UK customers can now pre-order their HTC One X and One S devices


HTC has changed its strategy this year. The refreshed idea is that the Taiwanese manufacturer will have fewer, better devices. And Mobile World Congress was the take off point, with HTC announcing the HTC One X, One S and One V. Said smartphones were among the most important highlights in Barcelona, and UK customers are now able to pre-order two of them.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The UK popular retailer phones4u has recently updated its website. It now has pre-orders available for the HTC One X and One S with the carrier and plan of your choice (Orange, O2 and Vodafone).

If pre-ordering devices is not your thing, you might be lured by the fact that they are throwing in and HTC Medialink with every pre-order. This nifty device will allow users to stream their content to their TV. And for free, this is a no-brainer if you were planning on getting one of these devices already.

If interested, our UK readers might want to go over to phones4u to pre-order their HTC One X or HTC One S. It might also be important to note that Best Buy US already has the HTC One XL (AT&T variant of HTC One X) for pre-order. Is anyone signing up for an HTC One device?

[Via: Talk Android]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. Why do a lot of companies launch their new phones in the UK first???

    1. barrier for entry is low. If it is GSM you are good to go. UK telcos are not as bad as US telcos.

      1. That’s what I thought!!!

    2.  Because UK service providers (carriers) give the likes of HTC and Samsung way less crap to put up with. Yes, they might ask for a slightly tweaked rom, but that’s it.

  2. Why do we always get a variant.. the only phone that looks good to me is the right most one but i wish it was a little bigger. And yes im judging on looks dont hate

    1. you like the one with all that unnecessary space on the bottom?? that’s odd lol

  3. Can they just announce the US release date already.  I need a new phone

  4. I live in South East Asia, and other than a few of the local language keybords, we get bloatware free international versions. I understand from one local HTC store the One X arrives the first week of April for about US$600 unlocked. Now will I sell off my Galaxy Note……

  5. does anyone know if these phones will have micro sims or just normal sized sim cards. I need to know because this is the only thing from stopping me from buying  a new phone 

    1. Its a micro sim on the One X not sure on the others.

  6. I’ve pre ordered my One X from Dial-a-phone in the UK, its free on a very good £31 pm tariff and also comes with the free media link HD plus other extras.
    They deliver a bit later than P4U, on April 11th but I can wait the extra 5 days :)
    Not bad for a cutting edge handset I thought and I’m looking forward to replacing my original Desire at last (none of the previous phones were enough of a leap forward for me personally)

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