
Ice Cream Sandwich now available for T-Mobile’s HTC Amaze 4G


Attention HTC Amaze 4G owners, T-Mobile has an update ready for you. And, yes, it’s Android 4.0. The upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich can be pulled from the HTC Software Updates dialog under Settings and brings about all the enhancements you might expect from a move to the latest Android OS> The new software is pretty similar to that released for the HTC Sensation 4G last week and features Sense 3.6 as opposed to Sense 4, which features on HTC’s recent ICS models such as the HTC One X.

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Despite keeping an older version of HTC’s custom interface, the Amaze 4G is expected to take advantage of the performance increases inherent in Android 4.0.  You’ll need at least 50 percent battery to initiate the update and a WiFi connection is recommended due to the large download size.

[via Android and Me]

Kevin Krause
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  1. What about Samsung galaxy S2? When is ours going to come.!!!!

    1. Historically speaking, is it really surprising HTC phones are getting updates before Samsung ones?

  2. Hope it’s not as buggy as the one they released for the Sensation!

    1. So far so good. My WIFI seems to work better

      1. Yeah, the radio was a definite step up, wifi, bluetooth, gsm, data reception were all better, but try docking and undocking the phone, or switching between A2DP and phone only. I left the firmware & radio in place and installed CM9 which has solved all the problems I had with the TMO rom.

    2. The Sensation update works amazing. After a big OS update like that I’ve found doing a factory reset makes a huge performance difference. Try that.

      1. I didn’t just wipe, I did a superwipe before installing it. Try docking the phone, then undock it, then connect a bluetooth A2DP headset and see how much sound comes out.

        1. CM9 works a lot better!

  3. The One X beats all

    1. If you carry a handbag to hold it.

      1. One X is great!!! but battery life is horrid!

  4. The first thing I did in the morning!

  5. How is the HTC one x battery life horrid I get over 18 hours each time with a lot of use

    1. Who else is playing with the +/- 1?

  6. Is there a way to downgrade from Ice Cream Sandwich back to Gingerbread without rooting?

  7. Where the heck is the SGSII update? Screw you Tmobile and screw you Samsung.

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