
Happy Holidroid Contest: Video Challenge – Show Us Your Best Remixed Christmas Song!


If you’re unsure what this whole “Holidroid Contest” thing is all about, be prepared to get excited. From November 24th through December 25th, Phandroid is giving away a Kindle Fire every single day along with other great prizes like the Galaxy Nexus Galaxy Tabs, JAMBOX, SmarTouch Gloves, Android Phones, Android T-Shirts, Seidio Vouchers and more. Read our announcement post for details.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Yesterday’s Winner

Yesterday, we had you guys come up with your most clever/funny/witty caption for the above image and after careful review of 775 comments, we randomly picked from our top 10 and… it looks like Brandon Foose brought the LOL’s with his prize winning comment:

“LIttle Girl: “I want my own pseudo-open source mobile operating system with a diverse catalog of devices from multiple manufacturers creating a vibrant and competitive wireless landscape…”

Santa: “They’ll sue your eye out kid!”

Congrats, Brandon! You may not get the prizes in time for Christmas but I’m sure they’ll make great New Years gifts. Let’s see what’s up for grabs today.

Amazon Kindle Fire

The Kindle Fire could be this holiday’s hottest product: at only $199 it’s not only one of the most  affordable Android tablets, it’s also one of the best. That’s a killer combination. With a beautiful UI, great battery life, carefully curated apps/games, and an amazing array of media options thanks to Amazon’s Digital Content Ecosystem… the Kindle Fire is a sure win. Good luck winning one in our contest, but at only $199 it’s probably worth buying one just in case!

Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves

Every single holiday season these SmarTouch smartphone gloves are consistently one of my favorite gift giving items. They eloquently solve one of the most fundamental problems a tech lover faces: using your device in cold weather. Wearing gloves usually prevents your touchscreen from working: take your phone out, take your glove off, use your phone, hand gets gold, shove phone in pocket, rush to get glove on. NO MORE! Isotoner’s SmarTouch gloves, designed in my colors and sizes for both men and women, has technology that passes the electrons your body gives off, through the gloves, onto the capacitive screen and allowing it to work. VOILA! Seriously. It works. Trust me. Try it… and you’ll love them forever.

Andy Robot T-Shirt

True Android enthusiasts and tech lovers enjoy expressing their Android attitude and there is no better way to do so then with an Android Robot T-Shirt from the brilliant folks at iSteamAndy. They’ve created a series of artistic, creative Android Robot themed T-shirts with fun, rich imagery. They sell like hotcakes and have limited production runs so get each design while you still can. Some of their top designs (and ones we’re giving away) include: Dark Night AndyiSteam Andy,Flying AndyExploded AndyAndy Verus, and Unstoppable Andy. Check out

Seidio $30 Voucher

With so much smartphone use comes battery drain. Thankfully, Seidio makes some awesome extended batteries that fit many smartphones, allowing you to get longer battery life with the same device. No more toting around a charger everywhere you go: just snag a Seidio and call it a day! Seidio also makes cases, holsters, and other great accessories for your smartphones.Check them all out here.

ZeeMote Bluetooth Game Controller

The Zeemote Bluetooth Game Controller compacts things into one comfortable, ergonomically sound gaming package. You use one hand and the controller has an analog stick with four action buttons on it. It’s a bit reminiscent of a Nintendo Wiimote – makes you wonder where the name was inspired from. There are many games in the Android Market already compatible with the Zeemote, including the popular title R-Type, and you may even be able to use it with some of your emulators. It goes perfectly with many Android devices, from 3.2 inch phones to 10.1 inch tablets. And if you want the ultimate gaming experience, Zeemote + Phone/Tablet + TV + HDMI-out = awesome.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Who wouldn’t want the Samsung Galaxy Nexus? It’s the world’s first smartphone to run Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and features the specs to match, including a 4.65-inch 720p HD display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, and plenty of on-board storage. HUGE props to Nikolay Ananiev, the developer of an app called Tiny Flashlight + LED, who donated the Samsung Galaxy Nexus for giveaway. His app has OVER 10 MILLION downloads and Nikolay contacted us asking for ways he could give back to the community as a way to say “thanks”.

