
Got Your DROID Bionic Yet? [Forum Talk]


Yesterday, one of our readers was somehow able to grab a Motorola DROID Bionic. Many responded with kind jealousy, inquiring where they themselves might be able to acquire one. Well, no one really has to worry about all that now as, if you haven’t heard, it’s now available in-store.

With that, did you buy your DROID Bionic yet? If not, when are you planning on getting one? I should note that this question is being posed to those who actually have plans to buy the Bionic, so those who don’t need not apply. Anyway, there’s a thread full of excited people over at the DROID Bionic sections of AndroidForums.com so go ahead and join them!

[polldaddy poll=5487985]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

[Update: Probably Not]: Is This the Nexus Prime? [Photo]

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  1. Love it. So far the issue with the pentile display is not that big of an issue (coming from an x). I have the extended battery so a little more weighty. Have to see how long it lasts on charge. So far no complaints.

    1. To anyone with the Bionic, if you turn the screen sideways, the pentile screen doesn’t actually look bad at all.

      1. It does not look bad on mine no matter how i hold it. I have 20/20 vision and im not seeing what people are bitching about. yes if you hold the phone up to your face you can see little dots. big deal. who holds a phone to their face? Exactly. I love my phone so far.

        1. I love it as well, but I have really REALLY good vision, so I see the patterning.

          1. I guess now that im super analyzing my screen I see what your talking about. But really you gotta be looking for it. In any event it does not bother me.

          2. Bionic, to be honest that broke the sale for me. I get it may not be huge to some people, but to me it was enough to wait a month or 2. At many times the text looked like it was chewed up, and it has an overall textured/screen door effect going on. It’s still an awesome phone but I’m very meticulous when it comes to my screens.

            Besides it’s an Atrix, which is 6 months old.

          3. I wouldnt call it an atrix there are many differences. And hey we all have our needs and wants. Some people love motorola cuz of the hardware accept the screens. Others would love Samsung and deal with a crappy gps signal. Others like HTC and dont mind replacing it every year cuz they break easy. Every phone has a downfall.

  2. Wow 60 votes and no comments? Anyway I want this thing, but it’s a bit too pricy for me right now. I figure I’ll wait a few months till the next big phones come out then pick it up when the price drops by about $100.

    1. $100 online rebate from Verizon and it’s only $199 from Amazon.

      1. $199 With a new contract, best I can get it for is $249. That’s still a bit high for me at the moment.

        1. 199 at letstalk.com

          1. Thanks for the tip, my trigger finger is now itching.

      2. $100 rebate requires trade-in and new phone is subject to $35/line activation fee. Forget it.

  3. Ive had the Droid X and I upgraded today to the Bionic, and I love everything except the display, the screendoor effect is noticable especially on grays darker colors. Also the Bezel is r recessed enough to catch dust which isnt a killee its annoying enough. Im going to give it a few days though.

  4. I’m loving it so far. I’m coming from the OG Droid so I’m not used to my phone being screaming fast. It’s big but it fairly light compared to my old phone. I can see what people are saying about the screen… it’s not the best I’ve seen. That screen door effect can be a bit annoying but 90% of the time I’m not seeing it. I tried out a couple games and I’m impressed with what the phone can throw around on screen with no effort. Very nice so far.

  5. Waiting patiently until next week when the shipment comes!

  6. Just out of curiosity, considering the galaxy S II has been announced and the Prime is probably about a month away from being released, why did you guys choose to go with the Bionic?

    1. Well, there isn’t a Galaxy S2 that’s not a slider coming, and the Prime could come much later. Plus, the Costco deal is just too great to pass up.

    2. Because it’s not a Samsung :P

    3. Cuz ive always loved motorola phones. And ive been waiting since July. And the Prime’s release date isnt confirmed. Just look at the Bionic’s many release dates.

    4. Because I want to. Sometimes it is that simple….

    5. thanks for the responses guys, not criticizing your decisions at all was just curious.

  7. I would caution against letstalk/ wirefly, they are run by simplexity that is an aweful horrible company, they will only let you choose from a select list of plans, then you may not change that plan for 6 months, if you do you do you are hit with your own early termination fee from them.

    1. You can choose to keep your own plan. Also I got a T-Mo phone through wirefly and then changed my plan 3 weeks later. It’s been about two months now and no word of an ETF from wirefly.

  8. i should have waited to get it at my store but i ordered online and now i have to wait :(

  9. I got to costco at 10am and was 5th in line at the kiosk. They had received 6 that morning. So far I love it, the screen isn’t great but the phone is silky smooth. The accessory bundle is a great deal.

    1. if you dont mind me asking, did you purchase yours in arizona? or did all Costcos only get 6?

      1. It seems like they all got 6. Mine in northern cali got 6 and they sold out quick they said. While I’m waiting for the prime, it’s still cool to see this phone doing well

  10. Bionic is lame….MOPHO ALL THE WAY

  11. Mopho all the way….bionic is lame

  12. First phone to really make me envious. sorry mr. infuse

  13. @jacob. I got my phone in California, san diego. He said tomorrow they were expecting a large shipment via fedex. Im not sure about other stores

  14. how about an option for “No, it’s not on my carrier”

  15. what do you guys think about getting the bionic and taking advantage of verizon’s 30-day exchange policy when the prime comes out? any reason that wouldnt work?

    1. I believe they changed their return policy to 14days

      1. Yes it is now 14 days. However Costco has a 90 day return policy.

  16. Wouldn’t pay $100 for that phone, was at verizon today and I have to say they did a poor job on that phone. Beside the cheap feel and the processor not being all that great for dual core the UI is just a little revision of the X. Overall very displeased.

  17. Upgraded from Droid X….Lovin it so far

  18. I went to Costco to get the bundle. Fed Ex lost the shipment. The guy at the booth said to just keep calling. 5 of us said we were camping out at the both until it was confirmed the shipment was truly lost. The store assistant general manager came over and took out names and numbers. She told the guy at the both “When the phones come in, these 5 get them. No other reserves.” About an hour later, I got the call to come pick up my Bionic.

    Each Costco that got an order was only allowed 15. My Costco only got 6. With 5 reserved by the manager for us campers, they only had 1 for sale which disappeared instantly.

    Thanks to a kind manager, I’m now the owner of a new Bionic. I spent all night setting it up.

  19. Walmart’s website has this for $199 if your looking for a deal guys!!!

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