
Amazon Appstore customers triple in Q4 earnings report


Amazon has reported on their earnings for quarter four of 2011, and the results are nothing but positive for their growing Android Appstore. Customers were up triple from the previous quarter, the total equaling more than the rest of the year combined. The increased number of users can largely be attributed to the release of the Amazon Kindle Fire, an Android device that shirks Google’s Android Market in favor of the retailers own offerings.

Even without the Kindle Fire, the Amazon Appstore has been growing steadily since launching early in 2011 thanks to inking several exclusive deals with big name developers and offering features such as their free app of the day. Still, the boost brought about by the launch of the $199 tablet is just what Amazon had hoped for. With such a low price, the company was betting on increased digital content sales to more than make up for the profit margin.

[Amazon via IntoMobile]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I havent downloaded anything from them in months.  I hate their store.

  2. amazon store not available in the uk :( 

  3. Give me an Amazon movie store and then I’ll be a happy duckling.

  4. Because of the shitty DRM they use anyone who actually pays for an app from amazon when there’s a Market alternative is an idiot. This includes Kindle Fire owners. As a dev the only use for the Amazon App Store is the publicity if you make it as the Free App of the Day.

  5. Two problems I’ve noticed with Amazon app store.
    1) You need the Amazon App store installed, otherwise apps you paid for won’t open.
    2) Noticed apps are often not updated or old versions on Amazon App store. I don’t understand why the developer wouldn’t just post an updated version on both Android maket and Amazon App store.

    Actually more than just two.
    Amazon App store constantly tells me there are updates to apply. I apply the update then the Amazon App store again tells me to update. I go in endless loops.

  6. I purchased UNO from Amazon and it worked fine for 6 months or so. After installing a new rom, I went to download UNO again only to find that they changed it to a Kindle only version. Luckily Amazon gave me a refund, but I decided that besides the free app of the day, I was done with their store. Haven’t purchased anything since then and I wont either.

  7. Here’s a simple solution for everyone who doesn’t like Amazon’s App store, don’t use it. I for one like Amazon because it gives Android users a choice.
    Had it not been for Amazon entering the online music field all we would have is overpriced music wrapped in DRM from Apple still.
    I for one am glad Amazon’s giving Android users a choice as well.

  8. I would think all the cheap tablets or tablets that have had Android OS installed on them have added to the Amazon numbers as well. If a tablet doesn’t have access to the Android Market, you can still install the Amazon market and download Android apps.

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