Today’s Contest Rules/Regulations:

For today’s contest, we want you to take your favorite Christmas song and rewrite it with all new Android related lyrics. Get creative and sing your new song in a video (as close to 2 minutes as possible — though not mandatory). The one we feel is the most superfantastic wins!

  • You must mention and/or in your video.
  • To enter, submit that video as a video response to the video embedded above by the end of today (11:59pm Eastern)
  • The best entry as chosen by Phandroid staff will win today’s prize pack.
  • Read our Full Official Rules for information about eligibility
  • This isn’t required but if you want to be nice… Visit by clicking here before you do your holiday shopping because you love us!

Looking for a great gift? Don’t forget about our Holiday Gift Guide!

Tomorrow’s Contest:

Tomorrow we’ll be giving away an Amazon Kindle Fire, Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves, a $30 Seidio voucher, Zeemote and a Galaxy Tab 7 Plus! Be sure to check back often for your chance to win.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. So which ornament won?

    1. They’ve already been contacted. Just waiting to hear back from them. You were actually one of our top 15! :)

      1. I can live with that.  Thanks for taking the time to reply!

      2. So if I’m reading this and I have no email, then I can assume I didn’t win? :(

        (this really relates to anyone reading this and not just me)

        ah well… my cookies were yummy lol.

        1. Haha! I like your’s and @ScheffsBlend:disqus 

          Had to choose randomly from the top 15 to make it fair though… =p

      3. I keeping hitting refresh in my email but I haven’t seen any thing….

        (Which means I’m hoping it was me that won… Lol)

  2. Who won the ornament contest?

    1. Yea That’s what I’m wondering???? 

      1. phandroid’s contests aren’t the best. yes the prizes are cool & generous, but why not do it like everyone else? push social networking with your site & get more traffic by tweeting/g+’ing etc. i hate having to make videos n stuff. most don’t know how to do that =(

        1. I would break my computer and everyone’s ear drums if I were to sing something. I don’t have any rhythm or musical talent. I really think these video challenges suck!!!

          1. The point of these video contests is to separate the people who REALLY want to win from those that just want to enter using the methods you suggested.

            Not only that, with fewer people entering, it actually increases the chances for those that really want to have fun and participate. 

            Don’t forget, we also do “boring” random drawings as well. We’re trying our best here to please everyone and have a good time doing it.

          2. Fair response. Makes sense..

        2. Download Ubuntu, use Kdenlive

          1. I run debian unstable. I know HOW to make them it’s just the point that most don’t.

        3. because doing it by tweeting and social networking frankly sucks. I hate all these stupid contests, deals and coupons that I can’t get because I won’t join Wastebook.

  3. more like who won the video contest from a week ago?

  4. fourth!

  5. Now that’s a comment I can get behind! Good pick!

    1. There were so many good ones too! Always makes me wish we could have 2nd and 3rd place prizes.. maybe next year =p

    2. Yeah, it was a pretty funny one :)

  6. I’m curious what the top 10 captions were? Are you going to post those somewhere?

    1. Yeah I highly doubt they will post that…  Very disappointed on how they chose a winner. The caption isn’t clever/funny/witty… Rules yesterday said they would chose the best, yet they took top 10, and did random. It be great to see the top 10 to put me to rest thinking they are hooking up their friends with the non timed contests. The quality of the winners compared to the submissions just doesn’t add up. Thanks for the LOLz everyone on some of the captions yesterday. Sorry phandroid to rag on you guys, but I’ve had to read these same comments this last month thinking naw that person is just a sore looser, but this one tipped me over the edge…. AND WTF IS SUE YOUR EYE OUT?  That isn’t a saying, or funny. It is sue your pants off.  Much funnier responses from Santa on the caption would be ” Well then, I’ll get you some lube because your about to get F…”  

      1. Sue your eye out is a parody of the “A Christmas story” where the kid wants a BB gun or something and Santa says he’ll “Shoot his eye out.” FYI. But I agree, the comment wasn’t that funny.

