
Cruzer Lite’s Androidified Cases Now Available For DROID RAZR MAXX For Only $10


Last time we told you guys about these amazing “Androidified” TPU cases from Cruzer Lite but unfortunately back then, they were only available for the Galaxy Nexus. Well, we just learned that Cruzer Lite is looking to add more devices to their lineup, starting with the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx. These high quality cases will add a touch of style to your device while still letting you showing the world you rock the best mobile OS in the world — Android.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Same story applies here. These are cases are made of a high-quality flexible plastic (stronger and not as flimsy as silicone) called thermoplastic polyurethane or “TPU” for short. The only colors currently available are the black and white versions and both sell for a very reasonable $10. You can even use the code “BUY2GONE” at checkout when buying 3 to get one free.

I spoke with Cruzer Lite and they let us know that they have some Samsung Galaxy Note cases in the works and we’ll let you know as soon as those become available.

[Amazon Link: Black Case | White Case]


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Come on EVO 4G!

    1. You’re due for an upgrade in a couple of months. Make sure you get the Galaxy Nexus.

  2. I got one for my Galaxy Nexus…really nice case. 

      1. black

  3. I want this in smoke.

  4. Need one for the Galaxy 2 on sprint!!

  5. I have the clear one for my gnex……….awesome case!!!!!

  6. Just got one for my gnex. Green androidify

  7. rezound or it never happened.

    1.  its on amazon

    2. guess it happened….

  8. Do they come in lg optimus v?

  9. sensation !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anyone buying this to show their devotion to Android has failed… they already bought the MAXX instead of the Nexus. :P

    1. While that sounds good….. I am still surfing while you are still charging.  Enjoy your transitions and widgets…. we will get them shortly and still be surfing while your charging.  Proud owner of 2x Maxx units.

      1. Enjoy your updates and screen resolution… we could go on all day

        …my post was in a kidding tone, no need to be so defensive

      2. Enjoy your locked bootloaders and waiting for Motorola to update to 4.0, not to mention the fact that you are supporting a company that lied to American and International consumers about unlocking the bootloaders in late 2011, then has the balls to ignore and block tens of thousands of comments from paying customers that call them out on their lies.

        1. Daniel…. I will enjoy all those things because in the end I just want to use my damned phone.  I had an OG droid and rooted it installed everything under the sun CM7, BB, Sapphire, Liquid, Alfonso’s Gingerbread you name it I tried it.  You know that I got for it…. a lot of enjoyment hacking it but thats about it.  I don’t like bloatware but in the end I just need the phone to work and work when I need it.  

          I understand about the bootloaders but you are missing the forest for the ugly trees in front.  You are making this WAY to dramatic.  Verizon has gone out of its way tying to push partners into locking them (check any of the recent stories this past week) and Moto’s primary partner is verizon (Sh!t happens) don’t go on a hunger strike over it.

          Just buy a phone that works and does what you want.  If the Maxx isn’t it don’t fricken buy it or complain about it.

  11. I just ordered one for my GNEX in blue can’t wait to get it. They should make more of, these cases for other android phones.

  12. this is looking very cool

  13. I wish this style of case was available for the normal RAZR as well.

  14. Before I finished reading the entire article, I was already thinking about how I could ask them to bring out some Galaxy Note cases. Bring them on, I would love to show off Andy on the back of my phone.

    1. They are making note cases :)

      1. Yes, that’s why I said before reading the end of the article. That’s why I said “bring them on”. Because the last paragraph states they are working on making them.

        1. oops reading fail 

  15. Bought 3 for my VZW GNEX, 1 teal, 1 blue, 1 black! Unfortunately didn’t get the code to work for the discount, but at $10 each for the kind of plastic I like, who cares! I love them, thanks Chris for recommending them!

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