
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City headed to Android


We were as excited as giddy little schoolgirls when we’d learned Grand Theft Auto 3 would be coming to the Google Play Store. The most iconic sandbox game in history would fit in your pocket, and Liberty City would be yours to explore no matter where you were. Rockstar followed that blockbuster release up with a release of the original Max Payne. Now, the Android collection gets even bigger.

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The developer has announced that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City would be making its way to mobile as part of the 10th anniversary release they’re doing on bigger platforms. The game is 10 years old now, and it seems to have aged fairly well for itself. Rockstar says there will be some enhancements to the game that we’ll only find on mobile, but the developer was not willing to go much further than that in the way of details.

At the very least we should have the full Vice City experience. It’s a story that follows Tommy Vercetti, the first main protagonist in GTA that had a voice. Vercetti’s story takes place in fictional 1980s Miami where he’s sent by his boss, Sonny Forelli, to stay while the heat in Liberty City cools down.

Tommy picks right back up where he left off when his crooked lawyer Ken Rosenberg gets him right back into the thick of crime after picking him up from the airport. I won’t go further than that but it’s a great story that had a lot of inspiration from the likes of Scarface, Carlito’s Way, and other great films.

More details will be coming in the weeks ahead, but for now there’s no release date that can be had. If you couldn’t tell I’m as excited for this release as I was for the original back on the PlayStation 2.

In fact, I am still so in love with this game that I couldn’t resist myself when Steam had it on sale for $2.50 last week. I’ve been playing through it for old times’ sake, and now I’ll have something that I can take with me on top of that. Anyone else anxiously awaiting its arrival? [Rockstar]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. now we just need the best one san andreas

    1. I couldn’t agree more.

    2. Step 1: GTA III
      Step 2: Vice City
      Step 3: ???
      All steps = profit.

      1. it would only make sense to be San Andrea for the third one seeing how that was the next released and we will probably see it when it hits its 10 year as that seems to be the trend i cant wait. its a good model when gta 4 hits that age our devices will be more than capable of handling it we just need .5ghz to meet the pc min specs

  2. The big question is…. Will it play on Tegra devices?

    1. I’m pretty sure it will. In fact, Rockstar has been optimizing its games for Tegra so far. No reason to believe GTA Vice City is any different.

    2. gta3 it plays perfect on my nexus7 so i would imagine yes


    1. Thanks for the heads up!

    2. You rock, thanks for the tip.

    3. Sweet, man. Thanks for the tip. Downloaded it right away.

  4. Just downloaded the 10 year anniversary edition of GTA3 for 99cents!

  5. Ooo!! A trend!! That means San Andreas in about 3 more years… I think. I’ve lost count. LoL!!

    But I will be adding this to my collection. I heard the cheats are still in GTA3. If you have a hardware keyboard, it’s the same combinations as the ones on the desktop.

    1. who the hell keeps down voting anything to do with san andreas its a great game dont hate because its based off cali

  6. This means San Andreas is a possibility!

  7. FINALLY!!!

  8. Loved this game. Personally, I thought it was the best of the lot. Cannot wait!

  9. I’d have rather had San Andreas. LA in the 90’s! what’s not to love. vice city was alright though. I’m old enough to remember the 80’s being in my mid 30’s. but I wasn’t a big fan of the era even while I was living it.

  10. Red dead redemtion would be great too

    1. i liked that game just the gameplay was a little slow it took to long to get across the map

  11. I am all over this game. Vice City IMO is still the best GTA to date. I will be getting this for my Galaxy Note 2 when it is released.

    1. I spent more hours than I care to count on Vice City. However I have a one worded argument that trumps yours: Hydra.

  12. oh yeah can’t wait

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