
Next Wave of Galaxy S II ICS Upgrades Going Out March 19th, UK Users to Get in on the Fun


While many users in European countries have been able to pull down the exciting upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich for their Samsung Galaxy S II. Unfortunately, Samsung temporarily suspended the rollout. It’s likely not due to any issues, but due to them wanting to test the waters before rolling it out to everyone.

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They’ve confirmed to Pocket-Lint that they would resume rollouts on March 19th for Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Korea, and newly-added UK. The Galaxy Note, Galaxy S II LTE, Galaxy Tab 8.9 and Galaxy Tab 10.1 will soon follow. Of course, due to carrier testing your specific model may be delayed far beyond these days, so I advise you to get excited only if you own and unlocked, unbranded version.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. If it is important to you, the user, to have the latest android code, why not buy the Nexus?  I learned my lesson on the first Galaxy S waiting to get froyo and then waiting ETERNITY to get Gingerbread.  

    1.  Does the Nexus S have 4.0 already? No, and the version on the Galaxy Nexus suckks i had a lot of problems with the GN. Now i use the Galaxy Note hopefully Samsung releases ICS soon for us!

      1.  Too right! Where the HELL is the Nexus S ICS Google? “Nexus devices are always in line to receive updates first”. Don’t make me hate you because you lie to me. Keep us informed, otherwise we just imagine we have been dumped because you’ve already had our cash, and provide no further use to you.

    2. I would be keeping my TMO GS2 if there was Cyanogenmod support for it but that’s not the case.  My GSM Nexus will be here tomorrow!!!

  2. It is important to me to have the latest code, that’s why I install CM9.  :-)

    1. How do you install GoogleApps after you install CM9????

      1.  download the addon, flash it immediately after flashing CM9, with no reboot in between.

        1.  Thnx

  3. How do you install GoogleApps after you install CM9????

    1. You have to download and flash gapps.

      1.  THnx!

    2. I think maybe if you don’t know this you shouldn’t be flashing roms.

      1. Always good to learn

        1. Very true. That’s how I learned. Lots of trial and error.

  4. Actually the nexus s does have 4.0. At least the t mobile version does.

  5. I just want to know when I can update my international unlocked version. Is that too much to ask?

  6. What about the ICS update for Nexus S 4g

  7. Why wait for Samsung. Go to a website called SAMMOBILE….the firmware has been available there from the beginning

  8. I don’t want to root my phone. I just want the update.

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