
Android Overload: Magazines and Audio Books Coming Soon To Google Play, Samsung Wont Compromise With Apple and More


iPad 3 Day is officially over and Android emerged from the ashes unscathed. Well, at least for now, anyway. And while most of the news from around the tech world was centered around Apple’s latest magical tablet, we managed to find a few gems left over from throughout the day and left ’em here for you in the Android Overload. Have a look and let us know what you think.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Audio books and magazines coming soon to Google Play? [GoogleSystem]
  • Samsung will not compromise with Apple. Rejects licensing proposition. [KoreaTimes]
  • Samsung applies for flexible display patent. [PatentBolt]
  • SetCPU receives Ice Cream Sandwich UI overhaul. [Google Play Link]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

White Samsung Galaxy S II’s Now Available At T-Mobile Retail Stores

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  1. I’ll bet you had to backspace “Android Market” and retype it as “Google Play” LOL :p

  2. I still read it as android market, hopefully they change that ugly icon soon….

  3. YES!!!! 
    Audio books and magazines coming soon!!!!
    Another US-only thing!!!  :(

  4. Good for Samsung.

    Figured Play audio books was in the works, makes that portion of the market logical as well.  Still not getting the update on my Epic Touch 4G, even after accepting the terms, and it worked on my MIUI ported OG Tab.  As long as it works, don’t really care.

  5. Hell yea Samsung those patents are ridiculous

  6. Essentially, the ultimate result of the patent wars is that everyone will be paying each other the exact same amount in royalties.  However, theoretically Apple could walk away with the worst of it.  Since they sell more iPhones/Pads than any individual Android manufacturer, what they pay out could be more than what they take in.

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