
Xappr Turns Your Smartphone Into An Augmented Reality First Person Shooter


Laser tag is fun. But seriously, who has all that equipment or… you know, friends for that matter? Well, one such company is looking to bring laser tag into the 21st century with their new smartphone peripheral called Xappr. Simply attach your Android device into the gun and whether you’re playing solo or multiplayer with real live friends using their soon to be released augmented reality app, ATK, you can be sure you’ll be the talk of the town. Just careful running down your streets gunning down virtual zombies, I hear the po-po’s have a hair trigger these days.

Already up for pre-order, the full sized Xappr will begin shipping June for the low price of $30. Maybe you can even score the Micro-Xappr also coming soon if you want to get the Mrs. involved. Anyone thinking of picking one up?

[Xappr | Via Gizmodo]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Looks like a very intriguing product. With good Dev support there could be some cool games.

  2. Looks like something to lookout for 30$ isn’t that bad if the game are sweet!! People would buy if implementation right

    1. Yeah, I played a few augmented shooters on the Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita and they were surprisingly pretty fun. This actually has me interested. =)

  3. Wow the TITLE of this article gives more information about what this device actually is than Engadget’s entire article.

  4. talk of the town.. “man shot when he draws phone on police”

  5. Ive been waiting for this for a few months since I saw the iphone one.  About time someone makes one.

  6. Sounds like a fascinating concept!  If they made a cross-platform lasertag type game, this thing could seriously sell.

  7. What’s with the “po-po” comment? Not funny!

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