
Samsung Galaxy S III now available in Australia


Add one more continent to the Galaxy S III’s rap sheet. The latest flagship device from Samsung has launched in Australia. Samsung kicked things off at an event at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre, which featured an orchestral performance and plenty of celebrity faces. Australian are receiving the 3G version of the device with no plans solidified for the release of the 4G LTE variant. Telstra — Australia’s only telecom to offer LTE coverage — is in talks to launch the 4G GS3.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The Samsung Galaxy S III is available from most major carriers including Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, and Virgin Mobile. The 16GB version can be purchased outright for $899.

[via SMH]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Got mine today on optus (first person in the area from a telechioce store lol) So damn happy with this phone, its great that its familiar coming from me ol trusty SGS1, but at the same time im loving all the new features and options within. Its a very snappy phone, no lag what so ever. Samsung have done very well with this phone. No BS about what many are saying about how good it actually feels in hand (i admit, it sounded kinda like a corny sales pitch) but it does feel great. Also people need not worry about it having a pentile screen, it looks crisp. If somebody complains they can see subpixels blah blah, then they have the device hard up against their nose! I could go on forever, but i wont. Just have to put my 2 cents in and say im happy with this phone, and well done Samsung for a damn quick release, same day as the live launch.
    On a side note, most plans are pretty good, with Telstra being the most expensive. But i guess the price you pay for a better coverage!

  2. The people who got screwed waiting for Samsung tablets get to be in on the first wave, guess there is justice in the land down under.

    Now come to the States soon!

  3. LOL F.U. Stupid American Samsung FanTools. You’re last as always! – Samsung

  4. 899$ for a phone!? That’s stupid.

  5. Hopefully Verizon will get this phone and a newer htc like the one x to choose from before they change to family share!

  6. Looks pretty nice…want more pictures.

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