
Android Overload: Ice Cream Sandwich Time Zones, Researches Lock Down Android For Security Purposes and More


This is it, folks. The eve before the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich is unveiled unto the world. Our very own Rob Jackson has made the long trip all the way to Hong Kong bearing gifts of frankincense and myrrh. As a quick reminder, here are the the various time zones in case you’re hoping to watch the Ice Cream Sandwich announcement live. Stay tuned to Phandroid of course seeing how we’ll be providing live event coverage and keeping you up to date with the very latest on all things Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

  • 04:00PM – Hawaii (October 18th)
  • 07:00PM – Pacific (October 18th)
  • 08:00PM – Mountain (October 18th)
  • 09:00PM – Central (October 18th)
  • 10:00PM – Eastern (October 18th)
  • 03:00AM – London (October 19th)
  • 04:00AM – Paris (October 19th)
  • 06:00AM – Moscow (October 19th)
  • 11:00AM – Tokyo (October 19th)

It’s hard to think about anything else right now but if you’re hungry for more Android news, I’ve bundled all the stories we didn’t get a chance at posting from throughout the day. One of which I found particularly interesting was the Ars article about locking down Android to provide for a wiping of a devices data upon leaving a room. A great read. Have a great night everyone and dream of dancing ice cream sandwiches!

  • Researchers lockdown Android to keep sensitive data from leaving the room. [ArsTechnica]
  • Gingerbread for HTC Thunderbolt still “coming soon” via HTC’s Twitter.
  • Samsung Galaxy W (Ancora) for T-Mobile passes through the FCC.
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus (SC-02D) and Galaxy S II LTE (SC-03D) both announced for NTT DOCOMO Japan. [SammyHub 1, 2]
  • The Samsung Galaxy S II HD LTE has passed through the FCC, though no reason to suspect a US release is planned.
  • A Canadian Galaxy Nexus has made it to the WiFi Alliance. [AndroidPolice]
  • The LG Optimus Net is coming to Bell October 27th. [UnwiredView]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Lack of Australian/GMT time gives me a sad :(

    1. Well at least I hope you find some comfort, that whatever time it is for you, it probably can’t get any worse than the time for me. 4:00 AM
      At that time I am sleeping because I will need my rest for the exam I have the next day (and the 2 days after that) So Yeah, even when I get up I still can’t check the news, because I am too busy studying for my exam…..I hope I can squeeze in some time during my train ride to check the news…..:S
      If not, I will be distracted during my whole exam, constantly thinking about the nexus prime and sweet ICS!!!! EVIL!!!!!

      Stupid postponement!!! Stupid Exam-week!!! Stupid TIMEZONES!!!!

      Give me my phone already!

    2. we are always forgotten :(

  2. is it 7pm or 6:30pm PST?? Some blogs are saying 6:30….

    1. Doors open at 6:30pm PST but live event starts at 7pm PST (I believe).

  3. 10pm can’t come soon enough.

    1. NEW!!! leak of Google Nexus Prime aka Samsung Galaxy Nexus


  4. I’m in the UK. I love Android, but I don’t love it so much to be up at 3 AM to watch the event live. I’ll DL it in the morning when I wake up. Oh, why did they have to change it? :(

    1. I know what you mean. I was considering it then thought, actually sleep is really quite a good thing. Will check it out tomorrow! Nice thing is we won’t have to wait as all the blogs and hands on will be done by the time anyone here has to get up for work!

    2. Cant please everyone I guess… I’m usually still up at 3am but that’s the start, then I’ll start watching and wont go to bed at all, best wait till the moring :D

  5. Woooohooo!!!

  6. Terrible timings really. Can’t wait though.

  7. I will be watching live on one of my other tech blogs as they are doing a live stream and I watch them every friday live so I know they do quality work. Nothing agaisnt you guys but I just want to get the best stream I can out of this but I will be catching up here after the event so I can get all the news I can about the event.

  8. 7pm here in the west coast is the PERFECT time! Cant wait!

  9. The only great disappointment to me is that the Galaxy Nexus’ camera is inferior to the SGS2, and also the iphone… so that is going to be highlighted in comparisons, and IMO seems like a bizarre mistake.

    1. So, you’ve seen pictures with it already?

    2. Wow cool.. This guy knows the Nexus Prime specs!!! Please do share.. What sensor does the camera use and how many megapixels? Show us some full size shots taken with each that you used to compare. stfu

    3. Inferior in what way? Have you seen one? Have you seen the picture quality? Do you know anything about optics, or is it “inferior” because it has 5MP? Do you realize how big even a 5MP picture is?

      1. There have been a number of photos found on Picasa, and perhaps other photo sites, tagged as “Galaxy Nexus”, that were not terribly good… at least as compared to what you can see as samples from the iPhone 4S. The 4S photos look like low-end P&S shots, those tagged as being “Galaxy Nexus” were pretty clearly of cellphone quality only. That whole “stocking over the lens” look`, that’s usually the result of the cellphone including patterned noise in each exposure, rather than taking a zeroing shot to remove all patterned noise as do pretty much all dedicated cameras these days.

        Hopefully this isn’t what gets delivered in the NP. As the kind of person who understands this well enough to have offered the above explanation, I don’t care at all about 5Mpixel vs. 8Mpixel. And in fact, that’s the least of the quality concerns. As well as the noise issues, how about the sensor size vs. aperture? Is the camera shooting above or below the diffraction limit for that combination — are we getting all real megapixels, or some marketing megapixels (the iPhone 4S uses an f2.5 lens and a 1/3.2″ 8Mpixel backlit sensor, no diffraction limit problems there. But Apple has usually given more attention to the camera than many manufacturers).

        1. Hi David, good answer… and yes, the 5 vs 8 megapixels is as you say, not nearly as important as the lens and sensor. What I was talking about is consumer perception. 5 is less than 8 and it will be on a comparison chart somewhere as a tick for iphoneS and not for NP. Cheers, Mark.

  10. Hey can someone tell where is it going to be live from???

  11. tonight is the night! I’ll watching the Livestream here:


  12. 4:30 AM in AST :D, so after dawn prayer which is already 4:21 :D

  13. Exciting times, intrigued as to what ICS will hold.

  14. The conference is being held literally 10 minutes walk from where I live in Hong Kong. I was thinking it was easy to check out the event and drop by, but to my horror I discovered from the Asia-D website that it cost up to 5000 USD to attend. No thanks, I’m gonna stream the Android and Nexus Prime unveiling here on this website instead!

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