        1. Ahh… Still yeah it isn’t even a caption. Dialogue isn’t a CAPTION!  Though lots of people made that mistake sadly. 

          1. Depends. Captions can often be dialogue or quotes, especially in satires.

        2. Better then an arrow to the knee.

        3. @EDTIVA:disqus @google-a1e53371dbc3ef6b4cb63caeeefdb430:disqus I honestly can’t even begin to describe how insulting it is that you would think these contests are “rigged.”

          I never in my life thought someone on the internet would get under my skin like that comment but you’ve somehow managed to do it. Congrats. 

          Humor is subjective. There will never. ever. be any “joke” that 100% of all people in the world will agree is “funny.” Just look at the humor from various countries around the world.

          And no, we’re not going to give you our top 10. What would that prove anyway? How about YOU give everyone here in the comments YOUR top pick and we’ll see how many people will agree it was the “funniest.”
          Happy holidays.

          1. Don’t sweat it, Chris. Most of us appreciate the contests as well as you guys. :-)

          2. I mean, people are being a little dumb and sore about losing.  I thought mine was great (about santa using the kid’s arms like a motorcycle), and had myself laughing, but the contest is which ones YOU guys at phandroid found funny. 

            I’d say ignore the trolls, man.  They’re just pissed they didn’t win and would be singing a different tune if they did win.

          3. HAHA! My humor is kinda weird and mostly inappropriate. I liked the one about Santa pulling his arms off and the sexual innuendo ones were funny but couldn’t be chosen as a winner for obvious reasons. =p

          4. I thought it was witty!

          5. Did u coose the why I should win videos yet :)

          6. No… Soon though!

          7. Omg im gonna pee maybe Its me!

          8. Oh Chris, I in no way think the contest is rigged. sorry if thats what you thought. These contests are way more fun than the “choose random comment” ones. Sorry if that came out wrong.

          9. No one expects one perfect funny caption that everyone would agree on, but dude… that caption, even with an odd sense of humor, was just not funny. 

          10. Which was your favorite? O_o

      2. i think it was a play on ‘you’ll shoot your eye out’ from that movie where that kid wants a red rider bb gun

      3. I have come to the conclusion if you post something NOT funny you will win. Or maybe its because they get 1000 comments and only look at the first 100. Who knows…

        1. That comment was number 500 something in which I read through all of them. 

          Which was your favorite?

          1. above you said”
            I liked the one about Santa pulling his arms off and the sexual innuendo ones were funny but couldn’t be chosen as a winner for obvious reasons. =p”

            So there are limits to the type of humor that can win.  That would be something good to know before hand.  That might change the type of caption someone might post trying to win a prize for sure.  If there is a criteria, I think it would be fair to let the participants know about it.

            Just my thoughts.

          2. Well, that was just one of the things that does not get thought up when writing the contest. I felt that the poking and iphone is crap comments weren’t very original as everybody started doing them. So when people all have the same idea, does it sound funny again the 20th time?

          3. I also mentioned that my humor was “weird.” Don’t forget, I am but one in a team of staff who votes on their faves. 

            And we can’t really tell everyone what is deemed “apporpriate” simply because it would take forever. No penis jokes. No rape jokes. No molesting jokes.

            Also, we do give people a criteria (rules that need to be met in order to win) but we don’t want to spend our entire day trying to make this HUGE list of each staff member finds “funny.”

            This should all be so easy. We have free stuff we want to give to our readers. We make a contest. Post the rules. Wish everyone good luck. Select winners. So easy (in theory).

          4. I have to agree. Clearly defining the rules for a contest would be nice. If you are going to exclude comments from consideration then state as much. You can do it in a single sentence. You are able to state that only the first comment will be excepted you can easily state that comments of a sexual nature of any kind will not be considered.  

            That was hard. 12 whole words to define a parameter…
            It is also sad that that comment was voted the funniest. 

          5. @Haxid:disqus The rules were clearly defined. Make us laugh. And you’ll win.I had no idea people would submit inappropriate content and I didn’t choose them based on my own preference. But now I know, so next time, we’ll make sure to mention — in a 6 page PDF — no penis jokes, don’t make fun of Steve Job’s death, nothing about child molestation, can’t be “unfunny,” no rape, etc., etc…Or we could do it how we always do it — we choose based on our own preferences.

