
Google Currents to be pre-installed in all Android 4.1 Jelly Bean devices


Google Currents has much competition, but there is no doubt it is one of the best news/feed apps in the Google Play Store. This application has been available for anyone since December, but Google is taking a major step to improve its popularity. According to an email Google has been sending to Currents partners, this app will now come pre-installed with all Android 4.1 devices and updates.

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Google expects a major flux of new users coming to the app. The Search Giant goes as far as saying that pageviews and readership should vastly increase, due to this action. A statement that may very well be true, as the app will be at Android’s core for everyone. Or at least everyone with Android 4.1, but many of us will have it soon enough.

So there goes a bit of your storage space, guys. It is a good app, though. When you get your Android 4.1 update, or download the Google Currents app, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!

[Via: The Verge]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. google bloatware. I don’t want or like this program. It’s a memory hog and slows down a machine horably. Microsoft, here I come

    1. good for you, and since you have made your decision why do need to whiny about it?

    2. “Microsoft, here I come” LMAO. You are funny!

      1. Especially since just a few days ago he posted this in a response on SlashGear.:

        “The biggest problem with windows 8 is the metro interface. COMPUTERS
        DON’T HAVE TOUCH SCREENS MICROSOFT! The interface is useless, it’s the
        cart before the horse. Why would I want to upgrade to a software that
        has absolutely no relavence t the hardware I’m using it on. Another
        Ballmer blowout. Someone PLEASE get rid of that guy.”

        1. Burnnnnnn.

        2. Wow thanks for that @twitter-569841434:disqus Like @SheckyXero:disqus said “Burnnnnnn” LOL. What you gotta say now @jlschulz098:disqus?

    3. “Microsoft, here I come…to use Bing Reader!”


  2. Between Pulse and Flipboard, I don’t see myself being persuaded anytime soon. It is a nice looking app and I could see myself using it more in the future when I do, if I ever, get a jelly bean update.

    1. Taptu is becoming my favorite news app. It has categories and searches like Google Currents and the rest, but it is supposedly also learning what I find interesting in each category and giving me more related to those preferences. It makes so much sense that I wonder why such AI wasn’t standard in news apps from the start.

      I’ve only been using it for a few days, so I can only say for now that the categories and stories offered so far have been competitive with the rest — and it should only get better.

  3. Maybe for the US, but I don’t see any of the local news editions for my area on Currents.

  4. Installed Jelly Bean on my Gnex and jumped right into Titanium Backup to freeze this app, along with Google+, and a handful of others. Goodbye!

    1. Man Google+ is absolutely the best app on whole Google Play right now !!! Especially on Jelly Bean!

      You do not know what you’re missing!

  5. I like google currents, offline reading etc. + Pulse widget.

  6. Will it be uninstallable? I tried this app out and I didnt like it, I prefer Google Reader.

    1. I doubt it but If you can’t uninstall it. Just disable it.

  7. Newsflash:

    Google currents to be one of first programs “disabled” in most Android 4.1 JellyBean devices.

    Never used it.

  8. I really gave it a chance, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Pulse. Flipboard is nice to look at but I still prefer Pulse. Unless they overhaul currents I don’t see it being popular.

  9. fg

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