
Cyanogenmod 9 nightlies come to HTC Sensation and Sensation 4G on T-Mobile


Sensation users of all sorts on T-Mobile will be happy to know that they’ll now be able to get in on all the CM9 nightly fun. The project, which has been in development since the moment Google pushed Android 4.0 source code to the AOSP, have been hard at work on nightlies for the Galaxy line, various Samsung phones, the ASUS Transformer line, the Galaxy Tab line, and more since earlier this month.

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The project as a whole is taking them a lot longer than they initially thought. An original hopeful launch window of February and March have been in the rear view mirror for quite some time, but it’s hard to complain when they’re doing this for free and for fun (unless, of course, you count the donations they receive). In any case, Sensation users can see what’s in store for them by going to this link. [via Android Police]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. “One ROM to rule them all…”

  2. My gf will be happy. She can’t wait for ICS on her Sensation

  3. A day late and a dollar short.

  4. Excellent.
    Upgraded my Sensation from Hypernonsense 2.5 to 2.7 on Sunday, took several hours to work out the kinks between my backup and the new ROM, but got there in the end. Come monday, I find that constantly crashes when making/receiving calls. GAH
    Roll on CM and their nice stable ROMs again. WooHoo.

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