
Fujitsu announces ‘Sylistic’ Android tablet for all the businessmen out there


Now, that has to be about the weirdest name we have seen for a tablet. Fujitsu has just announced their new addition to the tablet market, named the Sylistic M350/CA2. This one is aimed at all the users in a suit, with an enterprise-focused approach.

Among the uses for this tablet, Fujitsu is boasting its ability to be used as a mobile sales terminal, as a digital catalog handset and as an e-reader. Aside from being able to use the on-screen keyboard, users will also be able to use handwriting as an input.

The details are a bit of a lackluster. We will have to wait until we see more to know if Fujitsu has anything up its sleeve to differentiate this tablet from the competition. As for the specs, we do not know much, either. Except for the fact that it has a 7″ WSVGA “high-resolution” display (1024x600p), which is not bad for its size.

The device also weighs 420 grams, and the expected battery life is 6.1 hours, which is not that exciting, either. Fujitsu is not specifying any more details, so we will have to wait to learn more about the specs and features.

The Fujitsu Stylistic will be available in mid-February for the Japanese market, so let’s see when/if it hits the rest of the world.

Fujitsu Releases Android Tablet for Enterprise Market

The STYLISTIC M350/CA2 features a compact form factor(1), equipped with a 7-inch display and a body weighing approximately 420g for easy mobility. The tablet achieves both superior portability and usability, with features such as rapid booting and the ability to select between different character input modes-a numeric keypad, QWERTY, and hand-writing-to gives users the choice that best meets their individual needs. Moreover, the new tablet can be employed in a wide range of scenarios, including as a mobile sales terminal, as a handset for displaying digital catalogs at a retail store, and as an e-book reader in a classroom setting. In addition to offering excellent cost-performance, the STYLISTIC M350/CA2 supports customers in transforming work styles within their companies.

Product Features
1. Compact body for superior mobility

With its high-resolution 7-inch WSVGA (1024 x 600 pixel) display, the compact and lightweight body of approximately 420g makes it easy to hold and operate with just one hand. This and its lengthy running time of approximately 6.1 hours make it ideal for applications that require mobility.
2. Enhanced usability through Android OS and Fujitsu’s unique character input tools

“NX! input powered by ATOK” QWERTY input

The tablet runs on Android OS, which enables rapid booting and smooth, intuitive usability through multi-touch operations. Furthermore, it offers Fujitsu’s unique “NX! Input powered by ATOK” character input technology, which boasts especially high speed and high accuracy in recognizing kanji characters. This means users can select between numeric keypad input, QWERTY input, and hand-written input to choose the character input mode that best meets their individual needs.

[Via Engadget]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. Only strange name if you missed the last decade+ of Fujitsu’s tablet domination history. Stylistic name was first used by Fujitsu in 2000? My first tablet was the ST4110 back in the fall of 2002. 800mHz, 40gig, 5 hour battery, wirelessB, Bluetooth,10.4″ screen, firewire port, 2 Usb 2.0 host ports, and get this… It had a 1.5G solid state hard drive for the OS! And for all of you who complain about price. I remember it costing me about 2,700 out the door.


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