International Trade Commission Clears Apple of Violating Motorola’s WiFi Patent, Only 1 Left To Go


It was back in April, Apple found themselves in a bit of hot water after an initial ITC ruling found them in violation Motorola’s standard-essential WiFi patent. Phandroids everywhere rejoiced, but they may have popped the champagne a little early.

Today the International Trade Commission finished its review of the initial determination and, as it turns out, cleared Apple of not just the WiFi patent mentioned above, but 2 other Motorola patents as well. If this sounds like good news for Apple — not so fast. The ITC also ended up reversing a previous indefiniteness claim on a “sensor controlled user interface for portable communication device” (US Patent No. 6,246,862). This means there is still a chance that Apple could be found in violation of the aforementioned patent at the very least, making an import ban possible.

I guess now we’ll just have to play the waiting game before we hear anything. Whenever the ITC has to take another look at a case (which means yet another ruling and review), that whole process can easily take another calendar year. This gives Apple plenty of time to figure out their game plan/next target.

[FOSSPatents | Engadget]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Apple vs Samsung: The Fun Is Just Getting Started – Injunction Hearing Set for Sept 20th

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  1. Will somebody please take Apple down already!!!

    1. … its time, that Anonymous gets into this game

  2. Dear Anonymous and Lulzsec:

    Please declare all-out, full-force, “thermonuclear” war on Apple and flush that turd once and for all! It would be much appreciated.

    Much love and many thanks, please let US know if there’s anything we can do to help…

    -The free-thinkkng world

    1. +1

    2. Uh…So far Anonymous has committed DDoS attacks, and steal server data, how do you expect them to stop Apple from making money? You’re asking for a digital solution to a real world problem. The only way to get rid of Apple is with physical violence, and/or not buying their products anymore.

      1. Or we could all gang up and file a group lawsuit against them. “The consumers of the world against Apple”. We could tell the court that we want capitalism and choices, not a communist market where the governement decides what the consumers can buy. USA is on their way to ban everybody (smartphone manufacturers) except apple so we should find a way to stop it.

    3. That’s just nuts. Look, Apple is a wounded tiger. it is just a matter of time before they go the way of the Palm pilot. They don’t have any new ideas so all they can do is sue.

  3. Can the nonsense stop now

  4. all of these suits are fucking retarded. motorola should just drop it, not because they’re wrong but because they dont need to do this. apple is seriously on the ropes and all their competitors need to do is keep making great products as apple doesnt have an answer for them.

    the iphone 5 is going to come out amongst fierce competition that was unprecedented during the time of the 3DS, the 4, and the early life of the 4s. the competitive landscape has changed drastically from a year or so ago and apple knows it cant keep up which is why they’re resorting to litigation.

    1. This ^^

    2. Live and let die!

    3. You mean 3GS, not 3DS, or were you referring to the gameboy?

      1. You have to point out an obvious mistake that wade made yet you do the same by calling the 3ds a gameboy…

        1. Ever heard of Sarcasm?

  5. Personally, i don’t want Apple to disappear, because they push all others to innovate. But the choices they have been making lately, they will end up bankrupt.

  6. Why don’t all the major OEMs get together, do a few months of preparation, then just globally sue Apple? I doubt Apple could get their act together fast enough to create good cases for each trial. People always say that Android is an army, but Apple in king of the hill. Why not use all the forces we can to kick Apple down a few notches instead of doing everything solo?

  7. ITC, really? You ban other devices coming to the U.S. for simpler injunctions. “But damn this is Apple, we can not ban their products.” They are illegally using patents without paying Motorola/Google royalties. You have to ban them. You are about to get yourself into a huge legal battle. You are showing favoritism. This is illegal! Ban these MF’ers!!!

  8. Lulzsec and Anonymous could devestate iTunes, the App Store,, get some inside Company info as well as steal millions of Apple customers/employees info leaving Apple in a very bad position. The Apple turd must be flushed!

  9. Anonymous? You mean a hacker? OMG.. I’ve been reading about this name on other sites too..

    And you people just.. Omg

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