          6. My favorite was the one I ate. :)

          7. It would be cool is the users could vote on the winner. You guys pick the top 10 comments and then we choose. Kind of like how we all liked the Galaxy Ganstarrrs music video but they somehow lost. 

          8. Gangstarrs video was my favorite.

            And you think it’s so easy don’t you? Letting people vote? Perhaps you didn’t see the last post I made where I let people vote. Lol! Turned out to be a total disaster. =pLike honestly, there’s no idea — no matter how perfect — you can come up with where people wont complain. I mean, we’re giving away free stuff and somehow people have still found ways to complain about ever. single. contest.

  7. Chris, would it be alright to just make our own original Christmas song using all of the elements you mentioned.

    1. Sounds good. Just make sure it sounds “Christmas-ie” ;D

      1. Yo, Chris! Posted my video. Please hurry and Approve it. Thanks.

        1. Let me check it out, son O_o

          1. Thanks.

  8. Can it just be a part of the song, or the whole thing?

    1. Partial or the whole thing. We didn’t give a time limit but if it’s somewhere in between 1-2 minutes it will be perfect :)

  9. I also would like to know who won the ornament contest.

    1. People are waiting on two contests… The Video contest from last Saturday, and the ornament contest.

      1. @yahoo-CRU7R5E7KR67KB3WZNMUBQUZ3I:disqus @facebook-100003137402168:disqus @macgiobuin:disqus @starryeyez2:disqus 
        Ornament contest winner has been contacted. Just waiting to hear back from them =)

  10. Im sorry, that was pretty good, but Caitlins post about Siri being able to find an abortion clinic had me rolling on the floor…

  11. I’ve decided phandroid employees have ZERO sense of humor. I don’t think mine was even funny but that one was just stupid.

    1. ^THIS^

        1. ^This^

  12. Chris, if my son enters and wins(he’s 17) can I claim the prize for him?

  13. I am not entering  this contest the winning one wasn’t even funny no big deal I am not done with this I’ll try my luck somewhere else Hope I get what I want for christmas.  

  14. you guys contests are too much like work

    1. exactly what i’m saying.

      1. That’s the point =)

  15. THAT was the winning comment???? 

    That was not witty/funny. That was GEEKY. WTF, you guys dont even follow your own rules.

    1. That was witty in their own way. I thought it was witty. It implied Apple will sue without actually saying apple.

    2. At least one of the several hundred “I want a Galaxy Nexus you jerk!” or “I don’t want an iPhone you jerk!” comments didn’t win.

      At least this one was clever.

  16. i would also like to see the top 10 comments that the random was picked from. 

  17. I’m not trying to bash on anyone, but yesterday contest was one of the one that i thought it was going to be very hard becasue i saw some pretty funny caption… but the winner with all due respect was not funny at all, it was just was just a flat statement with not humor what so ever

    1. It was funny and you know it! :)
      Merry Christmas.

      1. Lol.. let me rephrase that, I believe there were better!!!

        1. No matter who we picked someone will ALWAYS say there was something else funnier. Try it yourself. =p

    2. I thought it was very funny! Let’s just be glad none of the “is that a candy cane in your pocket?” ones were picked. Uuuuhhgggg. 

  18. I’m usually disappointed by caption winners they choose but this time they did a great job. The winning entry was both clever and funny. Plus it relates to both Christmas and Android. Kudos to the winner, and +1 for picking a deserved winner this time guys. 

    1. Seems you were the only one xD

  19. I keep reading the winning caption over and over, but I don’t anything witty, clever, or humorous about it.

    1. Get’s funnier the 30th time around O_o

  20. OK, this time my video fits the rules perfectly… :)

  21. I knew when reading the comments that the Christmas story bit was the winner. Very clever. I do detest long dialogue in a caption contest but that aside……very very clever lol

  22. just uploading my vido now. hope i win! :)

  23. Chris, are we going to get winners on the ornament contest and last Friday’s video challenge? I put a ton of work into both and I’d love to know where I stand on those. Thanks.

