
CyanogenMod 7 Alpha Builds Now Available for HTC EVO 3D, Sensation


CyanogenMod 7 has been made available in the form of early alpha builds for the HTC EVO 3D and HTC Sensation. While the ROMs are only in the early stages — these are the first CM7 public releases for the two handsets — word is that both are stable and functional enough to serve as your daily driver. Those who have used HTC’s unlock tool will have to backtrack a bit, as the ROM requires S-Off for installation on the EVO 3D and Sensation, something the official method does not provide. You can find the new releases over at the XDA links found below.

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[via XDA (EVO 3D), XDA (Sensation)]

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  1. Chris Chavez has probably already flashed it :)

    1. Wonder if Keven reads phandroid.com?


  2. Running flawlessly on my Sensation 4G. This is what I’ve been waiting for.

  3. Wait, how do official HTC unlock users “bactrack? ” I was under the impression that the HTC unlock updates the hboot to 1.5 that cannot go s-off. How can that be backtracked?

    1. I think if you do some magical RUU stuff with the whozits and the whatzits you can get back to a bootloader prior to 1.5

  4. Yea whoever wrote this article must’ve been high. “Those who have used HTC’s unlock tool will have to backtrack a bit, as the ROM requires S-Off for installation” Ummm doesnt the official unlock from HTC turn S-off? Backtrack…

    1. No the official unlock DOES NOT, I REPEAT, DOES NOT give S-off. You still have S-on, but you are unlocked to do a few things. Flashing kernels is not one of them. So in short, you should have used revolution to unlock your phone instead of HTC’s half azzed method.

      1. Revolution does not provide an unlock method for the newest update.

        1. I know, thats why I said people should have used revolution INSTEAD of Htcs method. If you took an update with the intention of rooting, sorry but thats on you.

          1. It was updated when I got it. Had to return the one I had before because of screen yellowing. Kinda sucks.

          2. Actually there is a work around that does it just fine, instructions can be found on htcevohacks.com.

  5. My sensation is flying through everything. It’s good to be back on a fast rom :)

  6. Runs great on my Tmous sensation but the wifi calling does not work on this build..

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