
Samsung Galaxy S3 hits the FCC


It looks like the Samsung Galaxy S3 is just another step closer to making its way to North America as it hit the FCC this morning. This device supports AT&T’s HSPA+ radios, but will not work on T-Mobile’s as those users would likely be stuck on Edge. Couple in in the fact that LTE is absent and we’d say this one is going to be headed straight for the great white north.

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Of course, no North American carriers have announced plans to carry the device but we’re alright with assuming some will in due time. In the meantime, if Samsung wanted to sell the Galaxy S3 in North America right now, they very well could. That’s worth something, right? [via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Actually most Canadian carriers have confirmed that they will be carrying this device but most of them other then the new entrants have confirmed the lte variant

  2. Does HSPA+ and no LTE mean it could be quad core Exynos?

  3. Next stop after the FCC,. . . .my hand, and my pocket!*!*!*!*!

  4. That would be a fair trade off for me.

  5. Basically all of the Canadian carriers have announced they will carry the Galaxy S III

  6. I’ll still want LTE. This will still be the fastest phone until iPhone5 is released.

  7. Whether the galaxy s3 or iPhone 5 is faster is still be seen. What do you mean till iPhone 5 comes out? This is Phandroid not Cult of Mac.Still wouldnt give up the freedom i have on Android for anything from apple.

    1. “What do you mean till iPhone 5 comes out?” It is expected that the next iPhone will best the Galaxy SIII in all benchmarks. The biggest differentiator will be the preference in screen size. Quality>Quantity

  8. Even if that were true i still have more freedom of choice android including custom roms, and i dont support companies that monopolise and take part in anti-competitive business practices. Steve Jobs tried to destroy Android. I love Android and therefore will never buy anything from Apple.

  9. Expected and did are two different things. I dont buy pretty Apple phones.

  10. Also if Apple really believed Samsung products werent quality.theyd stop trying to ban them and compete legitimately. So i dont see how iPhone 5 is so much better quality like you claim

  11. the FCC is only in the United States of America:
    About the FCC

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC’s jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions.

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