    1. Yup. Already chosen and notified the winner. Was a tough choice. We’ll announce the winner as soon as they contact us. =)

      1. for both the video challenge and the ornament challenges? Cause my video for the 16th was all kinds of awesome and I haven’t gotten an email yet… :)

      2. Man, I know if there’s two down like you said on Twitter, then I got to be next in line. @Abu_Noah:twitter 

  24. I thought the caption was pretty clever.  Obviously there are a vast number of people here that need to go get a copy of A Christmas Story.

    (I think they run it back-to-back-to-back for 24 hours on Christmas on I think TBS or something like that, FYI for those that didn’t get it)

    1. No that is the 100 different version of “A Christmas Carol”
      You know, the one with Patrick Stewart, the one with Bill Murray, and now they have the one with Jim Carry.

  25. Separate who wants to  win plz I have entered Tablet sweep stakes after sweepstakes not one a winner but guess what I was born on st patchicks days so wheres my luck?

  26. Yesterday’s winner was a complete un-funny, dim witted tool. I hope he sticks to his day job. Thanks Phandroid!

  27. I don’t have any qualms with who was chosen as a winner.  People seem to forget that even though we all have an opinion, we aren’t the ones choosing the winners.  If this were about who we thought was the funniest, then everyone would vote for themselves which would be counter-productive.  Sense of humor is subjective and since we’re not the judges we should accept the decisions made and be grateful that we even have the opportunity to win some really cool stuff that we’d normally have to spend quite a bit of money on.   

    I’d be curious to know if a winner to the ornament contest was chosen, because I haven’t seen an update on it. 

    Lastly,  I’d like to thank everyone at Phandroid for this contest.  It’s been a whole lot of fun and has forced me to put my creative hat on.   Have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah and Festivus.

    1. Merry Christmas! :)

      And the ornament winner has been contacted. As soon as we hear back from them, we’ll let everyone know. 

      1. Hi Chris, Feliz Navidad, had a quick question how does one know if you guys are contacting them when the user is logging on here through facebook?  Just curious because I had a response before and I never got any notice from facebook that anyone responded to me.

        1. Never-mind, I think I figured it out I didn’t realize there was a disqus button under the main post right before the comments start and I guess I had to enter my email address there. :/ I hope I didn’t miss out in any way.

  28. If only there was a poetry contest..

  29. I am actually surprised nobody has posted an entry, unless i somehow missed them.

    Here is my entry:

    (If you are not familiar with the song “Silent Night” please google it. Give it a listen before watching my entry since you need some knowledge of it to be able to follow the lyrics effectively) 

    1. Entries are supposed to be video responses to the video in the article… not posted in these comments.

      1. I made the same mistake

  30. Brandon told a joke at our holiday party one year…completely bombed it. Plus he told me that he never wore his retainer after he got his braces off in junior high…it totally shows.

  31. Why 11:59PM EST? What about all of us west coast people who work till 5pm and then only have 4 hours to complete by 9PM PST? Why not 11:59PM PST?

    1. im on the west coast too. Get off at 6. Hopefully i can get a video up before it is over :(
      I have it written down, so i hope to start recording when i get home.

      1. @VegasDude73:disqus 
        I’m a west coaster myself but dems da breaks. =p

        1. Haha no worries @ChrisChavez . Gonna approve all of the current video responses at the crack of 11:59PM EST? I think there have been a ton more submitted :).

  32. As I have been very critical of the sense of humor of the Phandroid staff I was going to sit this one out. But then it hit me. They are pulling an Andy Kaufman on us. They are purposely picking one of  the worse captions possible to see how angry they can make us and have one huge laugh at our expense. A big inside joke for the Phandroid staff. So, my hats off to Phandroid for showing you have no sense of humor when you really have a great sense of humor.

  33. I’m just going to say that there are a lot more funny captions for your contest, than the ones you actually chose.

    1. You run a contest then. Get some tablets and android swag, get a website that hosts to hundreds of thousands of people a month. Run the advertising so you can get compensation for the people being there and pay for the server space. Then you can choose who the winners are :)


  34. ok, uploading my video response now. :) I did an Android rendition of Rudolf.

