
Android Overload: Google Play Movies Now Available In Korea, Samsung Galaxy Camera Passes Through FCC, and More


  • Google Play Movies now available in Korea. Get started with The Avengers. [Google+]
  • Acer Iconia Tab A110 now available in the UK. Nexus 7 specs and price (£179.98) — but with coveted microSD expansion slot. [Ebuyer]
  • LG Venice official for Boost Mobile. Rebranded LG Optimus 7 coming October 10th, for $220. [Boost Mobile]
  • Samsung Galaxy Camera hits the FCC with AT&T/Canadian compatible 3G/4G. [FCC]
  • Google caves in. Removes YouTube video attacking Brazilian election candidate. [Reuters]
  • Google’s Niantic Labs released Field Trip app into the Google Play Store.
  • Send real gifts to loved ones using the Facebook app’s newest feature. [AllThingsD]
  • Sony introduces the affordable Xperia Tipo and Tipo dual unlocked, for only $180. [Sony]
  • Titanium Backup now allows users to back up non-rooted ROMs, [Play Store]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

HTC One X+ Shows Up In O2 Brochure – Boasts 64GB of Storage, 1.7GHz Quad-Core, and Jelly Bean

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  1. In other news, Samsung changes their name to Samsun in hopes to prevent any future lawsuits… =D

    1. Actually you are wrong. Apple is going to sue them because they invented the S shape. I also heard that they will sue because the name is shorter and it’s very close in length to Apple.

  2. Google caves in. Removes YouTube video attacking Brazilian election candidate. [Reuters]

    :( Sad that Brazil is now a repressive country. That’s why it’s important that more people have open source smartphones so they can find ways to communicate without fear of government interdiction.

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