
Android Jelly Bean to Arrive This Fall, Says Google Exec


It was only yesterday that we’d spotted jelly beans being offered to folks behind closed doors. If not for the fact that the next letter for the next version of Android is J, people put two and two together to suggest that Android Jelly Bean would be the codename for the next major version of Android. Of course, we wanted to know a lot more than just its name.

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According to Computerworld, though, we now have a launch window to go along with that name. Hiroshi Lockheimer mentioned to them that the new version of Android would release this fall. As you know, Android 4.0 was announced in October and released in November, so it’s likely we’ll be seeing Jelly Bean in that same window.

Unfortunately, that’s all we have. It’s the most we can ask for, though, as we usually aren’t let in on even the most basic information until we’re close to the announcement. So there you have it. Nexus owners should expect the update close to when it is announced, of course, and everyone else is still waiting on Ice Cream Sandwich. Oh well. [via TC]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. So freaking happy I bought  Nexus :D

    1. that makes one of you.

      1. False! The only thing I don’t like is the lack of a good car dock. That is almost all phones except Motorola though.

      2. Somebody made a bad decision, LMAO.

    2. Yup, me too.  I’ll be getting Jelly Bean on my Nexus within the month it comes out.  Everyone else will have to wait 6 to 8 months.

      1.  In theory.  Nexus S owners are still waiting for the 4.0.3 update that Google halted before Christmas.  Hell, the 4.0.2 update on the Galaxy Nexus has been halted for a second time now. 

        1. No it hasn’t. Well not completely anyway. I (and most folks who got an LTE nexus) got 4.0.2 with 15 minutes of activating of them.

    3. Hell yeah boy, this is my third Nexus. Google said that releases are going to slow down to once per year. Google will show off some of Jellybean in May at I/O like they did with Gingerbread and ICS, then it will come preinstalled on the next Nexus first then the Galaxy Nexus will get it. Google has stuck to their word for the last two years.

  2. CM better recruit an army…. we’ll need CM10 in no time

    1. Yep, and it’s surprising CM9 still isn’t (completely) out for the Nexus.

      1. I’m running the official nightly on my VZW Nexus. It’s 4.0.3, though.

  3. …and the first phone running it will make it to the US in December ;)

  4. Nexus S AT&T (Rogers, Bell, Telus…) still didn’t receive the ICS update…so when you say Nexus owners…you mean SOME Nexus owners…the update process is going downhill for google…they can’t even manage to update 3 devices (Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus, Xoom Wifi) …

  5. Sweet. Too bad I’ll have to update myself but hey, it’s why I own a Nexus. 

  6. No please!!!… now the for trolls ICS won´t be enough…
    Ok, bring the stupid comments about the outdated of ICS. 

  7. Sweet, it’ll be out before 80% of people even have ics…

    Ill have it though, I’m rooted. :-)

  8. I really hope they don’t rush this out like they did with Honeycomb, just to keep pace with Windows 8…

    1. I can’t call a year a rush.

  9. when I hear new like this it makes me want to switch to a Win phone. 

  10. My TMO GSII won’t get Jellybean until Key Lime Pie is released.

  11. It’ll bprobly be 4.1 or something like that. Only way it would be 5.0 is if it can dual boot Android and chrome OS, but in that case, the android experience would be the same (or very similar) to ICS as it is 

  12. Bets that GB will still have the majority of the market share of Android devices by the time this comes out.

  13. Google is making a huge mistake by only allowing Verizon carry the Nexus as of now. I can only hope sorry ass att get it.

  14. Bring back the menue button.

  15. Ubuntu for Android is coming, so when the Android integrated Linux kernel comes out (and added to Android 5.0) we all will have a mobile desktop.

  16. Google’s next Android OS following “Jelly Bean” will be “Key Lime Pie”:

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