded in it.

  2. Fastest. Safest. Bravest.

    1. It is fastest, right? It does miracles on my 2-year old Nook Color, comparing to laggy Gingerbread.

  3. Romney supports apple. Vote Obama for android

    1. Obama has supported Apple and their business practices these 4 years. You smell of idiocy. Your comment should be deleted and you banned. The comment is unrelated and incites ignorant trolling.

  4. This is similar to the theory that the Apple Desktop OS’s are safer than Windows OS’s. It has more to do with user volume. There are more Android users with Gingerbread….thus they are mainly the target of attacks. Just like there are more Windows users. I believe we will not know how much of an improvement Jelly Bean is over previous versions until the user counts increase with that platform. Of course, then when the user volumes increases…I am sure some new security holes will be discovered and suggestions will arise that Jelly Bean is not as safe as everyone thought.

    Bottom line is the user volume will bring out the attackers. An educated user is responsible for making sure his/her device is not in the line of fire by doing stupid stuff with their device (i.e. downloading from unknown sources, not having virus protecting, visiting malicious websites, file sharing, etc.).

    1. You speak truth, wise one.

    2. amen. A lot of Android malware is totally avoidable by making smart user decisions, but as much as we preach that there are plenty of folks that need others to do the work for them, which is why Google’s enhanced security measures are more than welcome.

  5. Is this possibly because Gingerbread is on more than half of Android devices?

    1. That definitely has something to do with it. People need to start looking at quality of protection. Android 4.2 makes Android really safe.

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