
Second Wave Of HP TouchPads May Be Taken By Existing Orders


If you were hoping to get another chance at snagging the ridiculously cheap HP TouchPad during their second wave of production — you may not want to get your hopes up. In an email sent out by HP’s Small and Medium Business division, HP’s motivation for the second wave of production is mainly to fulfill orders from existing customers who had placed orders for the TouchPads before HP realized they were out of stock. Seems these folks will have first dibs on the second wave with the leftovers hopefully trickling down to the rest of us. HP will fulfill these existing orders at the (ridiculously low) discounted price and plans to begin production in 6-8 weeks. Check out the full email below.[Electronista via Pre-Central]

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Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. “We has cheap touchpads being made again! Yays!”

    week or so later

    “But you arent entitled to buy any! Trolololol!”


  3. We already knew this.

  4. I bought from HP and it was a mistake. I get a call from my card company every 3-4 days because they keep reauthorizing the transaction. Fricking run the dam card once when you plan to ship like most other companies. To keep getting calls from my credit card asking if it is ok, is getting annoying. They have run 6 authorizations for one purchase. Bunch of monkeys running that company.

  5. Got my email today. I ran mine through on saturday and I was wondering what was taking so long.
    Maybe this is why they are making more.

  6. This letter is contradictory to the FAQs posted by Mark Budgell a week ago. It said any small and medium business orders placed after 4am ct Aug 22nd were cancelled due to lack of inventory and if your order wasn’t cancelled your touchpad would ship by Aug 24th.

    1. Be that as it may, I think we would have heard by now about TouchPads shipping on August 24th. It is now September 7th…

      1. Wow thanks captain obvious my point was that Mark Budgell claimed all SMB touchpads would be done shipping by Aug 24. Now if you look at the email Conrad posted they said it would ship in a couple of weeks, that’s a huge difference from the 6-8weeks the letter in this article claims.

  7. I got this e-mail on Friday for my 2 orders, YMMV:

    From: “HPCall, (Cos)”
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: HP Small and Medium Business Customer
    Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 22:48:18 +0100 (09/02/2011 02:48:18 PM)

    Dear Mr/Mrs XXXXXX XXX,

    Thank you for your interest in webOS and the HP TouchPad order ZZZZZZZ.

    The response to our price reduction has been overwhelming – both in terms of volume and in the energy and enthusiasm it has generated in our customers.

    It has taken us longer than anticipated to work through the high volume of orders that were received. We apologize for any uncertainty this caused, but we are now in a position to understand our ability to fulfill your order.

    Your order will be fulfilled at the discounted price. As we sold out of our existing stock very quickly, we are in the process of re-allocating stock to SMB customers. We should receive this stock within 2 weeks, at which time your order will then ship with free ground shipping. You will receive a shipping notification with a tracking number once your order has shipped. We apologize that these timelines are longer than indicated on the website at time of purchase.

    At the significantly reduced price, the HP TouchPad does not qualify for our standard 30 day return policy and is not returnable.

    If you used a credit card for your purchase: Please check the expiration date of the card used for your TouchPad purchase. If it is set to expire within the next 2 weeks, you will need to contact HP immediately to update the expiration or provide a new card number. You can call 1-800-888-0292, opt 3 to speak to an SMB representative or you can send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “CREDIT CARD CALL-BACK.” Please provide the name on the order, the HP order number and a phone number where you can be reached, and a Customer Service Representative will call you back to update the credit card information. Also note that the credit card used for the purchase will be charged at the time of shipment.

    If this delay is not acceptable and you wish to cancel your order: Please send an email to [email protected] with your instructions for cancellation within a week. Be sure to include your HP order number and the name and ship-to address on the order. Also please indicate clearly if this is the only order requiring cancellation or if you wish all orders in your name to be canceled. You will receive an automated cancel notification when your order cancellation request has been processed. Please be aware, however, that cancellations cannot be reversed, and our US SMB store has sold out of HP TouchPad and will not make any further available for sale.

    We are pleased that we will be able to fulfill your order and look forward to you joining the exciting community of webOS!

    Your HP Small and Medium Business Team

  8. Ok they will fill the backorders, I can’t believe they have 200,000 back orders. If you filled out the form to be notified by email/phone was this really because you won’t get to purchase one but you can get the discount to purchase another product.

  9. I am blaming HP for not setting a limit on all orders online it at a store to either 1-2 per customer. I’m sorry but selling 30-40 to a customer so he cab put it on eBay is really a bunch of balony and unfair! Shame on HP for letting this get out of control!

    1. Shame on you for misspelling bologna. :P

  10. Like a lot of people, I had to forgo a number of opportunities to purchase an HP Touchpad because I already had a commitment to HP to buy one from them. I will be the last to defend the profiteers. There’s a special play in Hell for them. But it is only right for HP to fill those original orders first. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they reduced any orders greater than one, however.

  11. HP can go suck an egg with this whole TP fiasco!

    I was one of the schmucks that was F5’ing the HP store pages every hour for that entire week that they were leading us on with promises of more stock coming.

    Seriously, how were they not able to track crates of TPs? Did they ship it USPS with no tracking or what? Pathetic.

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