
Motorola DROID RAZR HD referenced in photo EXIF data


Was this photo taken with a phone called the Motorola Droid RAZR HD? According to its EXIF data the answer is yes. Several photos snapped up by the device heretofore rumored as the Droid Fighter (but looking an awful lot like previous RAZR releases) were discovered among the Picasa stream of a Motorola employee pointing to a phone that could again take up the mantle of one of Moto’s most iconic brands. Little else can be deduced from the photo data, but the handset is rumored to feature a 13MP camera.

It’s clear that Motorola isn’t done with the RAZR name and it’s starting to look like each new device isn’t meant as an upgrade or replacement, necessarily, but as a way of offering a similar experience in a range of devices that fit different needs. With an HD display and likely LTE and multi-core processing, the RAZR HD probably won’t have the battery life if the RAZR MAXX, but it will fill another high-end niche.

[via DroidLife]

Kevin Krause
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  1. the fighter was supposed to have the same battery as the maxx; so now that it’s called HD, why is that rumor no longer likely?  If either doesn’t have the battery of the maxx, then I’ll go with the SGS3 or perhaps the maxx, itself.

    1. It’s going to have better specs and an HD (possibly larger) screen. All of which use more battery. So even if it has the Razr Maxx battery, it doesn’t mean it’ll get the same battery life.

      1. Sorry, I missed the word “life”.  Thus, I assumed they were going to put a smaller battery in it.   Thanks for the clarification.

    2. The battery will be the same size as the MAXX (from what I’ve read), I think Kevin meant that since it will have a more powerful processor/camera, it will use more battery, thus die quicker.

  2. Oh, great. Another Droid to take the attention away from other good phones that’ll get ignored…

    1. Word.

  3. It looks like Motorola has dropped the Atrix name & is going with razr for its new high end phones.  Lets hope the phone has a zero shutter lag & good low light capability ?

    1. Atrix is the high end moto name for AT&T. Verizon got the Razr naming

  4. Quote: “It’s clear that Motorola isn’t done with the RAZR name and it’s starting to look like each new device isn’t meant as an upgrade or replacement, necessarily, but as a way of offering a similar experience in a range of devices that fit different needs.”

    Sounds good. There is already the standard Droid RAZR and the long lasting battery life of the RAZR Maxx. Maybe this is what they will do with the RAZR brand? Release different versions to suite various people’s needs, without upgrading the whole brand every few months which renders the recent one obsolete. Its a good strategy if you ask me. A RAZR for every person. Not just one version which may not be for everyone. I’m guessing this would increase sales for Moto if more people out there had RAZR’s which suited them.

  5. I just don’t get why people love the design so much. I find it so unattractive. I guess it is quite solid though.

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