
By Zero’s Studio Pen Shows Off With Chris Chavez Caricature


What better way to illustrate the capabilities of your tablet accessory/app that makes handwriting/drawing easy than illustrating caractures for attendees? Watch Phandroid’s Chriz Chavez – the man, the myth, the hair, the legend – have his caracture drawn using By Zero’s Studio Pen accessory on an iPad (it also works with Galaxy Tab).

The accessory is pretty darn expensive, coming in at $149.99, but it unlocks a whole realm of potential and possibilities for folks wanting a deeper/different experience with their tablet. I can see a boat load of opportunity for integrating this functionality into various apps and situations, and the pen has a naturally great feel that emulates a pencil and paper. In the above video, we’re told it’s actually working in conjunction Adobe software.

One nice touch of Studio Pen is something they call “Palm rejection”. No… we’re not talking about the thing that happened when the Pre and Touchpad were launched, we’re talking about how the pen/tablet won’t incorrectly react when your drawing/writing hand press onto the screen. Studio Pen uses ultrasound and infrared technologies along with advanced algorithms and lots of front-end options, bells and whistles.

One place I think By Zero could use some help is their branding. Their brand names and products are quite indistinguishable as they’ve got an XO logo (seen left), call the Studio Pen their Natural Handwriting Solution, list it as “Design byzero”, have the software which is Studio Basic/MAO Basic/MAO Pro, and have a website at which leads you to Facebook. Confusing to say the least; I’d prefer to see one powerful and recognizable brand name reign supreme over these marketing fragments.

If you’re in the market for a tablet that can be used with a stylus, perhaps you needn’t look for the perfect Stylus equipped tablet. StudioPen on the Galaxy Tab or iPad offers a compelling solution that, as you can see, is pretty fun.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. wow this is awesome.

  2. I’m a tiny bit in love with Chris :)

    1. DITTO

      1. I honestly think the caricature is better looking than I am in real life. Lol

  3. “Your turn” she said… where’s the other drawing ? ^^

    1. I wasn’t having any of it. VETOED! Although I caught a lot of heat for not sitting.

  4. where can you buy this? and how does the adapter work with the Galaxy Tab?

  5. Chris you rule. Nerds with swag, thats where its at right ther..

  6. Why does he have boobs.

    1. They’re moobs o_O

  7. I’ve been waiting for this. But did she say a pressure sensitive version will be coming next year? That’s the only reason I was considering the Lenovo Thinkpad despite its lagginess. I read the iPad will have to be jailbroken for pressure sensitivity to be possible.

  8. I like it! It reminds me of the street artists in San Francisco (and now in San Jose apparently) who charge a ridiculous amount of money.

  9. Chris, go get rid of the moobs. :(

    1. Workin’ on it, brah.

  10. It’s a nice idea but it looked laggy to me. Better would surely be a table with the converged capacitive/resistive screen as resistive screens work better with a stylus or alternatively add whatever technology wacom use in their drawing tablets.

    1. Yeah. Laggy is not good. Maybe it is because it is an iPad

  11. I think he gave you tits????

    1. Or maybe I ASKED for them? o_O

  12. Make it $30 with natural handwriting recognition like Microsoft used to have and I’ll buy it. Otherwise, it will be a fail. Just like the HTC Flyer’s Scribe pen that was significantly less expensive.

  13. Nice rack!

  14. They left off the hobbit feet…

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