    1. Just approved it! Good luck! :D

  35. When is the ornament winner going to be announced?

  36. Any updates on the ornament contest? I would be happy to split the prize if needed. :-)

  37. Hi Chris Chavez and the Phandroid team! I created a video but I’m not seeing it show up as a response for some odd reason. Does it take time? Here is the link here and Thanks!

    1. Ah, of course, it needs approval!

  38. Approve me PLEASE!

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!

    Here are the Lyrics: 
    Silent night, Apple in FrightAll is lost, all is downRound yon Lawyers trouble ensuesHoly Apple so tender and bruisedAndroid is your God, nowAndroid is your God.  Silence now, Apple asks how?Apple quakes at the sightGlories stream from Android afarPhandroid members sing Alleluia!Andy, our Saviour was bornAndroid, our Saviour was bornSilent night, Android is mightSon of Google, Open Source lightRadiant streams of sales in your faceApple has fallin from redeeming graceAndroid, Lord, at Thy birthAndroid, Lord, at Thy birth

  39. YouTube is apparently broken right now, so here’s a link to mine:

    Hopefully that counts, or YouTube fixes its comment system before I’m out of time…

    1. Ok, seems the issue is YouTubes script for identifying copyrighted content. Remixed songs fall under that category >_<

      Please tell me this counts!

  40. I wouldn’t call it an “odd” sense of humor…more of a second order differential equation. Sorry you didn’t find it to be a real knee slapper. You’re knees probably don’t mind so much though.

  41. This was a lot of fun :)
    This time, no chipmunk voice!

    Hope everyone enjoys it,
    I made it a video response,
    but here’s the link for you guys
    let me know what you think, thanks!

    “Andy the Android”

    1. Nice man!

      1. thanks Michael!

    2. HOLY CRAP.. This is my top pick. For sure. Submitting my vote now. xD

  42. I don’t know if it was posted but here it goes …I’m new at posting videos!!

  43. Posted my entry via video response. Lip syncing isn’t 100% but I had fun making it nonetheless haha. Good Luck Everyone!

  44. added a vid. Just waiting to be approved.
    Here is a link to the vid I added just for fun

  45. I’m getting boned here’s the link to the song but it wont let me post a comment or video response, please accept this: 

    1. Check this out:

      1. Well I’m under the impression that they need to approve the video as a response in order for it to show up in the video response place so that’ll just have to do.

  46. Hi phandroid. I dunno why i can’t post a video response or post a comment on your youtube page. Disappointed. My channel is TheArguellas.

    1. here’s the link:

      all i got are dislikes! yikes! 

  47. Man I started the upload like forever and its slow. What is the deal with youtube? Ugh I totally uploaded it way before the deadline I hope it counted.


    Here are the lyrics so you can all sing along:

    I bought an android, had a problem, went to;Oh the members and staff kindly helped me.Now my phone’s great, running first rate, I am totally pleased;And when friends have a glitch I just say….(Go straight to),,They help with all android issues;Take a tour, you’ll be sureto have your phone working great!
    Now for great news: Phandroid will choose
    a new winner each day;
    They’ve a contest with great, AWESOME prizes!
    Hope they choose me, after they see
    such an excellent display
    of this video singing their praise!
    Please send me all those great gadgets!
    Will it ring? Please phone ring!
    Then I’ll have a great Christmas day!
    Phandroid please make Christmas great! 

  49. Can’t to see what all videos have been submitted.

    Our “Christmas in Hollis” remix was so much fun making! 

  50. Just came through to see the winner from yesterday and wow…so shocked to see so much negative feedback from a free contest.  I posted an entry, to me it was funny, but I didnt win…big deal…ITS A FREE CONTEST…GIVEAWAY…submit an entry, cross ur fingers and walk away…be happy someone is even offering this everyday for what a month now…u guys need to grow up…sry, was just compelled to comment.. Merry Christmas peeps…. 

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