
Android.com Gets Redesigned, Easter Egg Discovered


If you haven’t already noticed by now, Android.com has gotten an overhaul. It makes the site more inviting and user friendly, giving users a rundown of Android and its market ecosystem. Platform features are highlighted in an aesthetically pleasing way but there isn’t much here we don’t already know… except for one thing. At the bottom right of the site is a little Android robot and hovering your mouse over it makes it do interesting things. It can wave, it can do the moonwalk, it can juggle and more. The most interesting are the series of semaphore flag signals it shows. It spells out “Adroid” (no typo) but were not sure where the”n” is. I’ll leave you to find out what else it can do over at Android.com. [via 4android.ru]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. google has a funny personality

  2. The flag signals spell “droid” and not “adroid”. See http://www.inkwebane.cne-escutismo.pt/T%C3%A9cnicaEscutista/Outrast%C3%A9cnicas/C%C3%B3digoseSinais/C%C3%B3digosusadosporescuteiros/C%C3%B3digoHom%C3%B3grafo/tabid/166/Default.aspx at the end. 

    1. Yeah, I was just about to post the same thing. Definitely spells “droid”

  3. MAN his computer runs slow.

    1. Either that or it’s slowed down so we can see the animation. Not sure which.

      1. the mouse seems to be moving at normal speed. His computer is crap.

        1. Lettering on the tab looks to be Cyrillic (Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, etc) — the slow down you’re seeing is probably related to transmission speeds and not the computer “being crap.”

  4. My question: why the hell is this guy using Internet Explorer. I mean, I’d prefer Chrome, but FireFox, Opera, heck ANYTHING but IE.

    1. If you noticed, the guy has firefox selected in the task bar.

    2. In Soviet Russia, (insert meme here)…

  5. It’s lagging so bad on the video XD

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